Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 257: Reborn in a month


The crowd seemed to be shouting out their voices, the voice was so loud that the ground trembled uncontrollably.

"Very well, let's go!"

With a wave of Bai Shui's hand, everyone boarded the boat and went out to sea.

Beihai, the strongest sea in the original book, the strength of pirates is relatively strong.

Basically, there are no pirates below 10 million.

"It's really thanks to you. In just one month, you made them look like a different person!"

Jirac was full of emotion, these people changed under his watch.

Therefore, his feelings are particularly deep.

"Hmph, under such high-intensity training, they can't even think about it. They are just pigs, and now they are at least the overlord of pigs!"

Bai Shui snorted and said with a smile, making a very vivid metaphor.

However, if those people knew that Bai Shui described them in this way, how would they feel?

"This Chuanye, do you want to transfer it away!"

Jirac suddenly asked, with deep expectations hidden in his eyes.

Hearing this, Bai Shui shook his head, and said helplessly, "Hehe, let it be, I don't know now, I can't even control my own destiny, let alone someone else's!"

He himself was demoted, and he didn't know when he would be able to go back, so how could he decide their fate.

"Hehe, well, just pretend I didn't say anything!"

After getting Bai Shui's answer, Jirac couldn't help but smiled awkwardly and touched his nose.

Three days passed quietly!

During this period, people came back one after another. They all looked the same, with scars all over their bodies and blood on their faces.

But their gains are not small.

The more people behind, the higher the record.

So far, the highest reward for the pirates they captured is 45 million.

It is almost equivalent to the strength of the colonel/colonel of the Navy headquarters.

But Bai Shui was still waiting for news from someone.

Chuan Ye!

He has never returned.

"This guy went alone, so he won't encounter misfortune!" Bai Shui thought in his heart.

Everyone else is walking in a team, only him, because he can't find his teammates, he is alone.

Fortunately, after waiting for another day, when everyone thought he might die, he came back and exchanged for a 53 million head at the price of serious injuries.

Chuanye instantly became famous in the entire G7 branch.

"This guy is really fighting!"

Even Bai Shui couldn't help being shocked by the knife wound on his body.

If he hadn't taught him to be armed and domineering on a whim, he might have died by now.

Of course, it's also possible that he dared to work so hard because of his armed domineering aura.

After all, according to Bai Shui's estimation, he was very lucky to catch a pirate worth 50 million.

But now, there was a gap of 8 million in bounties between him and the second place.

Moreover, he is still alone, and the second place is three people.

Bai Shui's one-month teaching was indeed not in vain.

"Major Admiral Jirac, these people are almost ready to become members of the Navy Headquarters, see if you can transfer them back!"

"Continue to teach, I have nothing to teach!"

Bai Shui waved his hand, indicating that he was at the end of his rope.

"Haha, what I'm waiting for is your words. In fact, to tell you the truth, I have already had this idea. If it weren't for your scruples, you might not let him go, so I just opened my mouth!"

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