“Kakashi, we caught a Iwahide spy.”

The guard team on the periphery of Konoha sent a Iwain five-flower ty-up.

Kakashi’s name is his teammate, Uchiha Obito.

However, the arrested Yanyin was extremely dissatisfied, “Nonsense, I negotiated with you with orders. ”

“The devil knows what you do, anyway, Uncle Ben captured it alive.”

Obito preached ruthlessly.

Kakashi frowned and ordered the man to let go of the Iwain.

There are so many people present, and they are not afraid of this person doing things.

Iwa, who had regained his freedom, said succinctly, “Hokage’s son, Sarutobi Asma, has fallen into our hands, if you don’t want him to have an accident, surrender within 12 hours, otherwise wait for his corpse to be collected.” ”


After that, the person threw a scroll into the ground, exploded into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

The faces of those present were more ugly than the other.

Even the son of Hokage was captured alive, what hope do they have?

Everyone looked at Kakashi, waiting nervously for his answer.

“Surrender is impossible.”

Kakashi said this without hesitation.

Everyone bowed their heads and did not refute it.

Once surrendered, they would become prisoners of the village of Iwain.

Besides, even the son of Hokage could not sacrifice all of them.

“Kakashi, you, why are you so desperate? I don’t care if Asma is the son of Hokage, even if I don’t know him very well, I only know him… Be… Same… Accompany!! ”

The heart of Our Lady of Obito erupted, and he was a companion with four words, almost gritting his teeth.

It’s incredible that the current Uchiha Obito is so gentle and kind, and it is a world away from the cold demon after blackening.

In fact, as Uchiha said, the more sunny and decent people are, once they fall into darkness, they will only be more brutal and ruthless.

Obito looked at everyone coldly and turned to leave.


Kakashi was expressionless and allowed Obito to disappear.

Now he is still the same Kakashi who is the supreme task.

The lives of their companions are far less important than the mission.

His father is a bloody example.



Behind him, came a familiar voice.

Obito’s body froze, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

It won’t be wrong, this soul-haunting voice, turned his head and looked, sure enough, it was the goddess Nohara Rin.

“Lynn, would you like to act with me?”

Obito looked at Nohara Rin, his eyes full of expectation.

“I’ll leave this to you.”

Rin Nohara casually took out a scroll and handed it to Obito.

Obito took it in his hand, and the expression on his face was intoxicated.

On the scroll, there is also the faint body temperature of the goddess, which is really hot.

“What is it, Lynn?”

Obito shook his body, and his heart was ecstatic: “The parting is imminent, is it for me… Love letter?! ”

When he thought of it, Obito suddenly climaxed, and his face turned red.

Goddess, goddess, you finally realized, don’t let me kneel and lick for so long!

“This is the bomb scroll that Kakashi asked me to hand over to you, for the critical moment.”

It turns out that Tugo completely overthought it, and Nohara Rin explained: “Once opened, the scroll will explode as soon as possible. ”

“So that’s it…”

Obito’s heart was broken, and he asked weakly, “Is Kakashi afraid that I will fail and give me a chance to escape?” ”

“It’s not.”

Nohara Rin shook his head and said, “Kakashi said, you are a guy with a tendon in the head, once you decide something, ten cows can’t be dragged back, so he won’t persuade you, because he knows that you won’t obey.” ”

“As for this scroll…”

Nohara said, “Once you are surrounded, open this scroll immediately…”

“I know, open the scroll and blow up the rock, right?”

Obito carefully put away the scroll, “Rin, thank Kakashi for me.” ”

“No, this is for you to blow yourself up.”

Ignoring Obito’s stunned expression, Nohara Rin continued: “Kakashi is afraid that you will also be captured alive by Iwahi, in case you are not strong-willed and can’t withstand torture and become a wooden traitor, it will be bad to give up the place where everyone is hiding. ”

“Kakashi is a wooden traitor, his whole family is a wooden traitor!!”

Obito angrily dropped the scroll, stepped on two feet in anger, and cursed, “Kakashi of Dog Day, wait for me!!” ”

Obito left angrily, no matter what Nohara Rin behind him called, it was useless.

Late at night.


Outside the Yanyin station, several explosions suddenly sounded.

Frightened, Iwain hurriedly dispatched, thinking that it was the return of the Konoha ninja.

“Hey, hey, a bunch of idiots!!”

Hiding in the shadows, Uchiha laughed secretly, and the explosion was caused by him.

It’s just a sound of sound hitting the west.

He looked up, looked at the barracks under the moonlight, and sneaked in without much effort.

“As long as Asma is rescued, Rin will definitely impress me!”

“Maybe when the time comes, seeing my mighty and powerful, Lin will take the initiative to give me a hug!”

Obito was searching and lustful, and even saliva fell.

“Found it!”

Soon, Obito found the target.

In fact, it is not difficult to find, in order to play the effect of killing chickens and monkeys, Asma is hung on a 20-meter-high railing, which is very eye-catching.

Sensing that there was no one around, the ninja guarding was probably led away by his strategy, and took the soil to the railing as soon as possible.

“Brother, I’m here to save you!”

Obito waved his hand, and the confused Asma also saw Obito.

“This kid… Who is it? ”

Although they were ninjas from the same village, Asma didn’t recognize Uchiha Obito after looking at it for a long time, and the two were not familiar.

However, judging from his ninja uniform, it seems to belong to the Uchiha clan?


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