Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 258: Be in a siege

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In the next few days, Ning Xiaochuan practiced in Guanyu Tower, impacting the fifth place of seclusion.

At the same time, he ordered Situ Fengwu to purchase and search for the materials for refining "Earth Du Zun Dan".

Didizudan is regarded as the top elixir in advanced xuandan. It requires seven rare main elixir and thirty-seven auxiliary elixir. The launch time of mysterious medicine and the control of the heat are extremely exquisite. It is impossible to make a mistake if you make a little mistake.

After seven years of searching, Qiu Xinghui found five of the seven main medicines. Because he asked Ning Xiaochuan to help him refine the earth Duzun Dan, these five main mysterious medicines were handed over to Ning Xiaochuan.

There are only two main mysterious medicines left now: "Earthland" and "Geocentric Magma Blood".

As for the thirty-seven kinds of auxiliary mysterious medicines, although they are also rare, they can still be bought at high prices in the three major temples for raising hearts!

The most important preparatory work now facing Ning Xiaochuan is to find the other two main mysterious medicines, as well as the Danfang for refining "the earth alone respects Dan."

The earth's exclusive respect for Dan is not an ordinary elixir. It was researched by the ancients with extraordinary wisdom, and it was modified by generations after generations, and the lack of supplementation was finally recorded as "Danfang" and saved.

On the Danfang, not only the mysterious medicine for refining the "Earth Du Zun Dan" is recorded, but also the fire control at different time periods, and the order of the various mysterious medicines.

Although there is only one formula, it is written by countless heroes with a lifetime of hard work, and it is an invaluable gem of a mind-raiser.

For senior mind trainers, intermediate Dan can be easily refined, because Intermediate Dan is much simpler than Advanced Dan, and the mysterious medicine used is relatively simple, and no Danfang is required, only the mind trainer must follow the pharmacology To match, you can develop an intermediate Dan.

However, there are few examples in Yulan Empire where someone can research high-level Dan by themselves.

That's because advanced Dan can not be easily researched, and its complexity is ten times or more than that of intermediate Dan. You must use the Dan recipe left by the ancients to make high-grade Dan.

The most important thing for an intermediate mind trainer is to find the material to refine the true tripod and integrate it!

The most important thing for a senior mind trainer is to look for Dan Fang!

Each Dan Fang is an invaluable treasure for a high-level mind trainer, which means that a high-level tank can be refined and become a high-level mind trainer that everyone admires.

Of course, the high-end Dan's fang is extremely difficult to find. It is extremely scarce. Most of it is hidden in the royal palace, the palace, and the secret palace of the royal palace. The ordinary mind-raising masters have no access to it. The mind keepers may not be able to get Dan Fang.

Danfang, where the earth alone respects Dan, is not too scarce. It can be found in many ancient palace residences. Unlike some special high-level Dan, Dan Fang is unique, and can only be found by a mind trainer with great luck.

Naturally, there is also Danfang in the Jiangehoufu's Fufang. "Ning Xiaochuan intends to fetch Danfang now."

Ning Xiaochuan promised Qiu Guild to help him refine the "Earth's Respect Dan" within three months. Now two months have passed, the Excalibur Palace has begun to develop steadily, and the Ghost Villa has begun to attack the city in a big way. He also temporarily resolved the threat, and finally freed up his hand to refine the "Earth Du Zun Dan."

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan's refining of "Earth's Respect for Dan" is not only for the sake of the Qiu Guilds, but also for himself. It can even help the ninth-ranked Muronghua to reach the state of honor. The title "Wu Respect ".

If Lin Sanzhi and Murong Hua are both Wu Zun, then Ghost Villa has two Wu Zun at the same time, and the number of Wu Zun can be compared with Jiangehoufu.

Moreover, Ning Xiaochuan himself will sooner or later shock the realm of the land, and now he is refining the "solitary respect for the Dan", and he is also preparing for himself in the future.

Situ Fengwu received the order from Ning Xiaochuan and went to buy the mysterious medicine for refining "Earth Du Zun Dan".

When she walked out of Guanyu Tower, she immediately headed towards Prince's Mansion.

"Ning Xiaochuan actually thought that a maggot can control Miss Ben. Although maggots are powerful, there is no way to relieve them. When I tell his prince about his secret, even during his death, the ghost villa will be destroyed. "

Situ Fengwu surrendered to Ning Xiaochuan, just wanted to approach him and find out his identity.

Now she already knows Ning Xiaochuan's identity, and Ning Xiaochuan also sent her to stand alone. Naturally, she will not let go of this opportunity, and she will tell the Prince the news as soon as possible.

The uterus of the uterus was built in the Tianluo area of ​​the inner city. There are high-rise mansions, red walls and green tiles, and the streets are wider than other places. Even the servants walking on the streets have their chests raised and their temperaments are extraordinary. Feeling superior to others.

The uterus of the uterus is the most magnificent mansion in this city. There are cars driving out of the gate at any time.

The speed of Situ Fengwu is extremely fast, and his body is like a white shadow, moving out of the uterus and heading towards the inside of the uterus.


With a flower in front of her eyes, she saw a young man standing in front of her, with her back to her, blocking her way.

"Miss Situ, what are you going to do in the womb?"

Ning Xiaochuan stood in front of Situ Fengwu, wearing a golden mask, staring at the magnificent Tai Wo, with a smile on his face.

Situ Fengwu felt the cold from Ning Xiaochuan's body, his face became pale, and the long legs under the skirt began to tremble.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Are you thinking of looking for mysterious medicine in the womb?"

Situ Fengwu dare not speak.

The uterus of the uterus is only a short distance away from her. As long as she crosses this short distance, you can see His Royal Highness, who has long been thinking about it, and tells the true identity of Gongzichuan.

However, the near distance was severely cut off by Ning Xiaochuan and became extremely distant.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Miss Situ, you must understand that you are now my swordsman. If you dare to betray your master, it will be very miserable. I know you want to be a woman of the prince, and you want to be a prince. But you have to listen to me first, or else you can't even be a slave, let alone a princess. "

"Subordinates ... I won't dare next time." Situ Fengwu's voice was a little trembling.

"Tomorrow should be the time for the roundworm attack. This time will make you remember long, and you will always be punished for doing something wrong." Ning Xiaochuan said lightly.

"Zhuangzhuang, don't ..." Situ Fengwu was very aware of the pain of the maggot biting heart, it was just painful.

Ning Xiaochuan is not a mean and vicious person, but now that he is going to be the owner of the ghost villa, he must be strict with his descendants, and he also has means, or else he can't frighten people at all.

A person who is not tough enough will definitely not be the owner of Ghost Villa, but may be eaten by his subordinates.

Just like today, if Situ Fengwu really saw the prince, the prince would immediately send a large number of masters to watch the Yulou to deal with Ning Xiaochuan. At that time, not only would Ning Xiaochuan die tragically, but it would also affect Yu Ningsheng and Jiangehoufu.

Therefore, to deal with subordinates, it is necessary to be tougher.

Of course, you have to be generous.

Ning Xiaochuan gently touched Situ Fengwu's smooth and delicate cheeks, and said softly, "You can rest assured that only you are obedient and obedient. In the future, I might help you and make you a crown prince."

Situ Fengwu's eyes showed a bright light of hope, and his aversion to Ning Xiaochuan was reduced by a few points.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan's brows frowned fiercely, grabbing Situ Fengwu's shoulders, moving out horizontally, and pinching into an alley.


A huge palm print flew out of the uterus, blasting a huge five-finger pit to Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Fengwu.

The building around the big pit was collapsed by the earthquake, and a striped road cracked on the ground.

The ground seemed to collapse.

The prince's martial arts law flew up into the sky, suspended in the sky, staring at Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Fengwu below, and laughed aloud: "Gongzichuan, you dare to come outside the uterus, today I want you to die without a place to bury . "

Ning Xiaochuan didn't expect that Prince Siddhartha's mind was so strong that he just felt outside of Tai Tai's womb.

This is bad!

In fact, the mind of the prince was not Ning Xiaochuan, but Situ Fengwu.

When Situ Fengwu appeared outside the uterus of the prince, the prince's mind was already aware, but he was using Situ Fengwu as a bait to attract Ning Xiaochuan.

He waited until Ning Xiaochuan appeared, and then he started immediately.

Seeing Prince Wu's body appearing, Situ Fengwu's heart was not as happy as he thought, because if it was not Ning Xiaochuan's shot just now, she would probably have died under the prince's handprint.

The prince's martial arts body immediately shot again, making a second fingerprint, like a cloud crashing down!

The big handprints completely locked Ning Xiaochuan and couldn't avoid it at all.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately called out the magic sword, mobilized the strength of the whole body, cut it out with a sword, and tore that big handprint into a ray of mysterious mist.

"Too old!"

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the Taisui beast to flee away.

The prince's cultivation is a real respect, and there are countless masters in the uterus. Once besieged, he can't escape today.

However, a strong enchantment appeared on the ground, which sealed the earth to death, so that even the beasts of the age could not slay.

"Haha! Gongzichuan, old age is waiting for you for a long time." An old man in a robe came out of the uterus, wearing a crown on his head, and holding a duster in his hand, looking extremely immortal.

His robe was blue, with Yin and Yang gossips on the front and triangular Daoding on the back.

This represents his identity, and is the third master of the imperial court.

The enchantment on the ground was arranged by him, which sealed the earth and locked the space.

The space around the uterus has become a dungeon cage.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of masters of martial arts rushed out of the uterus, holding mystic warfare soldiers, staring at Ning Xiaochuan with anxiety, blocking all his escape routes.

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