Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 85 Magic Pattern Core

After a long while, Sunan recovered some of his spirit and sat up.

With this movement, he immediately felt a significant difference.

Although his spirit was a little sluggish, his activity was obviously much stronger than before.

The connection with the free energy particles in the surrounding air seemed to be closer.

Surprised, Sunan quickly opened the panel.

[Sunan Yanest, human male]

[Spirit 29.51/Physique 20.15]


Star Ring Meditation Lv10 (189246/300000)

Potion Making Lv4 (1824/10000)

Biological Transformation Lv2 (1821/3000)

Puppet Refining Lv3 (2712/6000)

Magic Item Manufacturing Lv2 (1532/3000)

"Not bad, the spirit has increased by 2.06!"

Sunan showed a satisfied smile on his face.

It was worth the pain he had suffered.

The evil hallucination potion is indeed a second-level potion. Although the side effects are a bit uncomfortable, the effect is indeed very significant.

If he were to practice step by step, it would take at least seven or eight months to achieve such an increase.

"In this way, as long as the mental power increases by another 0.49, I can be promoted to a third-level wizard apprentice!"

"It will only take two months."

When he thought that he would become a third-level wizard apprentice in two months, Su Nan couldn't help but be excited.

"The physical fitness has also exceeded 20 points, almost reaching the limit of the peak knight."

The physical fitness of the peak knight is between 17 and 20.

Now Su Nan is only inferior to the peak knight in fighting spirit and combat skills.

However, he is confident that even without using spells and magic items, he can easily deal with any knight with his physical fitness and energy particle control skills.

As for the great knight, the physical fitness is usually above 30 points, and it is difficult to kill without the help of spells and magic items.

After controlling the energy particles to clean his body and clothes, Su Nan stretched and walked out of the meditation room.

As soon as he came outside, Su Nan's expression changed and he looked at the courtyard in front of him.

The void twisted for a while, and the huge body of the hidden dragon emerged out of thin air.

"Hiss!" The hidden dragon hissed in a low voice.

"I came just in time. It has been five days since the last blood transfusion. It's time to do it again."

Su Nan led the hidden dragon to the laboratory.

The concentration of dragon lizard blood in the hidden dragon's body has exceeded 80%.

As the concentration of blood increased, its appearance gradually gained some characteristics of a giant dragon.

For example, two bulges grew on its head.

A barb grew at the end of its tail.

The breath exhaled during breathing also carried a clear sense of heat, and sometimes even sparks flashed.

"It's obviously just the blood of a dragon lizard, but the characteristics of a giant dragon are more obvious than some sub-dragon species. Is it an inherent talent, or is it because it has been transformed into a magic pet?"

This doubt lingered in Su Nan's mind for a long time.

If the hidden dragon was not his magic pet, and its ability was reliable, and he was reluctant to give it up, he would have wanted to dissect the hidden dragon to study what the reason was.

"The current Hidden Dragon has the power close to that of a legendary knight. When his blood is upgraded, he will probably be able to reach the level of a second-ring legendary knight at least!"

A second-ring legendary knight is enough to compete head-on with a third-level wizard apprentice.

After exchanging blood in the laboratory, Sunan cast a coma spell on Hidden Dragon to help it sleep and rest better, and then turned and left.

A journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step.

It is the most difficult to improve the last 20% of the blood concentration of Hidden Dragon.

Not to mention the most critical step of achieving qualitative change from quantitative change.

Relying solely on blood exchange, Sunan estimates that it will take at least a year to upgrade Hidden Dragon's blood to sub-dragon blood.

Of course, there are ways to quickly increase the concentration of Hidden Dragon's blood.

The best way is naturally to fuse higher-level blood.

For example, the blood of sub-dragon species!

Sunan dare not think about dragon blood.

Let alone whether there are still giant dragons in the current Starlight Continent, even if there are, Sunan does not have the strength to draw blood from them.

That is no different from seeking death!

Dragons are famous for their natural high magic resistance. Adult dragons are immune to all spells below the third ring.

Informal wizards are not even qualified to tickle them.

Even adolescent dragons are not something that Sunan can fight now.

The Ring of Extreme Protection may not be able to withstand two or three dragon breaths.

So don't count on dragon blood.

But you can find blood from sub-dragon species.

As far as I can remember, there seem to be quite a few sub-dragon species on the Starlight Continent.

For example, various land dragons, storm dragon beasts, dragon antelopes, fairy dragons, thornback pterosaurs, etc.

Among them, dragon antelopes were often captured and trained as mounts by high-ring legendary knights during the heyday of wizards.

Perhaps there are still dragon antelopes somewhere on the Starlight Continent.

"Ask the Firefox Chamber of Commerce to help keep an eye out for information in this regard someday."

While thinking, Sunan has already arrived at the workshop.

Concentrating his thoughts, he walked to the workbench, waved his hand, and more than 20 magic items suddenly appeared on the large desktop.

After realizing that he might face a third-level wizard apprentice in the future, Sunan decided to create a completely offensive glimmer-level magic item.

After careful consideration, he finally chose a negative energy magic item.

These days, he has created more than 20 alchemical magic items.

According to previous experience, as long as one or two more pieces are made, the synthesis limit will almost be reached.

Sure enough, after creating a new magic item and putting it into the Rubik's Cube, a wizard weapon immediately appeared on the synthesis interface.

Seeing this, Sunan took out the extra magic items and then synthesized them without hesitation.

[Ring of Disaster (low light/low magic item), after activation, it can release the Claw of Disaster, causing negative energy damage to the designated target. It needs to be charged after each use before it can be used again. 】

For the magic items made this time, Sunan, as always, chose the most convenient ring style to carry around.

Looking at the Ring of Disaster on his hand, he hesitated for a while, and finally gave up the idea of ​​using the Iron Golem to test its power.

Different from the one with the Frozen Necklace, the Frozen Necklace was a large-scale attack, and with enough distance, the Steel Golem received little damage.

But the Ring of Disaster is a single-target attack, and it deals damage at close range.

Su Nan estimated that the steel golem might not be able to withstand the power of the Claw of Disaster, and he did not want to damage the only steel golem due to testing.

This thing consumed his only soul crystal.

"We can only test the specific power in actual combat."

Thinking of the steel golem, Sunan couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

Although there had been the idea of ​​synthesizing a castrated version of the steel golem before, due to the expansion of armaments and the shortage of steel, it has not been possible to take action so far.

It's still the same now.

The production capacity of the Blackstone Iron Mining Area is simply not enough to support the Flash Collar's armament expansion, and they have to buy heavily from the Firefox Chamber of Commerce to barely make up the gap.

The plan to batch-refining castrated steel golems is obviously impossible to implement in a short period of time.

"The synthesis of the gem soul core also failed. As expected, we still have to find a way to acquire the technology to create soul crystals."

Sunan thought secretly.

The Firefox Chamber of Commerce has been helping him collect various wizarding books in the past two years. Unfortunately, there are very few that can be put to immediate use. It only enriches his knowledge base.

"The Firefox Chamber of Commerce's sphere of influence only covers the Principality of Jinghua and the Principality of Stars. Other countries are almost blank. Perhaps it is time to find a second partner in other countries and expand the search scope."

After coming out of the workshop, Sunan went straight to the library.

This is a place he specially set aside to store wizarding books, covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters.

However, there are currently only four or five bookshelves filled with books, which seems a bit empty.

However, Sunan believes that sooner or later the entire library will be filled with books.

Walking into the library, Sunan came to one of the bookshelves and reached out to take down a book.

On the violet hard cover, there are four big words written - "Magic Pattern Core"!

It sounds like this book was left behind by Amy’s master.

When he first got it, Su Nan thought it was the type of knowledge related to magic items.

But after reading through it later, I discovered that it was actually a knowledge related to magic tattoos.

Like energy runes, magic tattoos are also a branch of enchantment.

It can draw specific spells in the shape of tattoos on the surface of the human body, and only need to inject a little mental power to activate them instantly during combat.

It is equivalent to storing a spell in the human body that can be cast instantly without chanting a spell.

It is a very practical skill for wizard apprentices who have not mastered instant spell casting.

Drawing a few more magic tattoos of defensive spells on your body will provide you with more security during battle.

But magic tattoos are not without their flaws.

One is that the area to draw magic tattoos is not small and cannot be covered by hair. Even if all the hair on the body is shaved, only five to six magic tattoos can be drawn at most.

Areas covered by clothing are fine, but if it is exposed areas such as the arms, head, and neck, the magic tattoos drawn can easily be seen by the opponent, thus allowing the opponent to take precautions in advance.

The other is that drawing magic tattoos is extremely difficult, and the prerequisite is Level 3 [Magic Item Creation].

The vast majority of wizard apprentices cannot meet this requirement.

Su Nan actually thought about drawing magic tattoos before, but unfortunately his skill level was not up to standard, so he had to give up.

As for now, there is no need for it.

After being promoted to the third level wizard apprentice, he will be able to train metamagic skills.

As long as you master the instant spell, the effect of magic tattoos will be infinitely reduced.

Moreover, there are rune engravings and alchemical engravings on top of the magic tattoo.

He prefers rune engravings and alchemical imprints that are more effective than magic tattoos.

After gathering his thoughts, Sunan looked at the book in his hand.

The author of the book is Rupat Bevin, an official wizard.

The core of the magic pattern was researched by him, and it is a comprehensive application of magic tattoos.

To put it simply, the principle is to blend together the magic tattoos corresponding to multiple spells, and use the magic tattoo as a medium to combine the effects of multiple spells to form a new and more powerful spell effect.

The entire first half of the book is about how Rupat Bevin researched the magic pattern core, as well as the principle and structure of the magic pattern core.

The second half explains the magic pattern core he developed called [Liquid Silver].

According to the description in the book, [Liquid Silver] can release metallic fluid when activated. It has ever-changing characteristics and can be used for both defense and offense depending on its changing form. It is an extremely practical magic weapon that is both offensive and defensive. Tattoo core.

Its power is no less than the natural ability of a formal wizard!

However, Sunan has reservations about this statement.

The innate abilities of formal wizards are often the killer moves and trump cards of each wizard, and they are powerful.

Sunan does not believe that the magic pattern core can reach this level.

However, judging from the content of the book, even if there is exaggeration, it will not be too much.

This magic pattern core named [Liquid Silver], even if it is only half the power of the wizard's innate ability, is also an incredible powerful ability for a wizard apprentice!

When he first saw this, Sunan was very excited.

It was not until he saw the refining method of the magic pattern core that he suppressed his eagerness to try.

The magic pattern core is essentially a special magic item, and the refiner must have a certain [Magic Item Manufacturing] skill.

Although the book does not clearly state the specific skill level, it is clear that it must be higher than the prerequisite requirements of magic tattoos.

That is, [Magic Item Manufacturing] must reach at least level 4.

And Sunan's [Magic Item Manufacturing] is only level 2 now, and he is still halfway away from level 3.

Secondly, refining [Liquid Silver] requires a lot of materials.

The main materials include eighty-nine kinds of metals, more than two-thirds of which are rare magic metals, such as mithril, meteorite iron, etc.

Sunan estimated that many metals can no longer be found on the current Starlight Continent, and can only try to synthesize substitutes through the magic cube.

This is undoubtedly a time-consuming and long project.

Finally, the fusion of the magic pattern core will put a great burden on the body of the fusionist, so the fusionist must have the mental level of a third-level wizard apprentice and the physical level of a junior knight at the same time.

In other words, both the mental and physical fitness must reach more than 30 points.

The requirements are not harsh.

"Now I am just a little short of the standard in mental strength, and the rest of the skills, materials and physical fitness are still far from it."

Sunan is a little regretful.

If he can refine the magic pattern core and fuse it into his body, he will not be afraid even if he faces a third-level wizard apprentice.

However, although it is impossible to refine it now, we can start preparations.

For example, the eighty-nine kinds of metal materials can be collected now, or substitutes can be studied.

After putting the books back to their original places, Sunan found a few books that he had not read yet and put them into the space ring, then left the library.

After a busy day, it was already getting late.

The sunset glow in the sky radiated through half of the sky, and the wispy cirrostratus clouds seemed to be burning, transitioning from a bright golden line on the horizon to the purple above the head and then gradually turning to dark blue, all the way to the east to become a drowsy gloom.

"It looks like there will be good weather next."

Sunan stretched his body and felt that the discomfort left by the "evil illusion" just now had dissipated a lot, so he walked towards the meditation room and prepared to continue his daily homework.

Now he still uses super-powered potions and divine blood amber to assist meditation.

However, with the growth of mental power, the effects of these two are gradually decreasing.

Super-powered potions are easy to deal with. After being promoted to a third-level wizard apprentice, he will be able to bear the third-level potion, and then synthesize a higher-level potion.

But the divine blood amber is a bit troublesome.

If he wants to continue to "upgrade" the God Blood Amber, he needs to get more raw materials.

However, this thing is the treasure of the Spark Cult, and the other party will obviously not be so kind to give it to him.

Su Nan guessed that the people of the Spark Cult should have discovered that he was the one who did the Shizhong City incident, and they are probably planning how to get the God Blood Amber back.

"But even if they don't come to me, I will settle accounts with them sooner or later."

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