Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 814: Coagulation tyre

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"It's over, that's a demon king!"

Everyone felt cold when they saw the bite rat.

The other monsters, even if there are many, there is at least one battle.

However, being stopped by a demon king is absolutely dead!

Ning Xiaochuan calmly said, "Yue Mingsong, Situ Jing, Luo Wu, the three of you leave first, and that demon king has given it to me!"

"But, Brother Ning, that's a demon king ..." Situ Jing was worried.

"Go away! If we don't leave, we will die five people. But if we leave, we will only die two people. This account will not be counted, I am really anxious for your parents!"

Yue Mingsong immediately took the tying rope in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan and kicked it on the heads of the three lions. The three emperors screamed in pain and uttered a howling sound, carrying Yue Mingsong, Situ Jing and Luo Wu rushing out.

"Ning Xiaochuan, today, next year, I will burn paper money for you. Rest assured! Anyway, there will be a funeral for Sister Nie, you will not be lonely in hell."

With Ming Situ and Luo Wu, Yue Mingsong rushed into the camp of the monsters, knocked out countless monsters, rushed out of the line of defense, and fled away.

The target of the bite rat is Ning Xiaochuan, so he did not attack Yue Mingsong and others and let them escape.

Of course, it is impossible to really escape. Even if you pass this level, there are waves of monsters waiting for them, and no one can escape.

"Yue Mingsong is too unsatisfied, he really escaped!" Nie Lanzhi swelled with anger.

Ning Xiaochuan clasped Nie Lanzhi's five fingers and stared at the Rat Eater, saying, "Langzhi, aren't you afraid?"

Nie Lanzhi shook his head and stared at Ning Xiaochuan's face passionately, whispering, "I'm not scared at all with Xiaohouye."

The god-sucking mouse sneered, "I'm already dead, and I'm still in love, okay! The old man will complete you, let you be a pair of desperate fate, and take revenge for my grandson!"

Ning Xiaochuan pointed Xing Luoji to the biting rat, fearlessly, and said coldly, "Don't bite the rat, aren't you afraid of the town demon tower?"

"Well! Even if you really have a town demon tower, how much power can you exert? I guess you have given the town demon tower to the emperor, haven't you?" The **** rat sneered.

Ning Xiaochuan talked about the town demon tower, and he just wanted to scare and scare away the rat, but he didn't expect that the rat was even smarter, and he was not scared by Ning Xiaochuan.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan not speak, the bite rat ratified the guess in his heart, and he turned over the town demon tower to the emperor.

However, there is a lot of treasure on this kid. There is actually a remnant of the king, which is also a rare treasure. It is too wasteful to put it on a human kid in the heavens and the earth!

Although the bite rat is a demon king, it only has a defensive middle class supreme device. There is no even a top class supreme device. Naturally, he wants to capture the half of the star halberd in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan.

Although the town demon tower is on Ning Xiaochuan's body, it cannot be used.

It seems that today is really less ferocious.


The body of the bite-going rat exudes an extremely powerful demon, spreading out in all directions, engulfing Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lanzhi. His eyes were cold and he held out a sharp claw, and he was going to take the star halberd in Ning Xiaochuan's hand.

Ning Xiaochuan never fought with real-life creatures, until now it was understood that real people were so powerful that it was not that he could now compete.

Without real life, you won't understand how strong real people are?

When the demon of the rat-running rat wrapped his body, Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt that he could not move all over his body, and could not move even a finger.

"Is this the power of real people? I can't die, even for Nie Lanzhi, I can't die."

Ning Xiaochuan clenched his teeth and refused to give in. He swiftly circulated the blood in his body, awakening the power of the deities.


One white and one black, two rays of light rushed out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, dividing his body into two halves of black and white, half of which was pure and sacred light, and half of which was evil spirit.

The supreme power of the devil wrapped Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lanzhi in the center, and finally broke through the demon pressure system of the **** mouse.

"Langzhi, borrow my strength!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Nie Lanzhi closed his eyes, held Ning Xiaochuan's hand again, absorbed the power of the stars outside the body, and passed it on to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan was blessed by the power of the stars, and all of them emitted bright starlight, all of them broke into the star halberd, and stabbed towards the biting rat.

However, his full blow was blocked by the slap of the rat.

Can the power of the Supreme King be blocked?

"Well, junior, you don't understand the gap between heaven and real people, even if you can break through the old man ’s demon pressure system, he is far from the old man's opponent. Hitting a stone with a egg is beyond your control."

The bite-going rat laughed with a grin, his arm shaking, and a force of overwhelming force, running along the Xing Luoji toward Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan resisted the blow of the **** rat, and the skin on his body was cracked, and a mouthful of blood was spit in his mouth, and he took three steps backwards.

There was a slight difference in the **** mouse, and this attack was thought to be enough to beat that human junior into fly ash.

But ... it was carried by that human!

Ning Xiaochuan originally thought that with the help of Nie Lanzhi, he could counter the bite rat, but he still underestimated the power of a real person.

When he realized that it was irresistible, Ning Xiaochuan immediately pushed Nie Lanzhi out and said, "Hurry up, I will help you!"

Having said this, Ning Xiaochuan, holding Xing Luoji, killed a large group of monsters and forced a way out of life, trying to send Nie Lanzhi away.

However, Nie Lanzhi didn't leave at all. He squeezed Ning Xiaochuan's hand tightly again, widened his eyes, stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and shook his head vigorously.

"Quack! No one can go today!"

The bite rat turned into a rapid streamer, disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan the next moment, a paw patted on the top of Ning Xiaochuan.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan was about to die in the hands of the **** mouse.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's speed was even faster than imaginary. Instead of running away, he ran into the rat and drew the eighteen figurative magic swords and pierced the rat.

With a wave of the palm of the bite-going rat, a huge wave of demon surges out, and all eighteen figurative magic swords were blown out, hitting Ning Xiaochuan's body, and blasting Ning Xiaochuan out again.

"It's been said that you are shaking the big tree, but you don't believe it. The life-level power is not something you can imagine." The rat-eater rat walked towards Ning Xiaochuan, staring at Ning Xiaochuan on the ground with a grim look, stepping Cracked.

However, this foot did not break Ning Xiaochuan apart as it imagined, but was supported by Ning Xiaochuan's arms.

The bite rat was also slightly shocked. I didn't expect that the human kid's strength was so great that he could hold the strength of a real person.

It immediately added a little more power to trample Ning Xiaochuan to his feet.

Ning Xiaochuan gritted his teeth, and supported the feet of the Devouring Mouse with both hands, as if he was thinking of holding the 100,000 Mountains.

The blood in his body moved fast, the heaven and earth element of the eyebrows and the extinction element of the magic sword light up at the same time.

Among Dao Yuan, 180 million rules quickly aggregated and came together to form Dao.

Under the oppression of the bite rat, Ning Xiaochuan finally condensed into a fetus, impacting the eighth realm of heaven and human.

The resentment, murderous, and evil spirits on the battlefield gathered together into the annihilation of the world, as the tide gathered together towards Ning Xiaochuan and poured into the annihilation of the magic sword in the magic sword.

The air of the earth free from the air also poured into Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrows and merged into the heaven and earth tires, which made Ning Xiaochuan's tires grow rapidly.

At the moment when Ning Xiaochuan's realm broke through, there was a thick black robbery cloud above the sky. Numerous thunderbolts passed through the robbery cloud, making a loud roar.

"What's going on? Isn't this human kid breaking through the realm in a desperate situation and attracting thunderstorms! Is this about to become a real person?" The face of the **** rat changed slightly.

It's no wonder that the bite rat will be misunderstood. After all, for others, only when it hits the real person's realm will it lead to "true robberies".

But who would have thought that Ning Xiaochuan condensed his debut tires and would also lead to thunderstorms?

This is the sorrow of the demise of the world. Almost every breakthrough of a slightly larger realm will be hacked by thunder!

The doctrine of extermination of the world is extermination of God, and God naturally will not allow them to grow up.

Seeing thunder robbers appearing above the sky, the monks of the monster clan retreated and dared not approach Ning Xiaochuan, for fear of being caught in by thunder robbers.

Naturally, the bite-rat rat did not dare to stay under the cloud of Jieyun, and fled immediately, but Ning Xiaochuan clung to his thigh, just like nougat, and did not let go.

"Just let go, or the old man will beat you out of shape." The bite rat looked at the thicker and stronger clouds above the sky, for fear of being swept in by the clouds.

Jieyun has spirituality.

If Jie Yun mistakenly thinks that it is to help Ning Xiaochuan stop thunder, thunder rob will become more powerful. When killing Ning Xiaochuan, he will also kill it.

The Devouring Rat slashed at Ning Xiaochuan's arm with one palm, trying to cut off Ning Xiaochuan's arms.

Its palm hasn't been split yet, but Ning Xiaochuan released his hands and retreated more than ten meters away.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan let go of his hand, the bite rat finally breathed a sigh of relief, fled immediately, and flew towards the distance.

However, it found that Jieyun above him still followed him, and he couldn't shake it at all.

How could this be?

The biting rat looked backwards, and saw Ning Xiaochuan even behind it. Its speed becomes faster, and Ning Xiaochuan's speed also becomes faster.

Ning Xiaochuan was able to exhibit the speed of Shenlong, and in terms of speed, it was not much slower than a real person. The bite rat could not throw Ning Xiaochuan away.

"Human boy, if you follow the old man again, the old man will surely make you worse off!" The bite rat was also anxious, afraid of being swept in by the robbery.

"That being the case, then come and kill me! Are you not a demon king? I'm just a celestial being without boundaries, and you will definitely be killed by you minute by minute." Ning Xiaochuan chased behind the bite rat.

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