Chapter 95: As long as you boast, I will promise you anything 3/3 [Ask for everything, ask for self-ordering].


Hidechiin Gakuen. Student Union Office.

Hearing Makiya’s voice, Shinomiya Kaguya’s face showed a hint of surprise.

Then, she raised her head slightly, looked at the teenager in front of her, and asked in a guessing tone: “Do you want to.” ”

“That’s right.”

Nodding gently, Mu Yusheng confirmed the guess in the girl’s mind.

Seeing this scene, Shinomiya Kaguya also nodded gently, and said one by one with a hint of a smile in his eyes

“Let it go!”

“Now you are the student council president.”

“Whatever I do, I agree and fully support it.”

…… Beside.

Seeing this scene, Fujiwara Chika’s eyes widened.

This scene… I always feel a little familiar, as if I have seen it in many TV series of the Last Dynasty.

The only difference from the plots in those TV dramas is probably that Hanyu-san is a boy, and the characters in those TV dramas are more beautiful women.

Thinking about this, the pink-haired girl couldn’t help but sigh and said: “Hanyu-san, for you now… I inexplicably thought of the term “calamity to the country and the people”. ”


Hearing this, Makyu looked at Fujiwara Chika in front of him with a kind smile.

Seeing this, the pink-haired girl instantly remembered the previous incident in her mind, quickly shook her head, and tried to explain and say one by one



“I said the wrong thing, Hanyu-san is a real man who stands up to the heavens and the earth, and he is not an existence that calamitizes the country and the people.”

Seeing Fujiwara Chika so “well-behaved”, Makiha nodded gently, and did not treat her again. However, in his heart, he was also secretly thinking about what this pink-haired girl had just said – speaking of which, this scene now is indeed a bit like a scene where the concubine who has brought disaster to the country and the people is asking the emperor to completely delegate power to himself and do some bad things.


Coughing lightly, he shook his head with a firm face. Illusion.

It must be an illusion.

I want my right to help Yako Iino, not to do something that will bring disaster to the country and the people. So these are two things that are completely incomparable.

Exhaling slightly, Makuyu and Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at each other, and then continued to solve some of the remaining dishes. Of course, because a certain earth cancer has basically known about their relationship, their feeding play is very honest and cruel.

Right. That’s right. It’s cruelty.

Cruelty to Chika Fujiwara, the only single dog among the three present.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that she had to clean up the bento box, this pink-haired girl would definitely not have spent much time in the student union office.

In fact, after quickly cleaning out the lunch box, Fujiwara left the student union office as quickly as possible and returned to her classroom.


In the huge student union office, only Shinomiya Kaguya and Makiya were left.

When there was no one, they naturally had no scruples, and even at the strong request of a certain 1sp, this red-eyed girl actually sat directly on his lap.

In this way, along with the feeding play, the two finished today’s dishes.

Then, the two put their bento boxes in the locker, and unlike Chika Fujiwara, both of them were cleaned by someone to clean the bento boxes, the former was a maid from the Shinomiya family who did it, and the latter was a silver-haired girl who asked for it.

Seeing that there was still a little time before class, the two chatted one by one

“Hanyu-kun, are you going to pull Iino-san into the student council?”


Nodding gently, Mu Yusheng did not explain too much, believing that Shinomiya Kaguya, a local Sanjing, knew the reason and significance of this.

The truth was indeed as he thought, Shinomiya Kaguya nodded with a clear face, and then talked about other things


“For the things of the evening, the time should be after one o’clock in the morning, because only at this time will the maids from the Shinomiya family rest at this time.”

“One o’clock in the morning?”

Hearing this time, Mu Yusheng couldn’t help but stretch out his hand and touch the girl’s eye bags that had slightly enlarged because she stayed up late, and said in a distressed voice: “When you wait for the afternoon, you can sleep a little more, otherwise you won’t have the energy to watch the festival at night.” ”


Feeling the touch on the boy’s hand, Shinomiya Kaguya’s face showed a sweet smile, nodded and said, “I also have this idea, that’s why I will leave Iino-san’s affairs to you.” ”

“Of course, not only Iino-san’s affairs, but also some trivial matters of the student council in the afternoon also need to be solved.”

“I believe that with Hanyu-kun’s ability, you can easily solve it quickly.”

Hearing this, Mu Yusheng also showed an expression of approval on his face.

After all, I have joined the student union for a long time, even if I feel fish, I have some familiarity with the work of the Student Union, and with the knowledge I hear on weekdays, it is still very simple to deal with these things.

At this time, as if thinking of something, Shinomiya Kaguya said in a loud voice: “I heard that there are a lot of delicious food at the festival, and I will bring cash at night, and then we can eat casually, and it is okay to eat every dish once.” ”

Finally, as if thinking of that scene, the red-eyed girl couldn’t help but have a hint of anticipation on her face.


Stretching out his hand and touching the girl’s little head, Mu Yusheng said lightly: “But eating too much at night is not good for the stomach, and you should be a little more moderate at that time.” ”

To be honest, he likes this kind of girly feeling full of Shinomiya Kaguya very much.

At least… It is better to have other interests, to have the idea of pursuing them, than to be relatively lifeless and just know to be qualified and excellent.

Although these two Kaguya herself likes it, the latter has the right to choose the life she wants, and the real smile on her face is eye-catching, making people a little unable to take their eyes off.

“I know.”

Hearing Mu Yusheng’s words, Shinomiya Kaguya sighed slightly and said: “But the festival is only for a few days, if you don’t take the opportunity to eat well and have a meal, you always feel very bad.” ”

“I can finally go out, and if I can’t play enough at once, it feels like something is missing.”

Seeing this scene, Mu Yusheng only felt that his heart was touched.

Kaguya-chan… She was really looking forward to this kind of thing. Truly.

For a girl who has been locked up for so long, accidental freedom is naturally extremely precious. But should it be said that girls really become stupid when they fall in love?

Obviously, as long as she is there, she can always go out and play. This festival is not the last chance, there is no need to want to eat like a fat person at once.

Thinking about this, he pressed down on the hand on the girl’s little head, and said softly with some laughter, “Fool~”

“It’s not just this one opportunity, I can take you out when you want to go out in the future, or for now, you can only go out secretly at night.”


Hearing Makiya’s words, Shinomiya Kaguya’s face showed a hint of embarrassment. It seems like.

Truly. That’s the way it is.

As long as Hanyu-kun is still there, then he can always go out at night. What the hell did you just do?

Why do you say such words without going through the brain? No.

You can’t just admit your mistakes, or Hanyu-kun will think he’s an idiot. So – slightly organized the language, the red-eyed girl reluctantly thought of a reason – no.

“My body is not very healthy, and if I stay up late often, my body will not be able to stand it.”

“So for me, this kind of opportunity to go out at night is very rare, and naturally it has to be cherished.”


Hearing this reason, Mu Yusheng also sighed slightly, nodded, and said: “If you often stay up late, your body will not be able to stand it, after all, you are not a physical quality like me.” ”

Saying that, as if he had thought of something, a smile appeared on his face and he added

“It doesn’t matter.”

“I’ll be able to fix this soon.”

“If nothing else, you can come out in the daylight within this month or two, and even the four palace families don’t dare to say anything.”


Hearing this, Shinomiya Kaguya smiled and nodded and said, “I believe Hanyu-kun. ”

After saying this, as if she realized something, her cheeks instantly turned slightly red.

Then, the red-eyed girl raised her head slightly, forced herself to endure the shyness in her heart, and asked out loud: “Hanyu-kun, do you want me to help you?” Feeling the changes under him, the expression on Mu Yusheng’s face was still calm. ”

This is normal.

A beautiful girl in her arms, who can not react are saints.

Obviously, he is just an ordinary person, not a saint, so it is normal for this kind of reaction to occur. It’s just — now isn’t a good time to do this kind of thing.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head slightly and said aloud


“It’s almost time for class.”

“You know how powerful I am, such a little time is really not enough.”

Hearing Mu Yusheng’s words, the red-eyed girl instantly recalled the events of last night in her mind, and suddenly lowered her head and small head shyly, and the whole person curled up in the boy’s arms.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yusheng did not continue to tease the girl, but gently stroked her jade-like back. A moment later.

As if overcoming the shyness in his heart, Shinomiya Kaguya raised his head again.

“Wait a minute.”

“Hanyu-kun, give you this.”

Saying that, the red-eyed girl picked up a book placed on the coffee table.

Then, she turned the book to a certain page, took out a check from it and handed it to Mu Yusheng, and said softly: “This is the reward for removing spirits mentioned last time. ”

“Because the family doesn’t believe that there are any evil spirits or the like, this is based on

“Saved the Shinomiya family daughter in a car accident”

“The reason for the remuneration.”

“There is that valid reason, rest assured that spending money is, and it will not be suspected by this family.”

Hearing these words, Mu Yusheng subconsciously took the check from the girl’s hand.

Only the next moment, seeing the familiarity above, his eyes lit up slightly

“Thirty million?”


Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and explained, “You accept it directly, don’t refuse me.” ”

“In fact, most of it is the family’s account, plus a part of my accumulation.”

“This part of my accumulation will be yours sooner or later, and now it can be regarded as handed over to you in advance.”

“Don’t look at the numbers, it seems like a lot, but in fact, it is still a little less than the safety of the four palaces’ parents.”

“If it weren’t for the fact that Hanyu-kun didn’t wait for the medical staff 903 over there at that time, basically it all relied on my side of the word, otherwise it should have been a billion neon coins to start.”

Speaking of this, as if thinking of something, the red-eyed girl said in a relaxed tone: “But fortunately, otherwise, the family is expected to make all kinds of disgusting inquiries about you – this kind of thing has happened before.” ”

“Kaguya-chan, you took great pains to get me to accept this reward.”

Hearing the girl’s explanation, Mu Yusheng did not hesitate, sighed slightly, and then directly moved his mind and received the check into the storage space.

Just like she said, even she is her own, then these things are naturally her own. What’s more, if she needs it, she takes it herself and doesn’t give it to her.

Seeing the check in the young man’s hand disappear instantly, the expression on Shinomiya Kaguya’s face remained the same.

After yesterday’s events, she has long had great immunity to this kind of magical thing, and she will not be shocked at all, at most she is just sighing at the strength of her own Hanyu-kun.

For her, what she was more concerned about was whether Mu Yusheng chose to accept the reward for removing spirits.

To be honest, she still has some understanding of the situation in Mu Yusheng’s family, and naturally knows that their family is short of money now, so she will repay all the rewards in the form of money.

In addition, the words she said were also well thought out, naturally hoping that he would accept them directly and not do such self-sacrificing things because of his relationship with her.

Anyway, the fourth palace family has a lot of money, and there is no problem in taking out some of it.

At this moment, as if she had thought of something, she raised her head to look at the boy in front of her, and asked in a slightly pointed tone: “Hanyu-kun, what do you think of Iino-san?” ”

“A good boy with a strong sense of principle, full of justice and integrity?”

After a little thought, Maku Yusheng gave such an evaluation.


Hearing Makiha’s evaluation, Shinomiya Kaguya nodded lightly and said, “On the surface, it really looks like this. ”


“According to the results of the survey given by Hayasaka, because of her family, her deep personality is extremely unloving, as if others can ask her to do any help if they just say something nice.”

“Attention… It’s almost anything. ”

“It’s like this time the form delivery thing, even if she knows that the form has been dragged on for so long, but just praise her.”

“The only one who can do this kind of thing”

Words like “cute” can make her willingly send forms. ”

In the end, although the red-eyed girl kept a smile on her face, she gave people a devil-like feeling. PS: Today’s third change, please complete order, please self-order.

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