Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1270: Xianqiao

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The entire Guanghe River began to oscillate, forming a dragon several hundred meters high, biting towards Ning Xiaochuan, and at the same time the entire river in front of Ning Xiaochuan began to oscillate.

Such a huge momentum, even Ning Xiaochuan could not help secretly scared.

Frightened, Ning Xiaochuan immediately jumped from the ground, took out the World Extermination Sword in his hand, and waited to fight against this dragon.

However, the dragon rushed to a place about ten meters away in front of him, as if it suddenly hit a layer of invisible barrier, it smashed and was restored to river water.

Ning Xiaochuan looked down at his feet, but he could only see the darkness.

He could tell that the shore was lined with extremely powerful seals, sealing all those rivers in the river in front of him.

The shore is dark, the river is light, and light and darkness can never coexist. This seal technique has reached the point where it returns to its true form, so even though the dragon looks fierce just now, it cannot break through this seal.

"I am so mad, Emperor of Truth, you have sealed me for hundreds of millions of years, and you still do not want to let me go." Standing in the river, the instrumental old man barefooted his chest and cursed.

But what he cursed was not Ning Xiaochuan, but Emperor Truth, the founder of the Kingdom of Truth.

The Supreme Artifact of the Kingdom of Truth was created by the Emperor of the Truth. This old man was obviously sealed here, so it seems not unreasonable to speak of the Emperor of the Truth.

However, what really caught Ning Xiaochuan's attention was not the name of Emperor Truth, but the time mentioned by the old man.

Hundreds of millions of years?

Can people really live for hundreds of millions of years?

Ning Xiaochuan was a little skeptical about this. Although monks practice, their lives will continue to increase. In the realm of gods, living for millions or millions of years is nothing.

But even the gods, there will always be a day of aging and death.

If a person's lifespan is calculated in billions, then his lifespan is a bit scary. And now the old man, although looking old, is full of energy and shows no signs of declining at all.

In other words, if he wants to live, he doesn't know how many years he can continue to live.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the shore, staring silently at the old man, and after he calmed down for a moment, he said, "You said you've lived for hundreds of millions of years? Wouldn't it be bragging."

The old spirit of the instrument spirit looked at Ning Xiaochuan angrily: "Miscellaneous accounts, it ’s just a trivial matter that lived for hundreds of millions of years. Is the old man bragging? The old man has been immortal for a long time. The old man can live forever. If not, why would the Emperor of Truth capture me and serve as the core of the artifact. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It turned out that you were sealed here by the Emperor of Truth. It's no wonder you hate the people of the Kingdom of Truth so much, but I'm not an inheritor of the Kingdom of Truth, so we can talk about it."

Although this old man is sealed here, he is very extraordinary. A person who can live for hundreds of millions of years, even if he has no strength, is very scary in other respects.

Therefore, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan does not want to continue to be hostile to the other party, so it does not make any sense to continue the hostility.

The old man was furious for a moment, and he seemed to have realized that he could not break through the seals around him, nor could he cause real damage to Ning Xiaochuan, so at this moment his look had returned to normal, and the kind of wisdom appeared on his body again. feel.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, the old man said, "Are you really not the heir of the Kingdom of Truth? Then how did the Supreme Artifact clone in your hand come from?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It was only by chance and coincidence. Now the Kingdom of Truth will be destroyed. I don't need to pretend to be a descendant of the Kingdom of Truth."

"What? The Kingdom of Truth is destroyed?" The old man was astonished and stared at Ning Xiaochuan. "What time is this? The truth is that Heaven and Earth are transformed by the Emperor of Truth. It is the strongest civilization in heaven and earth. ? "

"There are many reasons for this. In short, the Kingdom of Truth has been destroyed. It doesn't make sense to say these. Compared with these, I am very interested in the identity of the seniors. I wonder why the seniors were sealed here?" Ning Xiaochuan shook his head. Road.

This old man is qualified to be sealed by Emperor Truth himself, which in itself shows his good origins.

Ning Xiaochuan once speculated that there must be a stronger presence above the main god.

Like the Emperor of Truth, the ancestor of the annihilation of the world, it should be almost at this level of existence, and the old man in front of him can be immortal forever.

So Ning Xiaochuan was very curious about him.

"Do you want to know the old man's origin? Want to know everything about the old man?" The old man looked proudly: "It doesn't matter if I tell you, the old man Lie Xuan Yang is a strong man who walked to the end of the fairy bridge. The emperor has done harm, and at this moment the old man has become the supreme existence between heaven and earth. "

It ’s getting worse!

The old man's words made Ning Xiaochuan shake his head endlessly.

This old man was even more powerful in the past, but now he is just a prisoner, but he still does not know the convergence. Just this, Ning Xiaochuan feels that the old man has nothing to lose now.

Of course, these words cannot be said.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the old man, and quickly flashed in his mind what he said, and then asked, "Senior, what is the fairy bridge in your mouth?"

"You don't even know what Xianqiao is?" The old man named Lie Xuanyang glanced at Ning Xiaochuan suspiciously, probably after seeing that Ning Xiaochuan did not lie, then he said, "Isn't this time even Xianqiao It's gone. What the **** is going on here? How can the Emperor of Truth allow Chengxian Road to block. "

With a look of amazement, Nana whispered a few words, and Lie Xuanyang looked at Ning Xiaochuan again: "It seems that during the period when I was sealed, a lot of things really happened outside ... young people, let me see you Is the sword in your hand? "

The long sword in Ning Xiaochuan's hand at this moment is the extinct magic sword.

Lie Xuanyang clearly discerned the origin of the World Extermination Sword, so he asked to take a look at the World Extermination Sword.

For prudence, Ning Xiaochuan did not give the other side the sword of extinction, but carefully asked, "Does the senior know this sword?"

Lie Xuanyang nodded and said: "Of course I know, if I read correctly, this sword should be one of the three holy relics of the World Extinction. Young man, can I be right?"

Seeing that the other party had seen the details of the World Extermination Sword, Ning Xiaochuan also said generously: "Yes, this sword is indeed the World Extermination Sword."

Lie Xuanyang stared at Ning Xiaochuan's extermination sword: "So, you should be the preacher of the World Extinction? No wonder you refuse to admit that you are the preacher of the Kingdom of Truth. Only one person passed down from generation to generation, and Every generation of the kingdom of truth has been handed down by countless people. As your preacher of the world, there is really no need to pretend to be the heir of the kingdom of truth. "

At this moment Lie Xuanyang looked pale, and seemed to think of the past.

But immediately, he adjusted over and stared at Ning Xiaochuan: "You just asked me what Xianqiao is? As your heir to the world, you don't even know the existence of Xianqiao. It seems that the outside world has really gone a long way. Question. But fortunately you met me, and I will explain it for you. "

"This world is a big sea of ​​suffering. Whether it ’s the small world outside or the huge little universe, it is part of the sea of ​​suffering. The sea of ​​suffering is full of all kinds of love and hatred, so most of the creatures living in it are suffering. When all beings are born, they can only be born in the bitter sea, and then struggle, survive, and die in the bitter sea. The practice of monks, in the final analysis, is actually to be able to escape from this bitter sea, get rid of worldly love and hatred, and obtain eternal life . "

"If you want to do this, there is only one way, that is, to pass through Xianqiao, to the other side, to become the legendary fairy. This road to the other side of the fairy land is called Xianqiao. Every living in The strong man of the bitter sea, after practicing to the limit, must step on the Xianqiao and start to hit the other side. The old man has already reached the end of the Xianqiao, and can almost cross the Xianqiao and reach the existence of the other side. "

After Lie Xuanyang explained the existence of Xianqiao to Ning Xiaochuan carefully, he stared at Ning Xiaochuan strangely: "Young man, now you know how short-sighted you are, you do n’t even know Xianqiao. Your time The people are simply a group of frogs living in a well. "

A group of frogs living in the well!

This title is really welcome.

He mocked Ning Xiaochuan a lot, and Lie Xuanyang's tone changed, full of temptation: "Young man, I now give you a chance. If you are willing to leave the world of destruction and worship me as a teacher, I will personally guide you. Let you become the protagonist of this era, and you can even step on Xianqiao in the future and become the supreme being. "

Very fatal temptation!

If Ning Xiaochuan's will is not firm enough, perhaps he will immediately bow down to Lie Xuanyang.

Ning Xiaochuan was thinking about what Lie Xuanyang said at the moment, but at this moment he suddenly thought in his heart, and looked warily, "Should there be any resentment between the predecessors and the destruction of the world?"

Although Lie Xuanyang covered up well, Ning Xiaochuan still felt that when Lie Xuanyang mentioned the three words of destruction, the look would always change slightly.

It is for this reason that Ning Xiaochuan can judge that the fierce Xuanyang in front of him has a deep resentment between Shiyou * and the World Extinction.

If this is the case, then at the moment, he made a request to betray the world and worship under his door.

Lie Xuanyang shook his head and said, "Of course not. The ancestor of the World Extinction Road is an invincible powerhouse who crosses Xianqiao. I still admire her very much, so you don't have to worry about what I will use you for. I want to accept you , Just because of your qualifications, don't want to waste your talent. "

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