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Chapter 1058: Boy, play a game!

"I'm not willing! I'm not willing! I want to go against the sky!"

Fang Qi, suspected of being the "protagonist", came to the ancestral house in the mountains. His humiliation and unwillingness made him growl in anger.


As he descended the steps, he stepped into the air with his feet, and bumped his head against an old mottled statue.

The blood on his forehead infiltrated the statue, "Tianxin Qisha Sword" recognized the master, and a strange encounter appeared.

"Does this work?"

Li Yu opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

In Li Yu's observation, it seems that everything is connected into a line. Every accident is like a buckle on a chain, loop by loop, connecting all the accidents together becomes inevitable.

"This is the role of luck? It's like a line that connects all chances together?"

Looking up to the sky, a dark cloud floated on the sky.

"It seems ... something interesting is going to happen!"

Seeing this dark cloud, Li Yu blinked and smiled.

"Well ..."

The magic weapon recognizes the Lord, and the sword is full of anger.

A deep black light rushed into the sky, and the sharp sword qi shook the clouds.

The dark cloud before it floated towards Fang's ancestral house under the turbulence of the sword.

"Huh? That's ... Baoguang Chongxiao? The magic weapon was born?"

On the other cliff opposite Fangfu's ancestral house, a figure shrouded in a black robe was startled by this sword qi, and turned his head with a shocked look.

"The magic weapon is born? Why are there such opportunities?"

The figure in the black robe overjoyed, and drove Wu Guang to rush to Fang's ancestral home.

The black light fell, and the figure in the black robe saw the broken statue and the treasures exposed in the statue, and even saw that Fang Qi's forged body and soul-cultivation were not completed, and he was just an ordinary person.

"It's so precious, isn't it a pearl that falls into your mortal hands? Sure enough, this is my chance!"

The figure in the black robe rushed up with a big laugh, reached out and waved, and a strong wind rushed out, directly flying Fang Qi out.

"Dangyu", "Tianxin Qisha Sword" fell to the ground.

With Fang Qi's power, the algorithm treasure actively recognizes the Lord and cannot be used at all. There was no resistance at all in the face of this black robe practitioner.

It seems ... Fang Qi, the "protagonist" 's way of going against the sky, is over?

"Xuanri dominates the true spirit jade book? Magic sword Tianxin Qisha sword? It really is a peerless opportunity!"

Put the Xuanri Domination Real Spirit Jade Book into her arms, reach out and grab the Tianxin Qisha Sword, the figure of Heipao laughed loudly.

"No! This is my chance! This is mine!"

Fang Qi roars angry!

"Your? Why is it yours? You're just an ant!"

The figure in the black robe raised the "Tianxin Qisha Sword" high. "This kind of treasure is only worthy of me! You ... destiny!"

At this moment, Fang Qi has fallen into despair!

Peerless treasure that has just arrived, was taken away in a blink of an eye, and the chance of being against the sky has been lost!

"Ah! I'm not willing! I want to go against the sky!"

Not willing! unyielding! Not convinced! Fang Qi's angry roar!

"Not willing? Against the sky? The ants, letting you die under the magic weapon is a reward for your discovery of treasure!"

Heipao people sneered and waved "Tianxin Qisha Sword" and slashed at Fang Qi!


Something terrible happened! Something unexpected happened!


At the moment when the man in black robe wielded his sword, a thunder came down, and the dazzling electric light split down along the long sword raised high.

"Well ..."

The electric snake moved, and the black robe man shivered violently, screaming, and fell to the ground.

In the sky, a dark cloud drifted slowly ...

"Sure enough! Sure enough! It's so fun!"

Li Yu almost laughed out, "Because of fate, everything is possible! Haha! It's so fun!"

Luck is so wonderful!

The magic weapon was born, shaking the clouds and bringing the dark cloud over the sky. Then, when the man in the black robe waved the "Tianxin Qisha Sword", under the induction of Qi, the Tianxin Qisha sword triggered the Thunder.

Therefore, Fang Qi, the son of luck, won such a big victory!

"The power of luck is to change some things in a certain direction? Like a magnet that attracts some things and changes in a certain direction?"

Judging from the current observations, the force of air transport seems to be a "magnet". Attract things in a certain direction.

However, this change is not absolute.

If this man in black robes wins, it is really possible to break this set.

"Ha ha ha ha! I won! I won! My Fang Qi was destined for it! I really was the destined protagonist of the era!"

Fang Qi saw the situation in front of him, and then hesitated for a moment, then laughed aloud, laughter ... Zhang Yang and domineering, proud and crazy!

"How dare it be against me? Deserve it!"

Stepped forward, reached out to pick up the Tianxin Qisha sword, Fang Qi kicked the man in the black robe, raised the sword, and cut it off.

"Ah? Is it a woman?"

With one kick, the hood on the head of the black robe was scattered, revealing a beautiful and pretty face.

"Don't pretend to be dead!"

The icy sword pointed at the throat of the man in black robe, Fang Qi sneered, "Give a vow of cause and effect, and become the servant of my son. My son spares your life. Otherwise, he will not be cut. Surrender or die?"


The Heipao people came to their heads soberly, but the thunder caused the soul to be damaged ~ ~ They could not cast any spells at all, and there was no resistance in front of Fang Qi.

"My son's destiny is returned. It is not impossible to promote Jin Dan in the future, even Yuanshen. Follow me and won't let you suffer."

Fang Qilang shouted loudly, and the "Qinglong in the abyss" gas luck above his head rushed, and the splendid gas luck became a huge cloud.

The "flying dragon in the sky" pattern has already appeared.

Being overwhelmed by this luck, Qingyun, the woman in the black robe only felt that the boy in front of her had become brilliant and shored up, remembering the scene when he was about to kill him, but was bombarded by Tian Lei.

"I ... I promised!"

The woman in the black robe nodded and promised that the trend of "beautiful backwards" was apparent.

Fang Qi's glorious luck seemed to have received another boost, which shone even brighter.

"Is this the 'trend'? The general trend is exactly where the destiny comes! Keep forming a 'trend', and the stronger the luck, the stronger it will be."

Li Yu watched for a while, nodded, and an idea came up in his heart, "If ... this trend is weakened? Will it reduce luck?"

Luck is definitely not static. Everything in the world is evolving and changing. Nothing is eternal.

Therefore, luck is bound to rise and fall.

"Boy, let's play a game!"

The cause and effect vow of this world is witnessed by the cause and effect ancestor Tao Liuli Lord. However, Li Yu also has "causes of various effects"!

When the woman in the black robe made a vow of cause and effect, Li Yu could naturally move her hands and feet.

"When this woman in black robes discovers that her causal vows are unconstrained ... what would you do? Really looking forward to it!"

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