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Chapter 1036: It's so stupid that you do n’t die

"Taoyou stay!"

Xie Fangwei called out and fell in front of Du Bai.

"Why? This isn't out of Yingke Island, so we should start?"

Du Bai stared at Xie Fangwei coldly, holding the Feijian tightly.

If the Penglai faction really wants to be a black hand, it can only be desperate! However, the behavior style of the Penglai School should not be like this.

"Dao You joked."

Xie Fangwei shook his head. "Taoyou, I came to inform Dao Mo by the order of Uncle Mo. Uncle Mo said that the Meng family did not have such power and the Penglai faction was not their final decision."

"So it is!"

Du Bai naturally understood this meaning. Mo Yuan was telling him that Du Bai would join the Penglai faction, and Mo Yuan would naturally take care of it without worrying about the revenge of the Meng family.

"It's a pity ... missed Penglai from now on!"

Waving his hand, Du Baichao Xie Fangwei said, "I was planning to go to Weizhou to participate in the Weizhou Fa Conference. This time I came to the Penglai Fa Conference to open our eyes and grow our knowledge. I did not expect to cause such things. It's shameless. "


After hearing this, Xie Fangwei couldn't say anything.

Penglai Weizhou is like a family. However, the disciples have families. People wanted to worship Weizhou, but they were robbed by you Penglai. If this happened, neither face would look good.

"Since Taoists want to worship Weizhou, it is not easy to stay in poverty, but ... this journey to Weizhou is a long way, so Daoyou must be careful."

Xie Fangwei bowed his hand to Du Bai, a meaningful reminder.

"Thank you friends!"

Du Bai naturally knew that the Meng family would strike him, but he did not know when the Meng family would strike.

Within the Penglai faction, the Meng family might be nothing. But for Du Bai, the Meng family is a behemoth.

Compared with the Meng family, Du Bai ’s current cultivation is different.

"Dare to ask Tianfang Taoyou, I don't know who your Meng children are? In addition, your master Jindan, wouldn't you go out and walk at will?"

From Xie Fangwei's words just now, it seems that he and the Meng family are not the same. Worried that the Meng family would retaliate, Du Bai naturally wanted to inquire about the strength of the Meng family.

"For a long time to come, the monks of this sect's soul period and above are all working on hidden roads and will not go out easily."

The Penglai School got nine ways, not only Master Jindan, but also the true disciples during the period of soul and soul, are rebuilding the true method and consolidating the foundation.

Therefore, the meaning of Xie Fangwei's words was to tell Du Bai that even if the Meng family would retaliate, there were no monks above the soul.

"Is that so?"

Du Bai was also relieved. As long as it is not an irresistible enemy such as the spirit soul and Jin Dan, other people will not be able to cope if they retaliate.

"Of the Meng family's outstanding students, only one inner disciple, Meng Yu, tasted it. He is a practitioner in the deflation period."

Xie Fangwei smiled and bowed his hand. "The poor said goodbye. Dao You, be careful on the way."

With that said, Xie Fangwei drove back to the high stage with Qi Guang.

"He didn't come back?"

Mo Yuan saw Xie Fangwei returning alone, with some surprises.

"Du Baidao's friends are in Weizhou, and the disciples are not good enough to stay."

"Yizhou ... don't stay strong!"

Mo Yuan sighed, "A good seed, cheap Yanzhou Pie!"

"It's a rare uncle to praise a person. He must want to accept him as an apprentice. If the boy knew that he had missed this opportunity, he would have repented."

"Less the fart!"

Mo Yuan waved his hand and sent Xie Fangwei to go down, and said secretly: "Du Bai, and that Shi Xuan, they all have the marks left by the predecessors of the Pirates of Pizhou in Weizhou, presumably very extraordinary. Yeah, one by one, theft "People who are optimistic about Quanzi cannot always be accepted by us."

This is the difference between top grade Jindan and lower grade Jindan. It is also Master Jindan. Only Mo Yuan can recognize the marks left by Pirates of the Spring. Meng Li didn't even know who stole it.

As for possible revenge by the Meng family, Mo Yuan grinned and waved a rune, "Wuzhou Mingqin Fairy is still in Penglai! Those of you in Zhouzhou will naturally take care of you."

Du Bai didn't know that there were a lot of people behind him.

"Listening to Xie Fangwei, the Meng family wants to take revenge on me, at best it is not to send Meng Yu to taste. However, a monk during the deflation period cannot be underestimated."

Raising the "Yuehua Sword" in Yang's hands, Du Bai sneered, "Yuehua Sword that fell from the spiritual artifact fits my" Tain Yinxian Yuedao "very well, and I can now also exert the power of top quality magic instruments .Let's see how powerful monks are during the deflation period. "

Although "no fake foreign objects", Du Bai is not a pedantic person, facing the threat of life and death, but still guarding "no fake foreign objects", that is, his brain is sick.

"Do not fake foreign objects" is "Dao", in front of you with "Yuehua Sword" to meet the enemy, that is "surgery." This is the true way of the avenue with the "Tao" system.

"Weizhou Island is still far from here. To reach Weizhou, we can only pass by the teleport array of Mingyuefang."

Driving up the light, Du Bai rose into the air and hurried towards Mingyuefang.

Yingke Island is thousands of miles away from Mingyuefang. When I came here, I took the light boat of Ming Qingyue and naturally arrived soon.

However, Du Bai is now flying in Luguang, and can only fly more than 200 miles at a time, and he will land and recover.

"Since this time, I have also learned about the strength of the monk who is known to be an expert. They fly at a time, no more than a hundred miles at a time. My strength is more than double that of the monk who is known to be an expert."

There was a sneer on Du Bai's face. "The people of the Meng family will come to take revenge, only on the road from Yingke Island to Mingyuefang. Once I arrive at Mingyuefang, I will rush to Weizhou through the teleportation array, and they will not Opportunity. "

Fei Fei was less than a hundred miles away, and Du Bai chose a reef above the surface of the sea and fell down to restore his vitality.

People of the Meng family are likely to retaliate, and they must always be full of vitality ~ ~ Otherwise, they are trying to kill themselves.

Flying so fast, every few tens of miles, Du Bai fell down to restore vitality.

Sometimes, there is no suitable landing place on the surface of the sea. Du Bai put a wooden board and floated on the surface of the sea. He would rather walk a little distance, delay some time, and keep his body full of energy at any time.

"Are you here? I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

When Du Baifei walked for more than five hundred miles and landed on an uninhabited island, ready to restore his vitality, Meng Yu sneered and appeared in front of Du Bai.

"Five hundred miles away, your furthest flight is only sixty miles. This kind of strength dares to offend our Meng family, and I really don't know whether to live or die."

Meng Yu tasted a sneer with a sullen expression on his face, "You land now, you want to recover your vitality? When your vitality is exhausted, you are no different from a mortal. I can pinch you at will! Boy, remember not to provoke you in your next life Amazing person! "

There was a flash of aura in his fingertips, Meng Yu tasted and waved at Du Bai.

It's easy and easy!

In Meng Yu's opinion, a degenerate monk who has run out of energy has not just run away and died?


"Well ..."

A sword whistle rose into the sky, Yueguang's Jianguang took the cold and sharp chill, tearing the sky and cutting the sky.

Sword bowed!

Meng Yu did not understand death, why a monk who had exhausted his vitality could still control the top quality magic weapon!

"The message that the enemy deliberately exposed to you, do you believe it? Stupidly, who will die if you don't die?"

With a wave of his hand, Meng Yu's corpse was collected into Yujian, and Du Bai drove up to the light, desperately racing!

Meng Yushan was killed, but this was Penglai's disciple. No matter from which angle, if you don't run, you will be caught by Penglai, that is a dead end!

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