Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 924: Battle upgrade

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"King of Destruction?"

Hearing the words of the Jiuxu Zhangjiao, the seven holy earth palm teachers in the presence of Aoki palm religion, Yinzong palm religion, etc., while looking at the smoky battlefield.

How could this be?

The young monks next to me also heard the words of Jiuxu's teacher, and were frightened.

"The young man who fights with real people is actually a traitor to the human race? How could he come to the Holy Land of Lingxiao?" A young Holy Land preacher said with some surprise.

"King of Destruction? Maybe it isn't him! The Heavenly Demon Emperor has been suppressed. He has no backing. He should find a hidden place to hide. How dare he appear in front of people?" Jiuxu God Son was not convinced Road.

It didn't take long for eight palm teachers including Jiuxu Palm to confirm at the same time that the young man who had dealt with Muhua was indeed a traitor to the human race and the king of extermination.

Knowing this result, Qingfeizi couldn't help recalling the scene of seeing the Devil King for the first time. At that time, how could she not have thought that the young man who looked ordinary was actually a prestigious extermination. Wang Ning Xiaochuan.

"It seems that the first day of the human race is the King of Destruction. No one can be stronger than him." Qingfei Zi said.

The Goddess of Jiuxu was a bit stubborn, and said coldly, "The talent of the Destroyer King is indeed very high. Few people can compare with him, but he is an unsound demon and is not worthy of being called a human."

Ouyang Chengde said: "His master, Tianmeng Yaohuang, was suppressed by the Daxian of our people, and he dared to come out arrogant. I think today will be his death."

There are many versions of why the Destroyer King betrayed the human race.

Some people said that he was greedy for life and feared death, so he turned to Tianmeng Yaohuang and became a slave to the demons.

Some people also said that he was crowded out and suppressed by the holy soil of the Middle-earth world, and finally embarked on a road of no return, and had to turn to the demon and seek the asylum of the demon.

Others said he was confused by the nine-tailed demon fox.

There are many legends about the King of Destruction, but no one knows the truth of the matter.

When Qingfeizi was practicing in the Shencun Palace, he had a good relationship with Tang Shuyao. From Tang Shuyao, he learned a lot about the Destroyer King.

Therefore, she knows that the reason why King of Devil will take refuge in the demon clan has a lot to do with the persecution of the top ten sacred soils, such as Aoki Sacred Soil and Jiuxu Sacred Soil. Otherwise, the King of Destruction will not take the lead Way back.

Qingfeizi thoughtfully said: "I've seen the Destroyer King twice before, and he doesn't seem to be a demon with an uneasy mind."

Ouyang Chengde said: "The less you look like a demon, the more you become a demon. The king of extermination, bloodthirsty, is simply an irrational person, otherwise why would he come to the Holy Land of Lingxiao to kill innocent people?"

Qingfeizi looked towards the battlefield between King of Destruction and Muhua, and he was thinking about a question. Fang Changming was Xue Qingshuang's twin concubine. Why did he kill Xue Qingshuang?

In addition, Liu Hengli is the elder of the elixir hall, how did he appear in Xue Qingshuang's practice cave house?

Her grandfather Lingxiao once said to her, "A bad guy is so bad that he does things better than many good guys."

How could a big devil like King of Destruction kill Liu Hengli who is much lower than him for no reason?

Qingfeizi always felt that the whole incident seemed otherwise hidden, so she quietly left the place and wanted to investigate why the King of Destruction was unwilling to make the secret behind her public?

After learning that the people who dealt with Muhua were the King of Destruction, the monks in the various holy soils filled with indignation. Many of them were aggressive and claimed to kill the King with their hands.

"The last time the King of Destroyer was run away in the God's Palace, this time he must not be allowed to run away!"

"Dare to dare to kill the innocent in Lingxiao Holy Land, and let him pay for the dead!"

"The King of Destruction is more dead than death. It would be too cheap to kill him. I think after he was arrested, his practice was abolished and then he was tortured slowly."


After a discussion of the Eighth Sacred Land ’s teaching, it seemed as if an agreement had been reached and nodded at the same time.

At this moment, the battle between Ning Xiaochuan and Muhua's real people also entered the bottom of the fire. Gradually, Ning Xiaochuan occupied the upper part and suppressed Muhua's real people.


Ning Xiaochuan incorporated the fire of extinction into the melee warhammer. With a wave of his arm, the bones in his body made a crackling sound. With a fiery cloud of fire, the melee warhammer attacked Muhua's head.


The Mixed Warhammer punched a fine crack in the top-quality gloves on Mu Hua's real human arm.

The fire of extinction erupted from Ning Xiaochuan's palm, and passed towards Muhua real person through the mixed-world warhammer.


Under the burning of the annihilation fire, Muhua real person just persisted for a moment and immediately retreated.

Mu Hua retreated to the edge of the battlefield breathlessly, staring in shock at the young man standing opposite, and looked at his arm again.

The flesh on his arm was burned to ashes by the Extermination Fire, leaving only a black bone attached to the palm of his hand and wearing a cracked fist.

If he retreats one minute later, it is estimated that the entire body will be burned into fly ash by that terrible flame.

"I'm defeated!" Mu Hua Zhenren was very lonely and very unwilling to say: "However, you dare to innocently kill the innocent in Lingxiao Holy Land, which is the enemy of our entire Lingxiao Holy Land. Lingxiao Sacred Land will fight you to the end. "

"Brother Muhua is right, King of Destruction, you have indiscriminately killed innocent people, betrayed humankind, and are bloodthirsty. You are simply the evil head of unforgiveness. Today, you do n’t want to escape from the Holy Land of Lingxiao."

Jiuxu Zhangjiao and Qingmu Zhangjiao walked side by side, entered the battlefield, and joined the Muhua real person.

"How? He is the King of Destruction?" Mu Hua Zhenren said in surprise.

Aoki nodded and nodded coldly, "Yes, this son is the Terran traitor of the Destroyer King. He dedicated the town demon tower to the Emperor Demon Emperor, and trespassed with the demon wolves, and did not kill him. God is incomprehensible. "

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Qingmu Zhangjiao and Jiuxu Zhangjiao lightly, and then glanced into the distance, only to see a twisted halo rise in the distance, forming a large array.

Several powerful figures wandered around the edge of the formation, imprisoning the entire space.

Each of those silhouettes has a strong breath and is definitely a teacher-level figure.

"Aoki teaches, Jiuxu teaches, Jiutian holy city, we haven't seen each other for a long time, have we?" Ning Xiaochuan ignored the rising formation in the distance and still seemed very calm.

Qingmu Zhang taught Lengheng: "The old man only hated that he was not able to kill you at that time, otherwise he would not let you grow up to where he is now."

Ning Xiaochuan sarcastically said: "Then you have to seize the opportunity this time. If you still can't get rid of me, I'm afraid you won't have another chance in the future."

The hatred of Ning Xiaochuan's heart will only be stronger than the teachings of Qingmuzhang and Jiuxu. At the beginning of the holy city of Jiutian, if the ugly mother-in-law had not rescued him, he would have died in the hands of the top ten holy earth teachers.

This time, they actually re-applied the tricks and wanted to combine the power of digital teaching to kill him in the Holy Land of Lingxiao.

Unfortunately, Ning Xiaochuan is no longer the weak one. With his current strength, he is enough to contend with the characters at the level of education. If you want to kill him, you have to pay a huge price.

"Do you think you still have a chance to escape today?" Jiuxu taught: "Muhua is real, Aoki is taught. For a human traitor such as King of the Devil, you do n’t need to tell him any moral. Today, he must be killed in the Holy Land of the Lingxiao, lest he continue to be a disaster in the future. "

Aoki Palm taught: "There are six large arrays of imprisonment arranged by the palms, and the King of Destruction cannot escape even if he has the means to reach the sky. All three of us are the seventh-best practice in real life. I will be able to fight this devil. "

Mu Hua really nodded his head gently. If the young man was really the king of extermination, then he really should be damned.

Muhua took out a humanoid Dan, put it in his mouth, and the arm that had been burned into black bones immediately grew new flesh.

Ning Xiaochuan's gaze also became serious, knowing that he is now facing three holy earth palm teaching figures. Although the three of them are all seventh-level cultivation in real life, with their ability and means, even if they fight with the eighth-level monk in real life, they will never fall below.

Without wearing the blood coat of the Ninth God, Ning Xiaochuan could only defeat one of the Holy Land Palmists at most. Faced with the teachings of the two holy earth, they could barely compete. In the face of the three holy hands, he will definitely lose.

Of course, in addition to the blood of the gods, Ning Xiaochuan also holds half of the town's towers. The town's tower has restraint power against the strong human race. If he uses the half of the town's tower, he can fight with the three holy palms.

"Since you are so desperate to kill me, fight now!" Ning Xiaochuan's momentum changed, and a black and white brilliance erupted in his body, mobilizing the power of the demon supreme body.

Ning Xiaochuan's momentum has risen a lot compared to when he played with Mu Hua.

Muhua's real person, Jiuxu Zhangjiao, Qingmu Zhangjiao's complexion became serious, knowing that the King of Destruction is not easy to deal with, immediately opened up the body, stood in three directions, and surrounded Ning Xiaochuan.

"The King of Destruction has a blood cloak on it, which is very evil. When dealing with him, you must be careful not to be stuck by the blood cloak." Aoki taught.

Jiuxu Zhangjiao sacrifice a top-grade treasure mirror, suspended above his head. The treasure mirror is forged from purple gold, emitting a stream of purple air currents, condensing into a beam of light, and shining on Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Under the influence of the purple mirror light, the void in front of Ning Xiaochuan collapsed to form a huge space hole with a diameter of seven or eight meters. He wanted to **** Ning Xiaochuan's body into the hole.

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