"The alchemy furnace is not given away for free. When I gather all the materials, you have to help me refine one pill for free. As for the rest, it's as you said before. I'll provide two materials and you'll give me one pill...."

Feng An ignored Ye Fei's expression and brought up the business straightforwardly.

In this trading model, if one does not consider the current strength and only calculates the current price ratio of materials and finished products, then Ye Fei will definitely suffer a loss.

But the fact is that Ye Fei does not have the ability to access those things now. Even with the help of Senior Ling Yan, it is only the part that Ling Yan can access.

Therefore, Ye Fei has no objection, and he still thinks he has made a profit.

After taking the stack of pill formulas handed to him by Feng An, he became more certain that this person was happy to watch the fun before, so now he is purely here to give benefits.

"Thank you, these are exactly what I can use right now!"

Ye Fei's thanks this time were more sincere than before.

Every formula in his hand was something he could use.

【Recipe for refining the Golden Spirit Pill (red): 1 Golden Spirit Pearl (red), 1 Gold Beast Core (red), 3 Spirit Gathering Grass (red), 3 Essence Nourishment Fluid】

【Recipe for Water Spirit Pill (Red): 1 Water Spirit Pearl (Red), Water Beast Core...】

【Earth Spirit Pill Refining Recipe (Red): Earth Spirit Pearl...】

【Wood Spirit Pill...】

【Fire Elixir...】

The five consecutive recipes were all red-grade elixirs, and the materials used were only different in the properties of the spirit beads.

However, Ye Fei already had the recipe for the Wood Spirit Pill, which Jun Mo had found in the broken alchemy furnace on the iceberg.

In addition to the Five Elements Spirit Pill, there were several other good ones.

【Qingxin Pill (Red): Qingxin Grass (Red) 3, Peiyuan Liquid 10, Juling Grass (Red) 5, Mingxin Fruit (Red) 5】

【Soul Refining Pill (Red): Soul Refining Grass (Silver) 1, Nourishing Essence Liquid 10, Soul Breaking Stone (Red) 5】

【Tempering Pill (Silver): Tempering Spiritual Liquid (Silver) 1, Dream Fairy Grass (Silver) 1, Nourishing Essence Liquid 50】

"As expected, I hate this kind of thing from you humans the most. You talk quite normally when there is no benefit, but you naturally lower your attitude when you get the benefit. The materials are in duplicate, and you can refine them slowly. Once they are refined into the designated one, you can trade them. I don’t want to see you again in the short term!"

Feng An stared at Ye Fei for a few more times, and was sure that Ye Fei was thanking him sincerely, and he became unhappy instantly.

He threw the packaged materials to Ye Fei, complained a few words, and turned away, even forgetting about his original plan to eat for free.

He is very unhappy now. How can this person change his attitude from the bottom of his heart because of a little benefit?

But he can't do anything to this person just because of his unhappiness, because in the concept of humans, feeling grateful after being taken care of is a good virtue....

So, he left first, to find something else to do, so as not to be irritated by these changes that humans think are good.

By the way, in human terms, how do you describe the boy's current situation?

Remember to eat but not to be beaten?

It doesn't seem quite right.

I didn't beat him. Although I forced him to grow, it may make this kid a little tired, but it doesn't count as an injury, right? Sure enough

, is the problem still with me?

Maybe I was too good to him, so I made that kid misunderstand?

While Feng An was struggling to decide whether to go back and take a look, Ye Fei was trying to refine the Soul Gathering Pill.

The formula of the Soul Gathering Pill was bought, and the materials were obtained by Feng An from Yang Cheng. A total of twenty portions were required to be refined.


The little fox lay on Ye Fei's shoulder, watching Ye Fei return to the futon and sit down after finishing his work. It raised its little paw and gestured at Ye Fei's face, tilting its head and looking at him again and again with curiosity.

"Yes, I am very happy. Not only is this time's medicine formula what I need, but also the previous..."

Ye Fei held the little fox on his knees, smoothed its fur with his fingers, and mentioned the sulky snake demon. It was really frustrating at that time, but he was not angry, nor did he think Feng An was so bad.

God or demon, it doesn't matter, the key is combat power.

Feng An's combat power is at least more than 10,000, and Ye Fei also had a feeling that Feng An seemed to hesitate before saying"20 times" when he said this number.

The God of Wind was just an identity of that guy in the past world.

It was"an" identity, not his identity.

The huge gap also caused the other party's little game reward, which was a huge gain for him.

So he didn't mind Feng An wanting to play, as long as the way of playing was not to play after he died, he was just a beneficiary of the super boss's game.

Just like the world now, the creator of this world is appreciating the joy created by the players, which is the same concept as Feng An appreciating them.

The difference is that they, the players, can't find the controller of this world, and they are not qualified to make some suggestions.

As for Feng An, he can communicate and even give suggestions on the way to play the game, which is completely a VIP private server mode.

The most important point is that Feng An will not let him really die, at most he will turn into a snake demon.

He doesn't want to be a snake demon, but if he really reaches the moment of death, he will definitely choose to live.

Senior Ling Yan has reminded him several times before that no matter what form he is in, only by living can he have a future.

Therefore, the guaranteed result given by Feng An is the worst racial replacement.

In other words, within the range that Feng An can control, he is actually equivalent to having an extra life....


The little fox was confused, but he basically understood.

Feng An wanted to play, so the humans followed Feng An's wishes and played, so that they could get benefits.

Just like what the humans said before, there would be a random task every day, and if you completed it, you would get a reward....

Thinking of this, the little fox no longer felt that Feng An was bullying.

He was actually looking forward to having Feng An prepare more tasks for his human family so that he could continue to get the task rewards!

That is, the tasks might be more difficult....

However, there are many benefits!

Therefore, in order to make their human mission safer, they have to work hard!

Feng An told it before that they have to work hard to become stronger, so that they can protect their humans!


Feng An, who was floating in the air and felt something was wrong, turned back to take a look. Now, looking at the human and the fox playing in the yard, he suddenly felt a little complicated.

He thought that this human was stupid.

In the end, he was the stupid one! He said that this person would not be so stupid, but, treating himself as a task issuer?

It's courageous!

And interesting!

He is now very sure that his initial feeling was not wrong!

Some humans are really cute!

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