Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 255 Punching the Lazy Man

"The shackles, when will I allow you to undo them, when will you almost catch up with your peers!" Bai Shui drew another big pie.

In this way, Bai Shui fooled and intimidated all the people and put them in shackles, just like prisoners.

"Do you really want to make them starve all day? Isn't this too cruel!" Jirac couldn't bear it. Before this, he hadn't heard of anyone who trained people like this!

"Hehe, for people like him, if you want them to listen to you, you must first smash their pride, and then let them cast an indelible shadow on you for life!"

"In this way, you can command and move them, otherwise, you will just return without success like the previous trainers!"

Bai Shui smiled, but like a demon, Jirac couldn't help shivering.

"Well, maybe you're right!"

Jirac shrugged, a look of helplessness flashed across his face.

The trainer is Bai Shui, and he is the commander in chief.

As long as these people have no problems in the end, then he will also have a share of the credit, and the benefits are naturally indispensable.

"Oh, by the way, Major General Jirac, if you have time, allocate some money to repair the school's martial arts field, it looks so shabby!"

Bai Shui looked at Jirac suddenly, and said casually.

As if that's all he mentioned, and that's all Jirac heard.

"OK, all right!"

Jirac nodded, agreeing without thinking.

Nonsense, Baishui can only please but not offend.

Don't look at him being relegated here now, but who knows when he will go back?

If you offend him now, you will suffer later.

"Chuan Ye, go eat breakfast!"

Turning around, Bai Shui called out to Chuan Ye who was sitting cross-legged on the ground not far away.


Chuan Ye got up, and walked towards the cafeteria amidst the envious eyes of everyone.

Places that were once accessible at any time are now out of reach.

They also have no way to get the chef to deliver food to them, and even if it is delivered, there is no way to get it in.

There is no gap in the energy barrier of Baishui.

They thought that Bai Shui Mian was kind and easy to bully, but now, they just wanted to say that it was just like that sentence said: "It's true that people can't just look at the surface!"

Who would have thought that Bai Shui had such a determined heart hidden under such a sunny smile!

For no reason, the crowd began to feel a little afraid of Bai Shui.

The constant sense of hunger, weakness, and pain in the body invaded everyone, and everyone leaned helplessly, lying on the energy barrier, like a beaten eggplant, weak.

For the first time, they felt that the day was so long.

They can look at the situation outside, but the range of activities is only limited within the energy shield.

Lonely, bored, gradually occupied the hearts of each of them.

Outside the energy shield, Chuan Ye was weeding hard, and then started running around the huge school martial arts field.

Bai Shui sat on the side, manipulating the light particles to touch a needle and thread it.

This is to exercise his control over the fruit ability.

Originally, he wanted to use tofu instead, but he didn't have tofu in his heart, so Bai Shui had no choice but to make a bad decision.

In addition, all the light particles can touch, all holding huge stones, practicing the bearing power of the fruit one by one.

In time, a week passed like this.

Everyone is subdued by Baishui's seasoning, and anyone who dares to make trouble will be severely punished by Baishui.

It's often just to be hungry for a day, or to fight with him.

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