Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 872 It’s up to us next

Then, he suddenly appeared in the sky above Baishui, the veins on his right arm bulged, he broke through the two big characters with golden light, and then, amidst Baishui's horrified face, he slammed heavily on his chest.


The air seemed to be blown up in an instant, only a loud bang was heard, and the white water crashed heavily into the sea, stirring up a huge wave of more than 50 meters, which made the surroundings tremble violently.


After doing all this, Im raised his head to the sky and screamed again, his tone full of unwillingness, and then, his body was split open in front of everyone, like a broken enamel doll, covered with Shocking cracks.

"In other words, the battle between the two of them is finally over! And the final winner is Baishui!!"

Granny He, who was not far away, looked at all this, a gleam flashed in her eyes, and said clearly in her heart.

"Did it all end together!"

"With such a punch head-on, there should be no hope of survival!"

"It should be. No matter how tyrannical White Eagle is, he will pass out in the face of such a punch and lose the power to fight again!"

The navy looked at the sea where the battle had ended, and guessed in their hearts.

They kept telling themselves in their hearts that Baishui and Im died together, not that either side won.

Only in this way can the unquenchable fear in their hearts be calmed down.

"Did we really die together!"

"What do you think!"

"I think so too!"

"No other results needed!"

"The sea needs tranquility!"

"Next is a hard battle!"

"um, yes!"

This is a conversation among high-level naval officers.

Although they knew in their hearts that Baishui might not have lost their fighting power, they had to comfort themselves in this way, and continue to comfort the soldiers under them to boost their morale! The battle is not over yet.

All the means of the pirates have been revealed, but their means have not yet.

All arrangements cannot fall short.

Granny Crane believes that even if Bai Shui really has the strength to fight again, after such a fierce battle with Im, how much fighting power does he have left?

With what they have left, it is enough to fight with Bai Shui, and then lead the navy and the world government/government fighters to the final victory.

"Brothers, it's time to go. Now is not the time to care about who the final winner of this battle is. Even if our captain wins in the end, how much combat power does he have left?"

"Therefore, we are still at a disadvantage in this battle. After all, our hole cards are almost ready, but no one in the navy knows if they have any other cards."

"So, whether we can win the final victory and continue to cross the sea depends on our own performance in the future!"

"At this moment, we have no way out!" Shiliu of the Rain said in a deep voice, his face extremely serious.

"Everyone, come up with your own skills, the time has come for the real battle of life and death!"

Aqi also had a serious expression on her face, and her slender, pale fingers played rapidly in the air, extremely graceful.

Behind her, Blackbeard and other six puppets floated up, exuding a unique aura of terror and oppression.

"That guy is also a super dangerous existence!"

Seeing Aqi's battle and coming to the battlefield, Wu Laoxing, World Government Marshal Gang Gu Kong, and former Navy Marshal Buddha Warring States, who still haven't made a move, all squinted their eyes at the same time. They all felt a little bit of crisis in Aqi's body.

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