Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1240: Lady

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"Hee hee, Ning Xiaochuan, how about! I have said earlier that these gods in **** are not so good at surrendering. They can support for thousands of years in such a **** environment. The will is so hard to imagine, Not someone who can easily talk. "

In the darkness, Ning Xiaochuan held Qing Ji's little hand in his hands, and he kept listening to Qing Ji's muttering.

Just now, he persuaded the old ancestor Yan Quan to fail, and failed to let the old ancestor Yan Quan take refuge in him completely, so at this moment Qingji will mutter so much.

As Ning Xiaochuan hurried on the road, he said, "Their will is indeed very strong, but their flaws are also very obvious. It is like Yan Quan's ancestor. His desire for revenge is extremely strong. In this case, if I can get them out of hell, how could they not agree with me. "

Qingji said in a stunned voice: "But didn't he clearly reject your offer conditions just now?"

"Rejected! Why didn't I feel it?" Ning Xiaochuan grinned grinning: "Your old ancestor Yan Quan just didn't directly agree to my conditions, but he definitely didn't refuse me explicitly."

"What do you mean?" Qingji became more confused.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It's very simple. The ancestor of Yan Quan just wanted me to prove his ability to conquer him. As long as I showed the ability to satisfy him, he would immediately take Yan Quan to me, so as long as I put **** The other tribes of China conquered, and Yan Quan's ancestors would be on my side. "

Qingji was a little speechless: "But Yan Quan's ancestor did not say that at all."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "If these things are made clear, wouldn't it mean nothing at all? Besides, the ancestor of Yan Quan is a **** after all, and he is worshipped by the people of the Yan Quan tribe. I have had too much influence on his prestige in Yan Quan. So we both understood each other's heart, but nobody said it. "

"Two sly old foxes." Qingji pouted and said suddenly, "Well, do you want to go to the Qingdi Ministry?"

"Haha, you finally saw it. I thought you had forgotten the position in hell." Ning Xiaochuan laughed loudly, speeding up suddenly, almost instantly appearing in a scale several times larger than Yan Quanbu Over the huge bones of the city.

Qing Ji originally wanted to say something, but at this moment when she saw the city under her feet, her face suddenly became excited and nervous.

Immediately, Qingji said eagerly: "The Qingdi Ministry, really the Qingdi Ministry, Ning Xiaochuan, you let go of me first, I'm going to find my mother."

"No need, they are out." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and stared at the Qingdi Ministry below.


Feeling the presence of Ning Xiaochuan, more than 20 figures suddenly rushed out of the city of the Qing Dynasty.

"Who? Dare to come to my imperial ministry for wantonness."

With a roar, the two gods of the Qing Emperor Ministry suddenly stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan and Qing Ji.

After glancing at Ning Xiaochuan for a few glances, the eyes of these evil men and gods immediately shifted to Qing Ji.

"You, are you?"

Looking at the appearance of Qing Ji, all these evil people were stunned, and they were afraid to determine Qing Ji's identity at all.

After glancing at the crowd, Qingji eagerly said, "High priest, I'm Qingji, and my mother, I want to see my mother."

"Qing Ji!" These evil men were taken aback, and finally determined the identity of Qing Ji.

However, they still seemed a little confused. The **** God called the high priest stepped out and stared at Qing Ji: "You really are Qing Ji? This is impossible, how can you have a flesh and blood body, And the breath on his body is still so similar to the man around him. Could it be that he used some magic to control you. "

The high priest's words opened the mouth of Qingji in shock, and for a moment she could not help but retort: ​​"High priest, you misunderstood, I ..."

After waiting for Qing Ji to finish speaking, Ning Xiaochuan on the side suddenly interrupted Qing Ji's words.

"Qing Ji, you don't have to say anything. Now even if you say something terrible, no one will believe you. It's the old way. I will call the Qing Emperor and say it again."

The deities of the Qingdi Ministry are called Qingdi.

After Ning Xiaochuan said a word, it seemed that his voice immediately carried a magic power, penetrated the Qingdi City below, and got into a piece of ice at the core of Qingdi City.

This piece of ice is extremely cold, and any life near the ice will be frozen, but in the middle of the ice, there is a middle-aged person with eyes closed and frozen inside.

When Ning Xiaochuan's voice came in, the ice cube shuddered suddenly, and it seemed that the people inside would wake up immediately.


Without waiting for the people in the ice cube to be completely awake, a picture of a lady hanging from the edge of the ice cube, a middle-aged woman dressed in a palace dress, slowly came out of the lady's picture.

"Son, you don't have to worry, I'll go out and deal with things outside."

A soft voice calmed the men in the ice cube for a while, and the woman in the palace costume turned away angrily and rushed out of Qingdi City.

"Mother." At the moment when the woman in the palace costume appeared, Qing Ji, who was next to Ning Xiaochuan, rushed over excitedly.

The woman in the palace dress is the mother of Qing Ji, the artifact of the Qing Dynasty Ministry.

But now that she has condensed her flesh and blood, she can't be considered an instrument.

"Qing Ji." Seeing the appearance of her daughter, the anger on the woman's face suddenly disappeared into half, and she turned into a happy face.

At first, she sent Qing Ji and others to assist other **** tribes, just to help the evil people in **** leave **** at an early date.

However, she did not expect that her daughters and others would return at last, but Qingji disappeared.

Although she is an instrumentalized god, but ordinary people are no different, and also have feelings. For Qing Ji, she secretly did not know how long the **** had been hurt, and now seeing Qing Ji again, she finally felt relieved.

Taking Ji Ji into her arms, the woman in the palace costume whispered something to Qing Ji, and she had discovered the abnormality of Qing Ji, and her face became ugly again.

Although Qing Ji now has a physical body, but this physical body and spirituality are very incompatible, and may collapse at any time. If the physical body collapses, then Qing Ji is dead.

"Who is it? Who killed my daughter." The woman in the palace costume held the anger in her stomach, staring fiercely at Ning Xiaochuan.

Almost the same breath on Ning Xiaochuan and Qing Ji, it has been clearly shown that the person who killed Qing Ji was him.

In addition, just now Ning Xiaochuan almost awakened the emperor completely. When thinking of this, the woman in the palace dress became more and more angry, and she was even more lazy to say anything. Instead, she waved her arm: "Give me this boy. "

The woman in the palace dress has an extraordinary status in the Qingdi Ministry. At this moment, she said in a sentence that the surrounding Qingdi Ministry gods flickered immediately, and she was about to shoot Ning Xiaochuan immediately.

Seeing such a scene, Qingji suddenly changed her face and said, "Mother, don't ..."

"It's okay, wait for me to take this kid, and then try to heal you." The woman in the palace dress lowered her head and calmed Qingji in her arms.

But before she said a word, a quiet voice came from her ear.

"Ma'am, Qingji actually meant to tell you that you are not my opponents."

"What?" The woman in the palace dress changed her look suddenly and looked up suddenly.

It was only at this moment that she discovered that the sub-gods of the Qingdi Ministry had already fallen from the air one by one at this moment, and the abominable guy who had hurt her daughter stood in front of herself with a smile.

This scene did not let the woman in the palace dress yield, but made her face more angry: "Okay, no wonder you dare to come to the Qing Dynasty to show off your strength. It turned out to be a bit capable."

A cold drink came from her mouth, and the woman in the palace costume had one hand and several figures, and the maid with a sword was born out of thin air, and killed Ning Xiaochuan together.

"Weak, too weak, driving your artifact with your spirit body, you can't even exert half of the power of the artifact." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, and the palm of his left hand opened, as if an eagle grabbed a chick and held it to the palace Woman.

The maids hit by the woman in the palace dress could not even touch Ning Xiaochuan's fingers, and they all shattered and disappeared.

In the horrified gaze of the woman in the palace costume, Ning Xiaochuan grabbed her.

At this moment, the woman in the palace dress had shrunk to the size of only one finger, and was grasped by Ning Xiaochuan, with shame and shock on her face.

Qing Ji, who had escaped from the arms of the woman in the palace dress, rushed to Ning Xiaochuan with an expression of eagerness at the moment and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, she is my mother, you cannot hurt her."

"Rest assured that the person I want to meet is not your mother." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, but his eyes swept towards the Qingdi City below.

At this moment in the middle of Qingdi City, the man who was frozen in the ice block finally opened his eyes slowly.

His eyes were a bit complicated, with a wave of his hands, and the ice cubes around him suddenly cracked.

His eyes glanced around, and Qingdi's eyes fell on the picture of the lady hanging next to him. Looking at this picture of the lady, Qingdi's face even showed a bit of nostalgia. Nana said: "Xiaoqing, we meet again."

Ning Xiaochuan looked at this scene with curiosity. The feeling of this young emperor in front of him was not like a giant engine at all, but rather a deep-rooted feeling.

Staring at the emperor for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly looked down at the woman in the palace costume holding in his hand.

Immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of Ning Xiaochuan's mouth.

The anxious Qing Ji noticed the expression on Ning Xiaochuan's face, and suddenly hesitated, "Hey, Ning Xiaochuan, wouldn't you have any bad ideas?"

"Well, it's only been a while since we were together. You are already familiar with my habits. It seems that I must change this habit." Ning Xiaochuan grinned, suddenly reached out and caught Qingji in his hands, and then faced the lower one. Qingdi City said coldly: "Qingdi, I have taken away the person you want, and within three days, came to Yanquan to find me."

In the next sentence, Ning Xiaochuan turned around and walked away, and the figure quickly disappeared over the Qing Emperor's Ministry.

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