[Broken Supply Box (Green): Broken and damaged, the items inside may be affected]

Ye Fei looked at the broken supply box, his mouth twitched, and he opened it directly on the spot

【Bread +3, Water +6, Grape Seedlings +1, Cucumber Seeds +3, Package Expansion Coupon +1]

Although the items may be damaged, Ye Fei was still surprised by what he found after opening it.

Bread and water are standard, and grapes and cucumbers. He had opened a lot of supply boxes before, but there were only tomatoes and cabbages.

Now this is really generous.

But what surprised him the most was this backpack expansion coupon.

【Package expansion coupon: add 1 package slot after use, no usage limit]

One coupon is one package slot. Ye Fei looked at it and found that the coupon was colorful.

But no matter what it was, he always felt that there were too few package slots. At this time, he chose to use the one that was useful to him.

【Package column +1】

【Package column 11/11: Level 1 blood pill 2, Level 1 spirit pill 4, Wooden arrow 2 bundles, Primary planks 28, Low-quality planks 11, Ice cubes 4, Pine needles 6, Bread +3, Water +6, Grape seedlings +1, Cucumber seeds +3]

All the items were received in the package column. Ye Fei took a look and found that even with the addition of a grid, it was still full.

Sure enough, the package column was still not enough.

Cutting down a tree can produce four kinds of outputs. Although they will be superimposed, after opening a supply box, I can only go home first.

When I got home, I put down the bread and water, and put the ice cubes and pine needles up for sale again.

4 ice cubes can only be sold for 1 point now, but the price of pine needles has not dropped. 6 can be sold for 2 points.

Grape seedlings and cucumber seeds, Ye Fei looked at the yard and found an open space to dig again.

After digging for a few minutes, about one square meter of land became soft soil. He planted the grape seedlings first.

Then he went to the side of the previous vegetable field and dug out the soft soil half a meter wide and more than one meter long, and planted three cucumber seeds.

In this way, six more spaces were vacated in the bag, and Ye Fei continued to set off. He went out to continue chopping trees. Although he could not make much money from chopping trees, the ice and pine needles could make back the points for buying the axe. The wood was his hard work.

Ye Fei watched the amount of wood in the bag increase again, and hung the ice and pine needles he had just picked up with satisfaction.

Because the price he sold was not expensive, it was all ordinary price, and the quantity was small, the players could not see who the seller was, but small quantities were always easier to sell, because not everyone would buy a lot of materials.

"Qingxue, our luck today seems to have run out when we went out. We are about to go home for lunch, but we still haven't seen any prey."

Ye Fei looked at the time. It was already half past eleven, so he took the little fox home.

In addition to the wood they got this morning, they also picked up two boxes of supplies.

However, they didn't see any prey.


The little fox Qingxue tilted its head and looked at Ye Fei. It didn't understand why humans looked unhappy.

Could it be because they didn't catch any prey and had no meat?

"It's okay, we'll go out again in the afternoon, and we'll definitely see prey!"

Ye Fei was not obsessed with the three points, but he wanted the hunting gift pack.

After returning home, he saw that the seedlings were not frozen to death. Ye Fei went to heat up the stewed meat and ate with the little fox.

After lunch, when he went out in the afternoon, the little fox disappeared as soon as he left the house.

""Qingxue, where did you run to?"

Ye Fei watched the little fox run away and wanted to catch up, but he found that the little fox really had a burst of speed and ran away as soon as it said it would. He couldn't see where it ran.

There was no choice but to wait there.

After a few minutes, he saw the little fox coming back. He walked forward with some worry, and Ye Fei grabbed the pheasant, which was only left with blood skin. After solving the problem, he got the reward.

【Kill a pheasant, survival points +1】

【Pheasant carcasses: can be collected】

【Today's random task: Hunting × 1, task completion progress 1/1, task completion reward: 3 survival points, 1 level 1 hunting gift pack]

A total of 4 points were credited, and there was also a level 1 survival gift pack.

However, Ye Fei was still very sad. The little fox ran away as soon as he said it would. What if it ran out and encountered danger?

At least, if it was injured, he still had blood-replenishing pills to give it, instead of dying from slow blood loss at any time.


The little fox stuck to Ye Fei's hand, rubbed it, and then jumped onto his shoulder and stayed there.

It caught the prey and had meat to eat, so don't be unhappy....

"You...Thank you for your hard work. Let's catch it together next time...."

Ye Fei suddenly felt that he seemed to understand what the little fox meant.

Although it was not normal to use a knife, he still used a butcher knife to process it.

【White striped chicken +1, feathers +24]

White striped chicken is fresh, as for the feathers...

Ye Fei looked at it and found that there were quite a lot of this thing. He searched the transaction information and found that many people were selling this thing. The lowest price was 25 for 1 point. The quantity was not large, so he also put these 24 items up for sale for 1 point.

"Go home first and pack up before going out."

Ye Fei took the little fox home, put down everything that could be put away, and then opened the hunting gift bag.

【Level 1 Blood Replenishing Pill +3, Beast Bones +4, Wooden Fence Making Recipe +1]

The items were random, and Ye Fei didn't find it strange. In addition, he was given 3 Blood Replenishing Pills, which could really save lives in a critical moment.

The Beast Bones were a bit ordinary, but this Wooden Fence Making Recipe...

Ye Fei looked at his fence and suddenly felt mocked.

Isn't it just a little crudely made?

Now just give me the formula....

However, there is a recipe that you must learn

【Making a wooden fence: Primary wood 10]

A wooden fence is 1 meter long, and 10 primary woods are needed at a time, which made Ye Fei a little dumbfounded.

But he still couldn't help his curiosity and made one to see the effect first.

【Wooden fence: Defense 20, Durability 2000]

With this defense and durability, Ye Fei felt that it was worth it!

Even though no wild beasts had attacked his home yet, it would not be long before such a thing happened.

With this kind of fence with strong defense, his home would be safer.

""Qingxue, we are still too poor!"

Ye Fei placed the fence outside the sycamore tree, and then took the little fox out. He didn't need to worry about anything else, just cut down the trees he saw. When the axe was used up, he would continue to buy, and when the consignment slot was empty, he would continue to hang ice and pine needles.

Ye Fei didn't go home until the sun set that afternoon.

Looking at the 1265 pieces of primary wood and more than 300 pieces of inferior wood piled up in the package, he took all the inferior wood to melt.

The material smelting furnace is to turn all kinds of unused or unused materials into energy consumed by the house.

Because he had to cook every day and cook several meals, Ye Fei's family had very little reserve energy left.

Now put 324 pieces of inferior wood in, and the energy converted was only 32.4, and the gray material could only be 10:1, which seemed to be quite pitfall, but the gray material could not be put up for trading, and there was no other use except smelting.

He used gray materials to make fences before, but those fences had no defensive power at all, and they could only keep his yard intact after completion.

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