Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 962: Altar

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Dangan monk said: "The third world of sealed gods is definitely much more dangerous than the second world of sealed gods. It may even encounter the souls of the divine realm. I think that everyone ’s cultivation has not entered the ancient world. Before, it ’s better not to rush into the third world of God's Seal. "

The Nine-tailed demon sneered: "Monk, you got the soul emperor bead. Of course, you want to refine the soul emperor bead in the second world of the gods and impact the realm of creation. However, the second world of the gods of God cannot be found. For the second soul emperor bead, if we want to promote cultivation, we must go to the third world to seal God. "

Tangan monk said: "Poor monks really want to impact the realm first, and then break into the third world of God. Is this wrong? If none of us is a monk in the world of nature, how can we resist the third world? The danger of God's world? "

Seeing that the monk Tangan and the nine-tailed demon are about to quarrel, Ning Xiaochuan said immediately: "I have a suggestion, I don't know if you can listen to it?"

The monk Tangan and the nine-tailed demon immediately stopped and stared at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Now, most of us have reached the ninth level of real life. If we do not go to the third level to seal the world of God, we will not be able to practice in the ancient world in a short time. But If Xiu Wei went to the third re-sealing of God's world without reaching the eternal realm, then he could be in danger of life at any time.

"So, I think, we can first send two strongmen to the third re-sealing of God's World to find the way, looking for the Supreme Bloodstone by the way. The remaining people will continue to practice here. What do you think?"

After the nine-tailed demon's eyes brightened, he said, "If you want to send the strong to the third world of God, you must be one of them."

The monk Tangan immediately shook his head, twisting the beads, and said, "The poor monk chooses to stay and practice, and strives to break through the natural world as soon as possible. Our team needs a supreme natural world."

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Yue Mingsong.

Yue Mingsong narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said, "The elder is naturally quite willing to have a chance to spend time with adults behind the nine-tailed demon! Hehe!"

The eyes of the Nine-tailed Demon immediately became cold, and if she went to the third re-sealed world with Yue Mingsong, she would rather choose to act alone.

Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment, and said, "In this case, then I and the nine-tailed demon go to the third re-sealed **** world to explore the way, and everyone else stays in the second re-sealed **** world."

Ning Xiaochuan made such a decision, naturally his intention.

First of all, among the current team, the strongest are Ning Xiaochuan, Yue Mingsong, Xiao Linger, Nine-Tailed Queen, Tangan Monk.

To choose two people to go to the third world of God, you can only choose from five of them.

Xiao Linger possesses five Supreme Soul Elixir, and she has received two very high-grade Supreme Soul Lingtan from Yue Mingsong. She must stay and cultivate to break through the realm.

The same is true of the monk Tangan. If he can refine the soul emperor bead and cultivate to the realm of creation, it will indeed enhance the overall strength of the team.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan was also very uneasy about the monk Tangan. If he was allowed to break through to the realm of creation, no one would know whether he would **** everyone's treasures and escape. Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan let Yue Mingsong stay, just to restrain the monk.

And if the souls of the **** realm are found here, with Yue Mingsong's unfathomable cultivation, they will be able to resist the attacks of the **** realm.

"After the Nine-Tailed Demon, let's go now!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Yue Mingsong smiled, and gave a thumbs up to Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Brother Ning, the elder did not read you wrong, and you finally started to act."

The Nine-tailed demon naturally knew what he was talking about, but was miraculously indifferent, but instead gave a charming smile, saying: "King of Destruction, this time we went to the third world of God alone, but we must exchange our feelings well. .Ha ha!"

Seeing the gorgeous smile after the Nine-Tailed Demon, even Ning Xiaochuan was a little swayed.

The nine-tailed fox family's charm is really powerful. If the nine-tailed monster intends to seduce Ning Xiaochuan, with her charm, Ning Xiaochuan may not be able to resist it.

Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon flew from the bottom of the Soul Cave and returned to the ground again.

General Adassilo did not go with them to the Third World of Sealing Gods. The Nine-Tailed Demon ordered him to stay to protect Princess Xi Xi.

"Wait a minute!" Ning Xiaochuan turned around and glanced at the huge tiankeng in front of him.

The real element was scattered on the tip of his finger, and a matrix of lines was carved in the void.

Soon he was at the entrance to the tiankeng, portraying a formation.

When the formation method fell, the entrance to the tiankeng disappeared immediately and became the same as the surrounding ground, as if it disappeared.

The Nine-tailed demon nodded, her eyes dazzled, and she expressed her admiration, saying, "I did not expect that your accomplishment in formation is so high. With this guard of the hidden formation, those creatures in the divine realm will not leave. Go to the soul evil cave, otherwise it is impossible to find the entrance to the soul evil cave. "

"Let's go!"

Ning Xiaochuan first unfolded a pair of unreal dragon wings and flew towards the entrance of the third re-sealed **** world.

The Nine-Tailed Demon stood with a towering crisp peak and glanced in the direction that Ning Xiaochuan flew away. A charming smile appeared on her white and flawless face, "It's such a great destroyer that he can resist the charm of the future, interesting."

When she was talking just now, she put Meishu into her eyes and voice slightly.

However, Ning Xiaochuan was completely unaffected by Meishu and immediately flew away.

The Nine-tailed Demon immediately flew in the air and chased Ning Xiaochuan.

The entrance to the world of the Third Sealed God is built on a deserted field. In the center of the field, a square altar is piled with white boulder.

The altar is as high as 8,400 meters, with a towering atmosphere. The center of the altar is placed on an ancient tripod. Each of the four sides of the ancient tripod has a bronze-cast beast head. general.

A circular light gate suspended above the altar.

That is the door to the third world of God.

At this moment, there are a group of young creatures gathering around the altar. They are not humans, but the monster creatures who come to the Nine Heavens.

After Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon were hundreds of miles away from the altar, they immediately condensed their breath, stood in the distance, and stared at those souls in the distant world.

"They are the Tianjiao of the younger generation of Jiutian Divine Realm? What are they doing?" Said Jiuwei, a little puzzled.

"We will know if we look at it." Ning Xiaochuan was also curious.

The Nine-Tailed Demon said: "Our bodies have not been transformed by the spirit of God. Once they pass, they will be seen through. If you let them know that we are the creatures of the world, they will definitely be hostile to us and may even join forces We kill. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Anyway, as long as we put on the Supreme Oracle, they will not feel our breath."

In Hunsha Cave, Ning Xiaochuan found more than one hundred fragments of the deity's supreme armor. When he left Hunsha Cave, he asked Yue Mingsong to repair these fragments into two complete sets of deities.

At this moment, he took out two sets of deities, supreme armor, and handed one of them to the Nine-Tailed Demon.

They put on the supreme armor, and the whole man was wrapped in armor.

Under the control of Ning Xiaochuan, the nails covering the face spread out, revealing a handsome face, and then walked towards the altar with the nine-tailed demon.

The young geniuses of the Jiutian Divine Realm were all on alert after seeing Ning Xiaochuan and Jiuwei Demon coming over.

A bald man with purple skin, four demon-lighting eyes on his face, walked towards Ning Xiaochuan and Nine-Tailed Demon, and whispered coldly, "Which **** are you under? Warrior? This is not the place where you should come, or go and capture the Supreme Soul of the Second Sealed World of God? "

At a glance, Ning Xiaochuan could see the four-eyed man with very pure blood flowing in his body. He even had a touch of divine power on his body.

Just standing on the opposite side gives a feeling of the true God coming into the world.

If it were an ordinary monk, he must have been kneeled on the ground by the intimidation of his god, and worshipped him religiously.

The four-eyed man, even if he is not the son of a god, must be a direct descendant within five generations of the god.

Generally speaking, the blood of the **** ’s own sons and daughters is the strongest, and the birth is the cultivation of eternal realm.

Next is the grandson and granddaughter of the gods. The blood in the body is also very strong, and the power of the father and grandfather will be inherited from the body. Once born, it is basically a human-level practice. Some of these geniuses can even have Wangujing as soon as they were born.

Continue the inheritance, and the blood of the descendants will gradually become thinner.

The four-eyed man in front of him is very dense with blood in his body. He is not a **** but possesses divine power. He is definitely a distinguished divine **** Tianjiao, and he has reached the fifth place in the ancient world.

After seeing Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon wearing the Supreme Oracle, they thought they were Oracle warriors.

God warriors, in the presence of such gods as Tianjiao, who have a strong background, are like close guards and servants.

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