Chapter 91 Cyber ​​civilization, I, Shen An, would like to call you the best workers!

The Dyson Cloud Satellite Array currently covers only one percent of Star’s area.

There is still a long way to go to build the entire Dyson Cloud.

The spacecraft of Cyber ​​Civilization is docked on Planet 1 in low earth orbit.

Because Planet No. 1 is close to Star, the temperature on the surface of Planet is more than three hundred degrees all year round.

The high temperature of Sanbaidu may be fatal to carbon-based life, but it is not a big problem for silicon-based life.

The surface of this Planet is basically silicide, and there are some crystals, gravel and the like.

The formation of these crystals is mostly related to Star activities because they are too close to the Planet.

Star flares will have a huge impact on Planet 1.

A mecha carried some steel cables from low-Earth orbit, and then landed on the Planet.

They are building space elevators.

In less than a day, a simple space elevator has been built.

Then a large number of spaceships landed on Planet.

Some spacecraft with a length of more than 3 kilometers began to change shape after landing.

The work efficiency of silicon-based life is amazing.

They disassembled and reassembled the parts of the spacecraft, and these spacecrafts became factories.

And that huge, more than 7 kilometers flagship is suspended in low-Earth orbit.

A large number of silicon-based lives dismantled this ship.

Pieces of parts were disassembled and then reassembled…

A circular building with a diameter of more than ten kilometers was slowly built.

Of course, Shen’an’s monitoring equipment has a clear grasp of the trend of cyber civilization.

These silicon-based beings are designed for various purposes at birth.

Some silicon-based life has become a drilling machine to go deep underground and start drilling activities.

Some silicon-based lives become transport vehicles…

The advantage of silicon-based life lies here. They can adapt to most of the environments in the universe.

At the same time, they don’t need any tools.

They can be transformed into various mechanical equipment for various purposes.

The day’s collection work is over.

They suddenly discovered that the metal minerals on this planet were surprisingly small, and they were not enough to repair the ship and the star gate.

This is certainly not accidental, it was deliberately arranged by Shen An.

Gangman Civilization has probed this planet. From the scientific data that Gangman Civilization had previously packaged for Shen An, Shen An learned that the planet’s metal resources are very scarce.

Just kidding, Shen An himself needs huge metal resources, how could he give it to cyber civilization for nothing?


Shen An received the message of cyber civilization.

“Dear wisdom and civilization, the metal resources on this planet are too few, and these resources are not enough for us to repair the ship.”

Shen An looked as if it had nothing to do with him, and replied: “That’s it! That’s really unlucky!”

“I can use most of the resources in this Galaxy. I can only lend you Planet No. 1. I thought there are abundant metal resources on this planet close to the Star…”

They looked at the satellite array surrounding one percent of Star and asked, “Are you going to build this device that wraps Star? So a lot of resources are needed?”

“We can help you build this device. Do you think we can give us some metal resources in a trading situation?”

Shen An was thinking that Dyson Yun was slow to make it and was short of labor. He didn’t expect that when he was sleepy, he sent a pillow.

The physical strength of these silicon-based beings is much stronger than the engineering robot built by Shen An.

Using engineering robots to build Dyson Cloud is somewhat difficult.

The body of the engineering robot is not strong enough, and Dyson Yun approaches Star again.

Engineering robots are prone to various failures due to high temperature, so their efficiency is relatively low.

But cyber civilization is different!

They themselves are silicon-based life, deformed Vajra, Autobots, Decepticons are kidding you?

The body strength is not comparable to that of engineering robots.

Shen An reluctantly agreed to the other party’s request…

So they became the best hit workers!

Anyway, cyber civilization is a silicon-based life, and they don’t need to rest.

Shen An directly arranged 007 work mode for them.

work overtime! Working crazy overtime, working endlessly 24 hours a day.

Shen An incarnates the evil capitalism and carries out crazy exploitation of cyber civilization.

The caravans of cyber civilization don’t yet know that the Dyson Cloud they helped Shen An build is the weapon that destroys them…

“Master, have you figured out a good way to deal with them? Their technological level is so high, I feel dangerous…”

“Master, I have a bold idea! Look at the use of antimatter bombardment of Star, causing the internal imbalance of Star, causing Star to collapse? In this way, these silicon-based lives can be killed directly…”

“Master, I’m very curious about how silicon-based life mates…”

Shen An: “…”

Scalp tingling!

Star collapsed, and the horse collapsed directly into a black hole. Everyone was GG.

These scientists are too crazy, they can not even kill for scientific research, but Shen An can’t do it!

Life is so beautiful, and the cat maid waits on her every day…Eat and drink without worries, the future is promising, why do you want to die?

As for how silicon-based life mates?

Shen An is also curious!

If you figure it out, won’t you know that Sun Wukong’s dad’s puzzle will be solved?

With the help of cyber civilization, the construction speed of Dyson Cloud Ascension has increased several times.

Many of the more difficult mining jobs can also be handed over to these silicon-based lives.

Gangman Civilization was a little dazed to see this operation.

How does this scene feel a bit familiar? Why does it seem to have happened to yourself?

Why are these silicon-based lives also working for Shen’an?


We are working, the alien group is working, the insect queen is working, and the cyber civilization that has just been here is also working.

Suddenly they had an illusion, as if the entire universe was working for Shen An.

In order to determine whether the cyber civilization is on the same front with them, the Gangman civilization once again confirmed to them.

Cyber ​​civilization replied: “We need to use his power to repair the star gate, and at the same time, the operation of the star gate requires huge energy. The Dyson cloud he built can just meet the energy demand of the star gate…”

“Relax, as long as the construction of the Stargate is completed, our fleet will be cultivated. This group of pirates exiled by you is not a mention!”

Shen An? Is he afraid?

Wang Yichuan said: “The Lord doesn’t care!”

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