Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 992: Fengshen World Collapses

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"What? A poisonous dragon with one arm is a ninth-level sage monarch, and an invincible superpower under the sub-god, how could it be killed with a sword? Isn't it ..."

Everyone was shocked to hear the news.

Taking the nine-fold cultivation of a poisonous dragon to create a realm, and even being directly killed by another sword, how strong is that person's cultivation? It is likely to be a sub-god level.

The sub-god, that is already in the category of God, transcends the cognition of ordinary people.

In the Tianxu continent, every hundreds of thousands of years, a second **** may be born.

It can be said that the sub-god is the deity that can really appear in the world of Dayan. Once the godhead is condensed and becomes a true god, it can no longer appear in the world of Da Yan.

"At that time, after the strong man beheaded a poisonous dragon, I wanted to thank him, but he flew away at a very fast speed, turning into a purple cloud and taking away Yunshen Pool." 獠After a pause, he continued.

"Even Shen Yunchi was taken away by that strong man?"

Ning Xiaochuan no longer spoke after hearing it. Now that the gates of humans and gods have been opened three times, divine creatures have begun to pour into the world of Dayan, and no one can stop them. The battle for the deities of the entire Dayan World is about to erupt, and the heroes will also rise.

Now the only thing they can do is to improve their strength as soon as possible, only in this way can they find that vitality in troubled times!

Ning Xiaochuan sat on the ground, his mind entered the town tower, released the three thoughts of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and immediately suppressed them.

"Follow Shinto!"

Ning Xiaochuan exhibited Shinto, Ning Tianmeng immediately appeared behind him, kneeling down on one knee, and worshiping deeply.

Ning Xiaochuan spent a day refining all the spirits in the three times of thoughts, and then directly put the three times of thoughts into Ning Tianmeng's body.

The towner ’s tower originally had 49 thoughts and escaped three. Now Ning Xiaochuan has refined 13 and there are 33 remaining. If he wants to refine all, Ning Xiaochuan feels at least It can only be done after his cultivation has reached the realm of creation.

Seven days later, both the Nine-Tailed Demon Queen and Xiao Linger ended their cultivation. Both of them had reached the level of good fortune, and they were regarded as top performers.

"It's time we left here!" After talking, Ning Xiaochuan stood up and led the crowd to rush towards the fifth passage that sealed the world of God, preparing to leave the area of ​​Fengshen.


At the same time, Shi Ji Yao came to an unknown and strange place through the silver cave of the fourth re-sealed **** world.

There are blood-stained tombs everywhere. I don't know who has been inserted in the ground with hundreds of tombstones. Each tombstone has several rough characters written on it.

Shi Ji Yao later went to a tombstone and looked upwards, feeling that those ancient words contained an amazing sword spirit!

It read: "Qing Xu Jian Sheng, Lin Tianya's Tomb!"

She later went to the front of another tombstone, and this time she felt a sense of death, which made people shudder.

"Yan Luo, the tomb of Bai Yan!"

The big characters on the tombstone are like composed of heavenly thoughts, and the energy contained in each character is comparable to a secondary god. Fortunately, these words have been burned on the stele for many years, and they are not offensive.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the Queen of Ji Ji has already become fly ash.

"Are all the gods buried here?" Shi Ji Yao has been deeply shocked by the scene in front of her.

Every name engraved on the tombstone here has never been heard after Shi Ji Yao. You know, she has n’t known that hundreds of millions of years have passed since she was born. There are many gods. If she doesn't know the names of these gods, it can only prove that they died in a more distant age.

Each tombstone here is as high as a hundred feet, and each inscription contains powerful energy. If it is not a god, who can have such a powerful power?

Afterwards, the stone demon slowly started to walk to the front of the tombstone, because she saw that there was a huge tombstone that was larger than the mountain, higher than all the tombstones.

She is very curious, whose gravestone can be more magnificent than the gravestone of the deities?

Two days later, Shi Jihou finally came to the tallest tombstone, but the tombstone did not write the name of her master, but wrote a sentence.

"Don't cry in front of my grave, stain my circuit."

In a word that was so simple, after seeing Shi Ji, she became inexplicably sad after seeing it. If she hadn't tried hard to control it, she might even shed tears.

This is infected by the atmosphere caused by the text on the tombstone!

"What's going on? I and him are relatives, why do you want to cry when you see these words? Is this the power of the gods?" Shi Ji Yao said in shock.

"He is a **** king, but unfortunately offended beings stronger than him. In the end, the entire star field he was in was destroyed, but there was no way to rescue him, and he died with hate." A voice of etherealness suddenly appeared Behind Shi Ji Yao sounded behind her, shocked Shi Ji Yao immediately turned around.

Anyone else here?

I saw a veiled woman in white, holding a thick blood book in her hand, walking slowly from a distance.

Behind her was a blood-red camel.

The blood-red camel was rotten in many places, exuding a blast of death. It seemed to be only two meters high, but it gave off a deterrent clarity.

How could Shi Ji Yao be unable to see clearly, the veiled woman and the **** camel were clearly in front of her eyes, but they seemed to be separated by a distant space.

This only shows that the other side's cultivation is much higher than her.

"Who are you?" Queen Shi Ji didn't know the woman, but she was on guard.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but I feel his veins in you. The truth is unpredictable. Hey!" The white woman sighed softly and said, "If you see me after you go out, He, please tell him, I ... everything is fine. "

"Who is he?" After the monster Shi Ji looked at the masked woman strangely, she felt inexplicable.

The queen of Shi Ji Yao absolutely stared at the other side, her eyes were a little strange, and there was a touch of tenderness in those eyes.

"You will know," the woman in white said softly.

"As a thank you, I will record your name in the" Fengshen List "in advance. Whether you can become a **** depends on your own good fortune!" The woman in white stared at Shi Ji Demon deeply, and then held the Scarlet Camel, Disappeared in the graves of the gods.

Write down the name on the "Feng Shen Bang" in advance?

how is this possible! How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Who is she?

The stone demon queen was full of doubts, looking in the direction of the masked woman's departure, and drew directly on the spot, unable to believe what happened in front of her.

"Is she the legendary envoy of the gods?" Shi Ji demon said quietly in her mouth, but all the answers could not be known until the moment she became a god.

Shi Ji Yao looked at the tall tombstones around, shook her head and started walking back, ready to return from the place where she came in to the stone forest in the fourth sealed world.

However, at this moment, the tallest tombstone of the **** king began to sparkle, all the tombstones began to vibrate, and then the entire space began to collapse.

"It's been done!" After being aware of the badness, Shi Ji demon immediately transformed into a vein of the earth and fled directly into the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan, they finally arrived at the entrance of the Fifth Sealed Gods List after a day of flight, and were preparing to enter and leave here.

However, at this moment, the entire world of Fengshen began to shake, space began to collapse, and a huge space storm swept the entire world of Fengshen.

The earth began to collapse, the veins of the heavens began to collapse, and a large number of souls were flying in the sky, as if the end of the day had come, and the world of Fengshen began to disintegrate.

"What's going on ?!" Ning Xiaochuan and others were stunned by the sudden scene, and before they responded, all of them were caught in the space storm.

"Little Red ... fit!"

Ning Xiaochuan exhausted his whole body strength in the wind, came to Xiao Hong, and became one with Xiao Hong, preparing to rescue Xiao Linger and Zi Hanyan.


At this time, the world of Fengshen was completely broken, and everyone was sucked in by the loophole in the space, and no voice came out.

The fourth re-sealed **** world, the third re-sealed **** world, the second re-sealed **** world, and the first re-sealed **** world are all undergoing great changes, and the sky is falling.

Even the formidables are not immune, and all warriors are sucked into the loopholes in space.

After the collapse of Fengshen World, the first five layers became five artifacts and flew to the five directions of Dayan World. The last four layers were taken away by a huge blood-colored camel and fell to that one in white, covered Veil of woman's palm.

Since then, the world of Nine Seals has disappeared between heaven and earth.

There are too many treasures in the world of Nine Sealed God, and they just disappeared.

Many creatures sighed in their hearts when they saw this scene, but there are also warriors cheering, without the seal of the **** world, then the warriors of the Dayan world no longer need to be caught to the second seal of the **** world, and they are deprived of mysterious energy.

About a month later, Ning Xiaochuan woke up in a desert. He opened his eyes hard and looked around.

He was about to sit up, but found that his body was terribly painful, and it was very difficult to breathe, let alone to get up.

"Ning Xiaochuan ... what is going on ... us, where is this?" At this time, Xiao Hong's intermittent voice came to her side.

She was also very painful, her red dress was broken, and her body was full of wounds.

In Fengshen World, a space storm struck. Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong were preparing to save people at the time, but they did not want the space storm to be too powerful. They were sucked into the space loop before they could react.

Inside the space loophole, Xiao Hong's armor tightly wrapped Ning Xiaochuan, causing Xiao Hong's whole body to be injured, more serious than Ning Xiaochuan's.

"I don't know ... but, it seems ... we and the others have separated." Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong are now having a hard time breathing.

They must now resume repairs as soon as possible to ensure safety.

The whole Nine Sealed God World is broken, and being able to survive is a blessing.

According to Ning Xiaochuan's estimation, it would take at least one month for the two of them to recover from their injuries. In this month, I hope that they do not encounter any danger.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong just lay on the desert like this, taking the human-grade Dan that healed, slowly running the thin supreme qi in the body and recovering the injury.

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