"Be careful with your head..."

Ye Fei let go of the broom and caught the little ball who was making a fuss after recovering from his illness. He touched its head with some concern. It was injured yesterday and recovered last night, but it started to run around like this again today....


The little white ball was caught. Not only was it not frightened, but when Ye Fei touched its head, it rubbed his fingers with its two front paws.

"Stop running around, you better stay in your pocket."

Putting the spoiled little ball back into his pocket, Ye Fei continued to sweep the yard helplessly.

Although he didn't know whether he would be rewarded, it was always good to have his own yard clean.

At this time, the little fox Qingxue in the pocket was rolling around happily.

It knew that as long as it took the initiative, this human would take good care of it.

It was a pity that they were not of the same species, otherwise, it actually wanted to be the real cub of this human.

【Your pet Qingxue feels your love and care, loyalty +2, happiness -3】


Ye Fei paused in sweeping the snow, then continued helplessly.

His pet seemed to have a lot of inner drama, and he should get used to it soon.

After cleaning the yard, Ye Fei did not get any special rewards, so he did not bother and went home to have breakfast with Qingxue.

Before leaving, he cleared the package. The eggs were eaten in the morning, and the frozen white-striped chicken was put in the pot.

Although it was not made, thawing the ingredients may be a routine operation. There is no refresh countdown when they are placed in the kitchen utensils. But seeds and saplings are different. Even if they are placed in the basket, the three-hour refresh countdown will still be displayed.

Seeing that these things still have to be placed in the package, Ye Fei can only hope that there will be a warehouse in the future.

Otherwise, it is still too inconvenient.

【Today's random task: Supply Search x5, Task Completion Progress 0/5, Task Completion Reward: 5 Survival Points, 1 Level 1 Survival Pack]

The reward for the task of 5 supply boxes and 3 supply boxes is only the points that have changed, and the survival pack is still level 1.

Walking out of the fenced yard, Ye Fei looked at the supply box just a dozen meters away, walked up to pick it up, and opened it directly on the spot

【Open the wooden supply box: Bread +1, Water +2, Primary Wood Plank +5]

All are overlapping materials, put away


The little fox Qingxue came out of his pocket, grabbed Ye Fei's cotton coat and climbed onto his shoulders, squatting on his shoulders to

"Not sleeping anymore?"

Ye Fei tilted his head and looked at the little white ball whose loyalty had reached 69 points. Except for the two love pills, the loyalty of this little thing was increased randomly. The inner drama was particularly strong.


After two sticky calls, the little fox Qingxue lay on Ye Fei's shoulder, telling him that he could set off.

It just felt that this human was not easy. He had to go out to find food at dawn and had to do so many things at home.

It couldn't help at home, so it wanted to come out and guard the surroundings to prevent this human from being targeted by some wild beasts in the snow.

"Let's go, let's continue!"

Ye Fei was amused by the little fox raising its paws and shaking its ears, and continued to set off in a good mood.

Seeing him smile, Qingxue's mood value also increased by a few points.

Walking in the world of ice and snow, Ye Fei kept walking and stopping, and walked through the activity area of the whole day yesterday in one morning.

In one morning, 5 supply boxes, his random task for today was completed

【Today's random task: Material Search × 5, task completion progress 5/5, task completion reward: 5 survival points, 1 level 1 survival gift pack, completed]

5 survival points arrived, and Ye Fei finally received a reminder that the survival points mall was opened

【[Survival points reach the minimum consumption standard of the mall, and the survival mall is open]

Ye Fei turned on the rice cooker and stewed the white-striped chicken again. It was probably because the quality of the chicken was good enough, so even without salt, it tasted very good.

Sitting on the bed, he opened the survival mall and planned to see what he could buy with his 20 points.


【Planting three-piece set, priced at 20 points】

【Semi-finished product production table, price 20 points】

【[Novice Self-selected Survival Set, Price: 20 Credits]

Currently displayed are all what Ye Fei can afford.

Those that he cannot afford are not displayed at all, and he cannot even see them.

However, it is not as complete as he thought, there are only these three types, which should be things that players will not see when opening supply boxes.

Looking at the seeds and saplings occupying three grids in his package, Ye Fei did not need to worry about it and directly bought the three-piece planting set.

The only 20 credits were spent just like that.

But it is not a loss at all. The seeds planted will grow over time and will yield greater rewards.

"Let's go, let's dig a hole and plant a tree first!"

Ye Fei looked at the little fox Qingxue squatting beside him, and put it in his pocket again to stop it from staring at the pot.

It takes fifty minutes to stew, and it's so tiring to keep staring at it.


The little boy poked his head out of his pocket and looked at the tool in Ye Fei's hand, tilting his head curiously.

"These are tools for planting, they are called pickaxe, shovel, and hoe."

Ye Fei pointed at the three tools. Although he knew that Xiaotuanzi didn't understand, he still introduced them carefully.

He used the pickaxe to dig a hole at the entrance of the yard, took out the pine seedling, put it in place, and then filled it with soil with a shovel.

【Plant a tree: In the world of ice and snow, it is very lucky to find a seedling. You planted it and it survived. Every tree that survives in the white world will bring surprises.......[Reward 5 survival points]

A long list of early introductions, about how important trees are to be planted and survive.

But Ye Fei's focus is still on the 5 survival points he gets for planting a tree.

This is really a surprise!

I just don't know if planting vegetables can also bring unexpected gains.

The chicken soup in the pot still needs to simmer for a while, so he still works hard to turn the soil. When the soil reaches the state of soft soil, he can plant vegetables.

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