Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 450: Not old lady, undead

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They were also frightened by the huge stone beast in front of them, their faces were pale, their brains were blank, and they even forgot the fear of death, but they stared at Ning Xiaochuan on the back of the double-headed stone beast somewhat dull.

Ning Xiaochuan also rescued them easily. Once saved, it is impossible to save the second time. Whether they can escape this melee-strapped city depends on their own fortune.

The sergeants of the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp in the back chased them in a fan-like formation. Any rebels encountered were nailed to death by the Dragon Elephant Halberd.

"Great commander, there are more and more urban rebels in front, and more and more martial arts enemies are encountered. Should we wait for the army led by other Houye to follow up and go forward?" The sergeant of Dragon Elephant Shenwuying said cautiously.

Another Sergeant of the Dragon Elephant Camp: "The attack speed of the Dragon Elephant Camp is far faster than other troops. It is already reaching the second line of defense laid by the rebels and the last line of defense in the gap in the city wall. Those rebels It is absolutely impossible for the army to let us break through the second line of defense. If we continue to advance to the advancing army, we will definitely be besieged by all rebels. "

Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "It is a taboo for the lone army to go deep. Then immediately order the sergeant of Dragon Elephant Divine Force to temporarily stop moving forward, using the team as the origin, spread to the Quartet, and fight for all the enemies in this city. Clean up and maximize the results. "

Just when Ning Xiaochuan gave the order, the two young girls lying on the dead pile revealed strange weirdness, nodded each other, and at the same time burst out a strong martial arts vitality into two fine-strength charges. Fly.

"call out!"

"call out!"

They seemed to be fourteen or five years old, very young, and their greenness had not faded. However, the vitality fluctuations on them are unmatched.

Among them, the face of a young girl wearing a dark green shirt was soft, tall, soft and curvy, and three words were spit out in her rosy lips: "Thousand knife ruler!"

A half-meter ruler flew out of her mouth. On the ruler, more than ten arrays are in operation, and it is a rare eight-pin mystery!

Another girl with an extremely slender waist, took out a gold-copper bell from the sleeve of her sleeve, which turned out to be a Bapin mystery.

The number of Bapin mysteries is very small, and it is difficult to find one at ordinary times. At this moment, two girls of fourteen and five years old actually took out two and launched a surprise attack on Ning Xiaochuan.

The strength of the two eight-pin mysteries was inspired and smashed at the same time.

You know, they are only 100 meters away from Ning Xiaochuan. For Wu Zun, the distance of 100 meters can be reached instantly.

Ning Xiaochuan never thought that the two fragile girls who seemed to be captured were actually strong soldiers of Wuzun level. When the power of two eight-pin mysteries was excited, he suddenly felt the danger.

Two eight-pin Xuanqi flew over at a rapid speed, only ten meters away from him. There was no time to perform magical powers or to dodge.

The other party was prepared to kill him unexpectedly.

Ning Xiaochuan also had no other choice but to protect his heart from attack by keeping his arms on his chest and the vitality of his body moving fast.



How terrible is the power of Bapin Xuanqi, even a small hill must be broken! Ning Xiaochuan was blasted out instantly, fell from the back of the two-headed stone beast, smashed a three-storey building, and fell into the ruins.

The two-headed stone beast was also torn apart by two sudden eight-pin mysterious pieces. Countless tens of kilograms of boulders rolled down from its back. Forty percent of the body was broken and a large number of stone beasts flowed out. Essence of blood.

"come back!"

The two girls retrieved the mystery and landed on top of two broken towers, staring closely at the smoky rubble.

The young girl with a pretty waist and slender eyes said coldly, "Are you dead?"

They had to be cautious, because Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts practice was too strong, and if he was not killed, he would endlessly suffer.

"Although Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts are powerful, he cannot be beaten by two eight-pin mysteries when compared to a warrior who realizes the" sky ladder ". It is undoubtedly dead. The Emperor's Blade on him is now ours ! "Said another girl in a dark green shirt.

Everything just happened between the electric light and flint, from the two girls suddenly attacked Ning Xiaochuan, until Ning Xiaochuan fell into the ruins, a total of only a blink of time passed, the other dragon elephants martial arts Until this time did not see the figure of the two girls.


There was a long howling in the mouth of the two-headed stone beast, and the originally broken body began to condense again. The stones that rolled down on the ground flew up and re-drilled into the body to become a part of the body.

Inside the two huge heads, flames and chills came out, respectively. The two were entangled inside, forming a half-red and half-blue beam of light, and rushed towards the two girls.

"A beast!" The young girl in the dark green shirt froze and slashed out the ring ruler in her hand.

The ring ruler, which was originally only half a meter long, was wrapped with vitality, which inspired the strength of a Bapin mystery, becoming 100 meters long, and a three-meter deep crack blasted on the back of the two-headed stone beast.

The two-headed stone beast couldn't withstand the horrible weight, and the four stones retreated and shattered and fell to the ground, crushing several streets.

You need to know the fighting power of the two-headed stone beast, but you can fight against the sixth-ranked warrior. However, when facing the two girls, he couldn't catch even one move, and his body broke down.

"Who actually attacked the Grand Commander?"

A sturdy dragon elephant **** armed with a dragon elephant halberd, ejected from the dragon elephant's back, jumped to a height of more than fifty meters, and shot a stab at the back of the pretty slender girl.

He is the commander of the second battalion of the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp, and possesses a state of worship. After hundreds of battles, his combat power can be ranked in the top three of the entire Dragon Elephant Divine Camp.


The young girl's heart was so powerful that she smashed out the golden bell in her hand, and the bell became three meters high, like a golden bell, instantly shattering the body of the second battalion commander into a cloud of blood, even the bone All become bone meal.

With just one move, the commander of the second battalion was defeated.

This shows that the girl ’s martial arts practice is at least ten times the command of the second battalion in order to kill him so easily.

Even the sergeant of the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp with a strong psychological quality was taken aback. The dragon elephant mount under him felt extremely dangerous, white smoke was emitted from his nostrils, and he retreated anxiously.

"come back!"

The young girl took the bell back into her hand and hovered in the palm of her little white hand.

She no longer cares about the other sergeants of the Dragon Elephant Divine Camp, and as lightly as a swallow, she lands on the ground and walks carefully towards the ruin where Ning Xiaochuan fell.

She still didn't believe that Ning Xiaochuan would die so easily. Only when she found the body of Ning Xiaochuan would she feel relieved.


There was a sound of rolling stones in the ruins.

The face of that young girl changed, a pair of slender * one kick, quickly blasted back, activated the matrix method in the bell, formed a golden light curtain to protect herself, staring at the ruins with a serious look.

Ning Xiaochuan crawled out of the pile of gravel, and a dragon and tiger vitality flowed from his body. The shadow of the nine-headed dragon and tiger encircled the body, flying out the dust from the armor.

Just now, the two girls were attacking too fast and too close. Ning Xiaochuan had no time to dodge. If they were not wearing dragon dragon armor, they might be attacked seriously by them.

This is also no way out. The other party made a lot of preparations for sneaking attacks on him, and dug down traps waiting for him, just to launch an attack unexpectedly.

And, who could have expected that the martial arts of two seemingly fragile young girls were so terrible?

The scales of Nine Xiaochuan's arms were slightly sunken, and a trace of blood escaped from the scales, and was hit by two Bapin mystic vessels. Even if they were protected by the scales, they were still protected by some Minor injuries.

Ning Xiaochuan's mouth spit out a stale gas, staring at the two young girls standing in the distance, and said, "Soul Soul Bell, Thousand Knife Ruler. You should be the two masters of the Grand Shadow Wufu, 'Bu Laoji' and 'Undead, right?'

The young girl with a pretty waist and slenderness is "Bu Lao Ji".

Another girl holding a ruler is "undead."

They seem to be only fourteen or five years old. In fact, they are already over a hundred years old. It is too old to be Ning Xiaochuan's grandmother. However, their practice is very special. It is called "Tai Xuan Zhou Tian Gong." Every 36 or six years of practice, the body can return to the old age again. Therefore, they can always maintain the body and appearance of the girl.

The undead sneered, "Our sisters have already closed a armor, but I didn't expect your young age would recognize us."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The" Army Rankings Book "records all the information about the Emperor Wu Lan of the Yulan Empire, and I have gone through them. How can I not know you two. Soul Killer and Thousand Knife Rulers are in the" Army Rankings Book " All of them can be ranked in the top fifty. "

Jueying Wufu, but the most powerful Wufu of the Yulan Empire, is second only to the existence of the court, Daomen, Momen, Tianyinzong and Yiyuanzong. Bu Lao Ji and Undead are naturally first-class powerhouses.

If the two of them appear alone, they can only be regarded as Cui Tao-level characters, but if they are joined together, they will be enough to fight against the ninth-ranked warrior.

"Now that you already know how powerful we are, then obediently hand over" Bei Ming Shen Gong "and Tiandi Blade, maybe my sister can still hurt you well." The pretty waist and thin girl with a charming face, twisted Moving her body, Xiaoyingying said.

Seeing a "girl" who could be an ancestor to himself, show off in front of himself, let Ning Xiaochuan feel the chill, run the martial spirit, and the four-handed sword rushed out of his chest, and chopped towards Bilauji.

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