Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 22 Attacking the Tribe

The Red Horn Wilderness is a wasteland located more than 200 kilometers north of Black Rock City.

There are few plants and water sources in the wasteland. There are only many rugged rocks shaped like red horns, which is why the name of the Red Horn Wilderness comes from this.

Due to the harsh environment, there are no other intelligent biological groups in the Red Horn Wilderness except the Black Scale Lizardmen.

It is precisely because it is difficult to find enough food in the Red Horn Wilderness that every winter, the Black Scale Lizardmen invade the territory of Black Rock City to plunder enough food for the winter and consume too many tribal populations.

Black Rock City hates this barbaric race that is predatory and brings disaster to Black Rock City every year.

Therefore, when Key ordered a raid on the Black Scale Lizardmen tribe, he immediately received a fanatical response from a group of knights.

"I have been unhappy with those lizard bandits for a long time, and I must kill them today!"

Joton rode on the Black Rock Leopard with excitement on his face.

The knights around him also looked ready to fight.

Due to the importance attached to this war, Keyi dispatched 500 soldiers in addition to the newly formed cavalry regiment.

With sufficient gold coins, the army of Black Stone City has now expanded to 1,000 people.

This does not include the militia.

Compared with last year, the military strength has been strengthened several times.

The cavalry regiment was in front, and the infantry was behind. The long team of more than 500 people marched in an orderly manner in the wilderness.

Keyi and Sunan were in the middle of the team, riding a black rock leopard under their crotch.

But compared with the black rock leopard of the cavalry regiment, the black rock leopard they rode looked stronger and taller, and the body luster was more profound.

[Black Rock Leopard (Puppet/Advanced Knight Level), a puppet creature made of black stone iron, with a body stronger than black stone iron, has the ability to sneak in the black stone iron ore vein, and can replenish energy and recover from injuries by swallowing black stone iron. ]

This is an elite black rock leopard synthesized by Sunan using seven black rock leopards.

Each of them has the combat power of a senior knight, and their bodies are even harder. Even weapons made of black stone iron can only leave a shallow mark on them.

Key couldn't let go of this elite black rock leopard, and it was obvious that he was very satisfied with his mount.

As he went deeper into the Red Horn Wilderness, the surrounding environment became more and more desolate.

After another half an hour of driving, the scout in charge of exploration returned and shouted: "Sir, the black scale lizard tribe is about two kilometers ahead."

"Very good."

Key was refreshed and gave an order in a deep voice.

"Everyone speed up and get ready for battle!"

As the order was issued, the team's marching speed suddenly increased.

Not long after, the black scale lizard tribe came into view.

It was called a tribe, but in fact it was a number of low houses made of hay and wood surrounded by wooden fences, which were primitive and backward everywhere.

The black scale lizards were not blind and naturally could not have failed to notice the approach of more than 500 troops.

When the army arrived, hundreds of black-scaled lizardmen had gathered in front of the tribe with weapons in hand, staring fiercely at the incoming enemies.

The black-scaled lizardmen can be regarded as a tribe where everyone is a soldier. Even women and children have the same combat power as normal adult men.

Adult black-scaled lizardmen have the strength level comparable to that of knights' attendants.

A few elite black-scaled lizardmen can reach the level of apprentice knights.

If a black-scaled lizardman with a trace of dragon lizard blood awakens due to atavism, he can compete with the knights.

At present, there are more than ten knight-level black-scaled lizardmen standing in the front, with red lines on their scales, who have obviously awakened the dragon lizard blood.

The black-scaled lizardman in the lead, who is nearly two meters and five meters tall and exudes a fierce and violent aura, gives Sunan an aura that is almost the same as Keyi.

You should know that just last month, Keyi had been promoted to the peak knight.

In other words, this black-scaled lizardman who was suspected to be the chief of the tribe was likely to have the strength of a peak knight.

In addition, the number of black-scaled lizardman warriors holding weapons was obviously more than two hundred.

In terms of number, they might be less than theirs, but their individual strength was only higher.

It seemed that it was not that easy to win this battle.

However, whether it was Key or his knights, they were all fearless and in high spirits.

It was because there was a wizard standing behind them!

While running, all the cavalrymen of the cavalry regiment took out the potion at the same time, used their thumbs to push open the cork, and raised their heads to pour it into their mouths.

Brute force potion!

A zero-level potion that can greatly enhance strength!

For this battle, Sunan made more than sixty bottles of potion in one breath, and equipped each cavalryman with one bottle.

With the blessing of the brute force potion, even the trainee knights were able to exert strength that was not much inferior to that of the formal knights!


Key drew out his long sword and shouted loudly.

With him leading the charge, the cavalry regiment slammed into the defense line of the black-scaled lizardmen like a sharp arrow!

Blood splattered in an instant, and limbs flew everywhere!

The battle broke out in an instant and quickly became white-hot.

The open space in front of the tribe turned into a bloody battlefield in an instant!

The cavalry regiment, which used black rock leopards as mounts, was on the battlefield for the first time since its formation.

The fighting power they showed did not disappoint.

Even if the black-scaled lizardmen could resist the weapons cut down by the cavalry, they were soon torn apart by the claws of the black rock leopards.

What they faced was no longer a single cavalry individual, but a joint attack of the cavalry and the black rock leopards.

This is completely different from the cavalry they had faced before.

The information gap at the first meeting did not surprise the Black Scaled Lizardmen to suffer heavy losses.

Sunan stood in the back, looking at the battlefield and nodding secretly.

This world seems to have never had an example of taming a beast as a mount.

At least there has never been one in the Principality of Stars.

Therefore, it is easy for people who face the Black Rock Leopard Cavalry, an unprecedented type of troops, to make the wrong response for the first time.

And in the ever-changing battlefield, the wrong response often means death.

The number of Black Rock Leopard Cavalry is still relatively small. When this army is expanded into a truly large-scale cavalry regiment, it will surely bring a huge "surprise" to the enemies of Black Rock City.

Sunan retracted his gaze, glanced at Brad who was standing by, and sighed slightly in his heart.

He still had to be promoted to a second-class wizard apprentice as soon as possible, otherwise he would always be a fragile wizard and would need someone to protect him on the battlefield.

Shaking his head, Sunan gathered his thoughts and uttered strange syllables. The void in front of him quickly condensed into a basketball-sized acid. As he extended his fingers, it flew like a sharp arrow towards a knight-level black-scaled lizardman.

The range of the mage's hand was not long enough and was not suitable for use on the battlefield at this time.

Therefore, Sunan chose to use acid splash.

Chi Chi!

The black-scaled lizardman did not expect that there would be an attack from a distance, and was hit in the face by the acid without warning.

In just a moment, the acid corroded a big hole in the black-scaled lizardman's face. All his facial features were corroded, leaving only a big black hole, and even the bones inside were corroded a lot.

The black-scaled lizardman twitched and fell to the ground, and it seemed that he was dead.

The terrifying power of the acid splash made the surrounding black-scaled lizardmen scalp numb.

For a while, the black-scaled lizardman looked at Sunan with a deep fear.

They are not afraid of human blades and fists, but this strange and terrifying attack is beyond their cognition and understanding.

What kind of power is this?

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