Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 262 The oppression brought by the island whale

The voyage was smooth, no wind, no waves, no rain.

It may be that God also knows that Princess Kapok is newly married, and he doesn't want to cause more trouble.

After crossing the Red Earth Continent, Baishui and the others officially entered the scope of the New World.

The new world is naturally different from the gentleness of the first half of the great voyage.

So as soon as they entered the new world, Baishui and the others encountered a big storm.

"Sailors, furl the sails!"

"Navigator, judge the weather and find a safe place!"

"Helmsman, stand ready for full power"

"Colonel, enter the cabin to protect Princess Kapok!"

After all, it wasn't the first time Baishui encountered a storm, so he naturally knew how to deal with it. Compared with the panic of others, Baishui seemed particularly calm and gave orders in an orderly manner.

Under Bai Shui's order, everyone who was a little flustered and at a loss began to devote themselves to work according to their respective functions.

As for Bai Shui, he stood firmly at the bow of the ship by himself, with a serious expression on his face.

The storm is not the scariest thing, all kinds of pirates in the new world, and the sea kings that may appear at any time are the biggest enemy of their voyage.

The current warships have not been equipped with sea tower stones that can evade Neptunes like in the original book.

Therefore, it is generally up to the commander to solve these sea kings that are close to the warship.

Although Baishui has not found any traces of the sea kings yet, Baishui believes that the sea kings will strike soon.

The Neptune's favorite thing to do is attack ships at sea.

Relying on everyone's concerted efforts, the warship successfully escaped the storm, but Bai Shui's complexion did not improve.

Amidst his domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge, several sea kings came hand in hand.

"Ready to fight!"

Bai Shui shouted, then looked intently at the sea.

Everyone also followed Bai Shui's gaze, but saw several black shadows appearing under their warship, getting bigger and bigger.


Before seeing its shape, first hear its sound.

A majestic and violent voice rushed towards the face, making the expressions of all the lieutenants change suddenly.

Even the two colonels who came out had solemn faces.

"Okay, don't be so nervous, what should you do!"

Seeing this, Bai Shui waved his hand to signal everyone not to be too nervous.

"Leave these things to me, don't worry about them, and protect our mission goals!"

Bai Shui clasped both hands, light particles flying around his body, and left and right guns appeared in his hands, telling everyone not to worry about this matter.


The first one to jump out of the sea was a sea king with a lion head and a fish body. Its mouth was enough to swallow the entire warship.

Baishui was in front of it, maybe not as big as his eyeballs.


The second and third are long sea snakes and bull-headed moray eels. Their bodies are a little smaller, but their length is enough to crush a warship.

"hold head high!"

The fifth sea king is more terrifying. It is an island whale, like a continent, with a huge body that exudes terrifying oppression.

Even Baishui couldn't help being surprised when he saw this island whale, it was too big.

Much bigger than Rabdu, the entire warship is only as big as his eyeball.

"This, this, this..."

Feel the ang under your feet! "

The island whale suddenly opened its mouth and let out a neigh, but the eyes of the other four sea kings could not help flashing a trace of panic. After a scream, they dived into the sea, not daring to compete with the island whale.

The faces of all the lieutenants turned pale, terrified.

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