Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 649: Demon

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"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Lu Qingyuan's body was wrapped in blood armor, holding a blue pagoda, smashing ten figurative magic swords and flying out, striding forward and defeating Ning Xiaochuan.

His defense was unbreakable and his attack was unstoppable.


The six-armed tyrannosaurus roared, the violent blood in his body was stimulated, the dragon scales on his body became red, and his strength increased several times. He used the claws of the dragon to shake the turquoise pagoda. Go back.

However, its dragon claws also shattered, becoming obscured and almost abolished.

The power of half the Supreme was not a joke, and the dragon's physical body could not carry it.

Inspired by the blood of Hong Tao's monster, the blood in Ning Xiaochuan's body also became violent. The three supreme powers were born from the depths of the bloodline, the power of kendo, the power of magic, and the power of life.

All three supreme powers are gathered into the heart and circulated among the seven tricks.

Ning Xiaochuan also took out the psychic medicine "Dripping Blood Zhuguo" and did not refine it. It was swallowed directly into his mouth, like a flame into his throat, which made Ning Xiaochuan's entire body burn.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan shattered ten pieces of ground basalt with Tianwu's vitality and turned it into powder. He wrapped the powder with qi, absorbed it into the pores, and melted into the blood.

Each piece of black stone powder enters the blood, and it is like a bomb exploding in the blood veins, releasing powerful energy and integrating into the blood.

The energy in Ning Xiaochuan's blood was accumulating more and more. If other monks had already died, they would have died.

Lu Qingyuan was also stunned by Ning Xiaochuan's breakthrough method. He even absorbed ten pieces of topographical basalt at the same time. I am afraid that even if he would explode, Ning Xiaochuan could sustain it?

"No! Ning Xiaochuan is simply too mysterious. If he is allowed to break through the realm, no one in the younger generation can suppress him."

Lu Qingyuan hit the six-armed Tyrannosaurus with a blue pagoda and kept back, rushing towards Ning Xiaochuan.

"Boom! Boom!"

Ning Xiaochuan's body rushed out of two types of phases and appeared above his head.

Three thousand annihilation law! A blood-red magic sword pierced through three devastating worlds, piled up dead bodies like mountains, a sea of ​​blood that lingered, and a land of flames, every world was dead!

However, on the other side of the sky, "Tianzun Faxiang" was displayed. A sacred and majestic celestial deity stood there, stepping on the ground, the sky above his head, and the blue clouds revolved around his body, giving a sacred and inviolable feeling.

"Two types of law?" Lu Qingyuan's eyes widened, like hell.

Double martial arts?


However, he was just surprised for a moment, and immediately smashed the blue pagoda, like a blue flame mountain pressing down towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan squeezed his fingers with both hands, converging to the position of the brows.

A blessing of heaven appeared on the brow's heart, like a sky eye opened, shooting a dazzling beam of light, hitting the blue pagoda.


The white beam of light blocks the cyan pagoda.

However, the power of the cyan pagoda was quite powerful, constantly rolling down.


The white beam of light just blocked the cyan pagoda for two moments and was crushed by the cyan pagoda.

Lu Qingyuan is indeed a celestial being in Zhongjingtian. He is strong and wears blood-red armor and stands on the sky. Both types of Ning Xiaochuan are bombed. The blue pagoda directly bombs Ning Xiaochuan.


Cyan pagodas bombarded the magma-filled ground and punched a huge pit of two hundred meters directly to the world of Moxu Ruins. The ground was torn into dense cracks, and the earth seemed to be broken apart.

Lu Qingyuan breathed a long sigh of relief and took back the blue pagoda, turning it into a half-foot tower, suspended in the palm of his hand.

"If you are hit by the Qinglong Tower, even if you have a juvenile spirit, you will surely die."

Lu Qingyuan also lamented in his heart that Ning Xiaochuan was indeed terrible. Without reaching the realm of heaven and man, he could fight against him for so long.

You know, under the attack of his Qinglong Pagoda, few of the other heavenly people in the early days can catch three moves.

He thought that Ning Xiaochuan was dead, scattered the blood armor on him, and flew down on a black iron stone, looking at the huge pit in front of him, looking for Ning Xiaochuan's corpse.

Magma in all directions was flowing into the giant pit, but Ning Xiaochuan's body was not seen.


Just then, suddenly, a magic sword flew out of the magma.

Lu Qingyuan also had precautions. The moment he felt the danger, his body sank immediately, and the magic sword that was originally stabbed to his heart passed through his left shoulder.

"Damn! How could it not be dead?"

Lu Qingyuan grasped the hilt of the magic sword and wanted to pull the magic sword out of his body. However, the magic sword seemed to have life and started to absorb the blood in his body.


A figure burst out of the magma, holding a demon sword in both hands.

The demon sword emits a white brilliance, and Lu Qingyuan's eyes cannot be opened.

Moreover, Lu Qingyuan faintly heard that the demon sword even made evil laughter, giving people a creepy feeling!

Lu Qingyuan clenched his teeth, mobilized all the power in his body, and gave Zhen Fei out of the magic sword.

He knocked out the blue pagoda, trying to block the blade.


The erupting power of the monster knife was surprisingly powerful and bombarded the blue pagoda. A huge force passed from the pagoda to Lu Qingyuan's body, and beat Lu Qingyuan out.

Lu Qingyuan was half-knelt on the ground, his mouth full of blood, staring at Ning Xiaochuan, and extruding three words from the teeth: "Extreme ... respect ... device!"

"The supreme device is a fart? Laozi is the supreme emperor, who once hacked the sub-god. Little boy, when he saw that, Lao Tzu appeared, and he knelt down!" Tiandi Blade laughed wildly.

Ning Xiaochuan held the magic sword in one hand and the Heavenly Emperor Blade in one hand, half of which was a demon and half was a god, and his body was divided by two forces.

On his left is a darkness, the magic cloud is as dense as ink; on his right, it is illuminated by light, like the light of life that opens the world!

Lu Qingyuan's eyes were red, and he said, "Who the **** are you? No, no, the breath on your body is getting stronger, and the power of divinity and magic is converging at the same time. You are not impacting heaven and earth, you are impacting 10,000 people. A rare talent level for the year? "

In Lu Qingyuan's view, 10,000 years of misfortune is already the extreme state of human talent, which is the legendary state, and no one can reach that state at all.

"No, I have had a talent level that is rare for thousands of years before I am exalted. What I want to cultivate is the Supreme Body of God and Demon. God creates everything; Devil destroys everything. God and Demon are all in one body and control everything. "Ning Xiaochuan stood between black and white, like standing between night and day.

The world is centered on his body, completely divided.

Half demon, half divine.

"Extreme body?"

Lu Qingyuan never mentioned that there is the Supreme Body in the world, his eyes became sharper, and he pinched the blue pagoda, saying, "You have succeeded?"

Ning Xiaochuan raised his head and glanced up at the sky, then shook his head and said, "Not yet, but can you help me?"

"Can I help you?" Lu Qingyuan said.

"Your blood!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Lu Qingyuan laughed loudly, stood up slowly, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, don't think you're going to fix me? The monk in Zhongjing Tianpin Peak is definitely stronger than you think. Since you are ten thousand years old, A genius with a rare level and getting your blood will be able to let me break through the heavens, even higher. "

"Then see if you have such great ability?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The Heavenly Emperor Blade is a supreme imperial weapon, how terrifying its power.

Taking Ning Xiaochuan's current cultivation as the first strength of the Heavenly Emperor's Blade, he has been able to fully exert the blade's blade, chopped down the blade, rolled up the tens of meters of blade waves, and a mighty sword gas was sent to the landing celebration. Yuan Chung passed.

Lu Qingyuan has no reservations, hitting Qinglong Tower, trying to block the Emperor's Blade.

However, as soon as Qinglong Pagoda flew out, Ning Xiaochuan was struck by the fly, and Lu Qingyuan pressed in the opposite direction.

Lu Qingyuan was frightened, and immediately backed off, throwing out two offensive arrays in a row, turning them into two attacking arrays, trying to block Ning Xiaochuan.

"Boom! Boom!"

Ning Xiaochuan smashed the two large arrays with a slash, and slashed into Lu Qingyuan's neck.

Lu Qingyuan's body was wrapped in blood armor, and he thought he could block the blade, but the blood armor was like a layer of paper in front of the Emperor Blade, and it was cut open instantly.


A blade of Tiandi Blade swept across Lu Qingyuan's neck, leaving a bloodline.

Immediately after, Lu Qingyuan's neck began to burst into blood, and the throat was cut off by the blade. If it hadn't been for his withdrawal, the whole head would have been cut off.

After all, Lu Qingyuan was a celestial being, and immediately used the vitality to reconnect the throat to seal the blood vessels and prevent blood from flowing out.

"It seems that you don't know how powerful the Supreme Emperor is? Don't say you have a broken arm now, even if you were in your heyday, I want you to die, you will surely die here today." With a wave, a blood-red magic sword flew out, penetrating Lu Qingyuan's heart, flying out of the body, and hanging on a huge black iron stone.

Lu Qingyuan held the magic sword with both hands, and wanted to pull the magic sword out of his body, but the magic sword was controlled by Ning Xiaochuan, absorbing the blood in Lu Qingyuan's body.

After the blood of the heavens and men was absorbed by the magic sword, part of it was fed back to Ning Xiaochuan, helping Ning Xiaochuan to quench the Supreme Body faster.

"How do you ... suddenly, become ... so strong?" Lu Qingyuan was unwilling.

However, he knew he would die, because his heart was pierced by a magic sword!

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