She stared blankly at Euphemia.

Euphemia gave her an encouraging smile.

The corners of Hestia's mouth seemed to be twitching slightly:

"Um...teacher...are you serious?"

Euphemia: "Yes."

Hestia panicked: "The voice... and the man... are these two things... related in any way?"

Euphemia took Hestia's hand and looked sincerely: "Histia, believe me, you just need to do what I say!"

Hestia was even more panicked: "But you can't do this kind of thing casually, right?! I have sworn a vow of chastity!"

Euphemia was very puzzled: "You have already refused to sacrifice your body to the goddess, but you still care about the oath you made to her?"

This sentence from the teacher is so informative! !

Euphemia said with a smile: "But in order to cure the disease, we have no other way."

Histia: "That's why I don't understand! Why does it only take one... thing like that to complete the process of cutting off the connection to an existence of that level?"

Euphemia was very enthusiastic: "Don't worry, my child, leave it to me. There are many great men in the Land of Dreams. I will take you to pick one, no, find a group! How about it!!"

Hestia panicked: "Thank you for your kindness but no need!!"

"Huh? Why don't you use it?"

Euphemia was very troubled: "But if you don't do this, your disease will not be cured. Could it be already have a man you like, who is it?"

Heart, favorite man?

Histia was stunned.

For a moment, a tall, all-powerful image flashed through Hestia's mind.

But she soon gave up on this stupid and blasphemous idea!

Hestia shook her head in panic: "No! I didn't! I just don't want to..."

Histia: "Teacher...please take your leave first. I, I want to listen to other people's opinions first!"

Euphemia smiled helplessly: "Okay, then walk slowly."


In this way, Histia escaped from Euphemia-sensei.

Histia respects Teacher Euphemia, it’s not that she can’t trust her teacher! But the problem is that the conclusion given by the teacher... is too ridiculous!

Then... ignore Teacher Euphemia's advice for now.

Histia decided to ask others first.

Fortunately, the imperial capital is full of talents, and Hestia still has two people she can ask for advice.

Then, Histia found the goddess Prosperity.

This maid brought back by His Highness Rhine from outside is not only a true god, but it is said that she is also inextricably related to the goddess of order.

The last time Histia and Prosperity met, they were still enemies.

That time Hestia was beaten by Prosperity, but luckily Hestia died quickly enough and didn't feel any pain.

But now,

Prosperity has become a loyal and competent maid of His Highness Rhine, and she has given enough respect to Hestia as a visitor.

Being treated so respectfully by the goddess, Histia's heart was filled with gratitude.

Then, Histia expressed her problem.

Her body is being transformed, her consciousness is being polluted, and an evil god who has no mercy for the mortal world is trying to take Histia's body.

Histia wants to stop her.


What answer will prosperity give...?

Prosperity did not hesitate like Euphemia did, she nodded immediately: "Is this your question? Don't worry, I know the answer, and the answer is actually very simple."

Hestia was overjoyed: "Please tell me what to do?"

Prosperity had an expressionless face as he circled the circle with one hand and mechanically inserted and pulled the fingers of the other hand back and forth in the circle.

Prosperity's expression is cold and serious:

"that's all."

Hestia: "..."

Histia was desperate.

Isn’t this the same as what Teacher Euphemia said!

But looking at her cold and serious expression, it didn't look like she was lying at all.

The goddess put down her hand, and with a calm gaze, she said again without any doubt:

"That's it, Your Excellency Histia. In addition, I recommend my master to you. He will give you the best experience in this regard."

" can I trouble His Highness Rhine with such a despicable thing...I, I will find someone else to ask..."

Prosperity: "It just so happens that the wrath of heaven lives upstairs."


The Wrath of Heaven, Purephimus.

She is the Angel of Oath and the last person related to the Goddess of Order in the entire imperial capital.

Histia's mood was very complicated.

She believed that there was no reason for the Goddess of Prosperity and Teacher Tian Zhilian to join forces and play this joke on her.

But the answers they gave,

It's too ridiculous.

In fact, if this is the case... Hestia is not unwilling to try, but it is very helpless. As the demigod closest to God in the mortal world, the blood in Hestia's body makes it impossible for her to convert mortal men. , as a similar person with equal personality.

In the entire mortal world, there was only one man who could make Hestia's heart flutter for a moment.

That is His Royal Highness Rhine...

Histia was extremely conflicted... Although she knew that His Highness Rhine was fond of women and would have beautiful women accompany him to sleep almost every night, but after all, that was just His Highness Rhine's personal hobby, and she could not judge His Highness Rhine's behavior from this. His conduct is not good, let alone because of this, he cannot make such excessive demands to His Highness...! !


With an anxious mood, Hestia knocked on the door of Wrath of Heaven's room.

The door opened.

Priphemus looked at Euphemia expressionlessly.

Purephimus: "..."

At this time, although Priphimos could see Hestia's bad state at a glance, she had just confronted Rhine and was severely frustrated mentally by Rhine, and now she was very tired... .

She didn't really want to talk to Hestia.


Because Hestia often came to support battles outside the world and turned the tide many times, Priphemus owed Hestia a lot of favors...

Now that her life is in danger, it’s not easy for Purephimus to pretend to be dead...

Priphemus knew about Hestia's current situation.

But how could Purephimus help her?

Histia is the vessel prepared by Order to come to the mortal world.

Her only function is to carry the soul of order.

It's not that Purephimose doesn't know how to treat Hestia, but...

She didn't care.

She just wants to stay with her sister while waiting to die,

She was neither in the mood nor able to atone for her sins in each parallel world.

But she did know someone who was happy to meddle in this matter.

And he is also the only being on the planet who can fight against order.

"No need to describe your condition, I already know it."

So Priphimus said without thinking:

"Go find Rhine, he can help you - he happens to be looking for you too."

After saying that,

Privimus closed the door and ignored Hestia.

However, Priphimus did not see it as she hurriedly closed the door.

After Hestia heard her words, she showed a shocked and twisted expression.

Even the most taciturn, serious and indifferent Tianzhiwu gave the same advice as Prosperity and Tianzhi...

She also asked Hestia to find a man!

And he actually directly found a partner for Hestia? ! !

The Histians were stupid...


Is it the only way to prevent the evil god from coming by doing that kind of thing?

But if we really do that kind of thing... His Highness Laing, will you be willing to help me... Will I cause trouble to His Highness Laing...


It won't cause any trouble!

His Highness Rhine understands great justice and has boundless love. If he knew that Histia did this, it was to save the common people in the world.

Then he will never refuse!

After all, that is His Highness Rhine! !

Histia made up her mind.

She was going to find His Highness Rhine, explain the situation, and then ask for his help.

However, at this moment,

Hestia suddenly froze, her eyes filled with shock!

Because she suddenly discovered... Teacher Euphemia, the Goddess of Prosperity, and the Wrath of Heaven - the methods they taught Histia actually worked! !

Because just when Hestia left the Wrath of Heaven and made up her mind to go to His Highness Rhine for treatment...

That thought that has always been melancholy and sad,


He started to panic.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...

The melancholy soul in my mind seemed to suddenly wake up from its own world, and later realized that it had been cheated.

I'm babbling like crazy right now!

However, this feedback from the voice in my mind,

But what only made Hestia more desperate was that she cut off all luck! !

She panicked!

This actually works!

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