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Chapter 1003: Open another avenue in this world

"Yu Yutian" is a world opened by Yu Yu Taoists.

After Yu Yu's testimony testified eternally, he broke away from this side of the world, and there was no trace.

Many years later, a group of "Golden Immortals" in the realm of battle, in order to compete for the avenue, fought a war and penetrated this "Yu Yutian".

The devastating energy storm caused great damage and almost completely destroyed the Yu Yutian practice world.

This is the ancient ruin of "Yu Yutian".

The heavenly treasure "Shenxiao Palace" left by the Yuyu Taoists, that giant tower, desperately suppressed the violent storm of destruction, which allowed "Yuyutian" to recover some vitality.

Since the great destruction of the ancient times, the "Yu Yutian" practice world has recovered a few points, and many practice schools have been reborn.

It is a pity that ancient times were destroyed and many inheritances were cut off. As a result, there are not many people in the "Yu Yutian" practice world, even in the "Goddess" realm of the second stage of practice.

"Achievement is eternal, detached from the world, but even his disciple Qing Yunzi hung up, Shanhezhu cheaped Shi Xuan. The world he opened up was almost blown away by others."

Li Yu stood in the void, looking at the huge hole in the middle of Yu Yutian's earth, shaking his head for a while, "I don't believe that you exist in an eternal state, and you can't see your future beyond the world. This is not intentional, Then there is a ghost! "

The Yuyu Taoist in the eternal state sees the future through at a glance. After the Yu Yu Taoist transcendence, he must be clear about the future of this "Yu Yutian".

"Is everything for Shi Xuan?"

Li Yu smiled, "I can only say that you have great potential behind the scenes!"

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Li Yu.

"This void universe has countless worlds and countless monks. However, there are only twenty-seven" Hedao "golden immortals who really stand at the pinnacle of this world."

Looking up at the void, Li Yu saw that in the endless void, twenty-seven worlds bloomed with incomparable brilliance.

"The strongest are just occupying a three-thousand avenue. Without a witness, it will be created, let alone eternal. So I have to play slowly."

There is no such thing as a real thing in this world. If Li Yu is to understand the laws of heaven and earth, to understand chaos, he can only slowly figure it out.

"I have to study the skills of Yuyu Taoists. I can't rush to gain something in this world."

With a dazzling figure, Li Yu silently came to the broken place of "Yu Yutian" and came to this giant tower.

"Is this the Tongtian Lingbao 'Shenxiao Palace' left by Yu Yudao?"

Seeing this huge and immense tower, Li Yu gave a smile on his face, "The treasure-making technique in this world is still very interesting."

The treasure-making technique of this world is the technique of forbiddenness.

On a rough piece of artifact, the prohibition is continuously superimposed, one layer after another, and the seventy-two layers of earth restraint are turned into a layer of heavenly restraint, and the artifact is refined into a spiritual artifact.

Thirty-six levels of the heavenly ban were turned into a treasure ban, and the magic weapon was refined into a magic weapon.

Then there were thirty-six Taobao bans, which turned into a spiritual ban, and the magic weapon became a Lingbao.

As for Tongtian Lingbao, it is a higher level than ordinary Lingbao.

"So ... the art of refining in this world depends on the accumulation of time and mana, so as to accumulate less and become more, and to change by quantity as quality."

More importantly, the spells in this world are also practiced this way!

Runes are superimposed layer by layer, and mana is layered layer by layer, so the change in quantity is qualitative. From ordinary spells, ascension to Taoism, and promotion to immortality, all are superimposed on such layers.

"Well, the practice of this world ... that's really boring!"

Regardless of whether it is a refiner or a practicing method, the layers of runes must be superimposed, and the mana must be superimposed.

Doing it once or twice may feel fresh. If you make it thousands of years, every day, every day, you have to superimpose amulets and mana like this, then it will really be boring to death!

The most important point is ... even if your realm is up, but your spells have not been superimposed on a sufficient level of restraint, then there is no power at all!

It ’s like, you ’re up, but you ’re not proficient enough, and it still does n’t hurt to hit people!

"Okay, thankfully I don't have to practice this!"

As long as Li Yu remembered that countless years like a day, sitting in the cave every day, constantly superimposing amulets and mana on himself, that day would be impossible!

"I just practice, I don't practice!"

For Li Yu, he does n’t need the attacking methods in this world, he just has to practice the meditation. Practicing ... it ’s so boring!

"The magic weapon of this world has another characteristic. Refining to a certain level is no different from people. Magic weapons can be practiced as well as enlightened! For example, the giant tower in front of you."

Looking up at the giant tower ahead, Li Yu saw that on the top of the giant tower, a dignified and unparalleled woman was sitting on a futon, vomiting her aura, and condensing Taoism.

Rays of light shone endlessly around the woman, electricity and light flowed, yin and yang converged.

"This is the instrument of Tongtian Lingbao 'Shenxiao Palace'!"

Li Yu saw at a glance that the cultivation of this "Shenxiao Palace Spirit" had reached the level of a half-step Jinxian, and it itself merged with "Electric Road", one of the three thousand roads.

"The way of thunder can extend the way of yin and yang, the way of destruction, the way of law, and the way of hijacking. However, she chose a basic" electricity "because ... the boss in the background ran away. , Do not dare to argue with Jinxian?

Li Yu smiled. In the future, with the help of Shi Xuan, this "mother of **** Xiaoxiao" will be reborn and rebuilt, and the "path of destruction" will be rejoined.

Therefore, he was too lazy to intervene in this matter.

"After all, Shenxiao Palace is a magic weapon refined by Yuyu Taoists. Referring to the forbidden law on 'Shenxiao Palace', and then corresponding to 'Shangqing Treasure Record', it surely follows the same vein and is clear at a glance."

This "Shenxiao Palace" is refined from "Shenxiao Tianlei Zhengfa" in "The Book of Shangqing" ~ ~ and another "Sanmai God" in "Book of Shangqing" Together, the wind and the truth constitute the way of "yin and yang change."

"Okay, I've finished watching it. By contrast, the Shangqing Lulu is completely clear!"

Li Yu has fully grasped the essence of this "Yu Yu Zhen Zhuan" by combining the banning law of "Shen Xiao Palace" and "Shang Qing Bao Lu".

"So, I also need to get myself a practice to practice and understand the laws of the world."

His body flickered, and Li Yu disappeared in an instant, and he was released from Yu Yutian.

I randomly found a place to sit down in the void, and Li Yu began to create the exercises that he needed to practice in this world.

"I've done a lot of things in the law-making. But this time, the law-making is also a summary of myself. So ..."

Li Yu looked up at the void, "So, I want to create a avenue of 'material' and 'order' in this world."

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