Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 124: Fight again

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The King Kong Martial Academy's vice-champion said: "I admit that there is indeed a bit of over-speaking in this matter, and I apologize to all the mind trainers in the world."

People in the rank of vice-principal are of high status and can sit on an equal footing with Wang Houping and be able to force the vice-principal of the Vajrayana Academy to apologize, which is already quite difficult.

Persuaded by the other two vice presidents, the anger of the vice president of the Third Division Wuyuan gradually subsided.

The vice-president of the Vajrayana Academy continued: "However, I don't think that it is the right thing to use elixir to win on the battlefield. If this precedent is set, then everyone will not have to practice martial arts and start the battle of school. At that time, when you go directly to buy the millennium, you can win and become the leader of a session. This will only be a step backward for martial arts. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Then I want to ask the vice-president, it is not the right thing for me to use elixir on the military field. Then the famous sheep killed the students in the same field with the sword, is this the right thing?"

The Heavenly Emperor Xuegong explicitly stated that he could not kill each other, but the famous sheep still did not kill him, and he did not see Xuegong punish him.

The vice president of the King Kong Martial Art Academy sneered: "Everyone knows that the famous sheep practice is the most Kendo. Once they make a shot, they must take the life of the other party. This kind of Kendo is originally a killing Kendo. If you are afraid of death, you will naturally give up; if you dare Going to fight the famous sheep will naturally put aside life and death. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Then I can understand the words of the vice president-everyone who dares to fight with famous sheep should be damned. Anyone who wants to kill the famous sheep will be rescued by the vice president?"

The Vice-President of the Vajrayana Academy was extremely angry, his face was red with anger, and his eyes seemed to stare at Ning Xiaochuan, saying: "The owner of the hospital once again stated that it is not that we do not save, but that the famous sheep have only one shot. Sword, we are too late to save each other. "

The vice-president of the Tianxiang Wuyuan said: "Ning Xiaochuan, don't doubt the fairness and justice of the scholars of Xuegong. If we can save it, we must save it, but the sword of the famous sheep is too fast, and his opponents have too late to admit defeat. Die under the sword, how does this help us? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The two vice presidents have spoken very well. Then, what do you think about this matter?"

"Fight again."

The vice president of the Third Division Wuyuan said: "What a joke, the decisive battle has ended. Ning Xiaochuan has become the leader of this session. For the first time, a leader of the Third Teacher Wuyuan has been born. You tell me to fight again, is this a pit father, or is it bullying our three divisions?

King Kong Wuyuan ’s vice president said: “This battle is not a normal victory. Fighting another battle can show the fairness and justice of our Heavenly Emperor ’s Palace.”

"Fart, Yan Laogui, do you think that only the famous sheep won the current leader is normal victory, others won the leader is abnormal victory, right?"

The Vice-President of the Vajrayana Academy gave an intermediate Dan to the famous sheep suit, and then urged the Di Wu vitality in his body to help him recover.

"The new trainees should be responsible for the new students and the old ones. How about the decision of the new students?"

Although the Heavenly Emperor Academy is divided into four large courtyards, each courtyard has a primary courtyard and several secondary courtyards.

The four vice-presidents currently sitting in Camp No. 9 only select students and do not have the right to intervene in the battle for starting a school, and those who really manage new students are new and old.

The newly born old man, Jun Weisheng, is a centenarian, and after intense discussions with the four vice presidents, he finally ordered Ning Xiaochuan and Mingyang to fight again.

"How can this be? Ning Xiaochuan Mingming has already won the famous sheep, why should he fight again?" Yu Qianqian was very dissatisfied.

The newly grown-up said slowly, "Since Ning Xiaochuan can beat the famous sheep, can he still beat the famous sheep again? It is the fairest way to let them fight again."

This time, even the vice-president of the Third Division Wuyuan did not have a language. Even if he could talk nonsense, he could not change the fact that this was a school battle.

"Ning Xiaochuan, otherwise you can admit defeat. Anyway, you have already won the famous sheep once, so why not let him win again? And you are more beautiful than him, and have more face than him. Opportunity, I will try to fight for you as much as possible in the future. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Thank you for the care of the Vice President of the Vice-President, but the other Vice-Presidents of Xue Gong feel that I have fought God-named sheep by incorrect means, so why should I bear this reputation? I decided to go with the famous sheep again Fight once and defeat him in the way that everyone thinks is the most correct. "

The vice-principal of the Third Division Wuyuan frowned slightly, feeling that Ning Xiaochuan was a bit too young and vigorous, and wanted to persuade him a few more words.

"Okay! This is the style of our emperor's school of heaven. There is arrogance, motivation, and self-confidence. If you can really defeat the famous sheep, the owner of the vice president will apologize to you personally." The master of the hospital sneered, really a teenager who didn't know how to be tall and earthy. When the famous sheep's injury was healed, one sword would take your life. How much is your pride, energy and self-confidence worth? Huh!

The deputy head of the Third Division Wuyuan also no longer persuaded Ning Xiaochuan, saying, "Then you will fight well, but if you are really the enemy, you will immediately confess your defeat. I will rescue you as soon as possible."

"Thank you, the vice president."

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the field again and stood there quietly.

Ning Xiaochuan actually dared to fight with famous sheep. This is indeed beyond many people's expectations. A mind trainer accepts the second challenge of the most Kendo monk, and there are really people who are not afraid of death.

The famous sheep continued to wear intermediate intermediate Dan, and the vice president of the Vajrayana Institute used the vitality to help him heal him. In just two hours, the injury of the famous sheep recovered to 78.8, and the medicinal properties of sleeping for thousands of years The martial arts mystery in the body has disappeared and normal operation resumes.

The famous sheep came into the military field again, and his eyes were so cold and scary that he inserted the epee fiercely on the ground. "I didn't expect you to dare to enter this military field?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I'm afraid I should say this to you?"

The famous sheep squeezed five fingers tightly, thinking of the previous defeat, they gave birth to an unknown fire. The original calm Jianxin had been filled with anger. At this moment, I just wanted to kill Ning Xiaochuan with one sword.


The bell rang again, and the battle began again.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I wonder if you still let me do three tricks?"

The famous sheep did not answer Ning Xiaochuan's words, but just pinched their hands on the hilt of the sword, a sword sent out from the body, integrated with the epee on the ground, and an arrogant sword sent out from the epee, surrounding his body Turn.

A total of seven sword shadows emanated from the epee. The first sword shadow was thick and powerful; the second sword shadow was slender and dexterous; the third sword shadow was old and ancient; the fourth sword shadow was purple electricity like a dragon The fifth sword sword, white jade crystal; the sixth sword sword, domineering sharp; the seventh sword sword, misty and unreal.

The seven sword images represent that the famous sheep have cultivated all seven supernatural powers into the sword body.

The famous sheep's sword has not been cut out yet, just the power of the seven sword shadows in the sword body has already changed the situation.

This sword spirit is like the heart of a famous sheep at this moment, full of anger.

"This is the real strength of the famous sheep, and it is also the strength of the most kendo." Many people have changed color again and again, and feel that the famous sheep is too powerful to compete. The younger generation, no one is his enemy.

Yu Qianqian's face also changed suddenly, saying: "Ning Xiaochuan may have made a calculation mistake. He felt that the fierce defeat of the first war could hit the momentum of the famous sheep, thereby weakening the sword of the famous sheep. It is expected that the sword potential of the famous sheep has not only weakened, but has become stronger. "

"Sister Qian Qian, what should I do now?" Ning Xin'er pressed her lips tightly, worrying about Ning Xiaochuan in her heart.

Yu Qianqian's gaze was also on Ning Xiaochuan, but to her disappointment, Ning Xiaochuan didn't mean to give in.

Ning Xiaochuan is also condensing the meaning of the world's annihilation sword. A huge energy of extinction escaped from the magic sword, gathered at the fingertips of Ning Xiaochuan's right index finger, and a shadow of the sword lingered around Ning Xiaochuan's fingertips.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan's head automatically formed a gray-black cloud, and the extinction of the light in the clouds was flashing, giving people a feeling of fear, anxiety, mania, and despair.

The red dragon wrapped around Ning Xiaochuan felt the power of the annihilation sword energy, woke up from his deep sleep, sniffed his nose hard, swallowed a annihilation sword energy into his mouth, and immediately felt refreshed. , The body followed a little bit longer.

"Roar roar!" The red dragon was extremely excited, his eyes were like two blood-red spirit beads, emitting the scarlet brilliance.

At this time, the momentum of Ning Xiaochuan and the famous sheep both climbed to the peak.

"call out!"

The famous sheep stabbed with a sword, his body was almost integrated with the epee, and turned into an extreme sword light.

Ning Xiaochuan turned into a flash of lightning, his body was almost fused with the electric light, and rushed directly towards the sword of the famous sheep.


Jianguang and Dianguang collided together, and a dazzling halo erupted at the junction. The entire air was violently stirred, and the warriors outside the martial arts were continuously impacted backward.

In the brilliance, Ning Xiaochuan's finger point at the tip of the epee.

At the fingertips, there was a sword qi exhaling, and this smashed sword of the famous sheep was blocked!

Time seemed to stop at this moment, and everyone was horrified to stare at the scene on the field.

"Oh my god! Ning Xiaochuan actually blocked the famous sheep's sword with his fingers. I ... have I hallucinated?" Many people held their breath and stared at the sword in the military field.

"No! Ning Xiaochuan is not using fingers, but a kind of kendo magical power, a kind of kendo magical power that can compete with the most kendo."

"I don't think it's as simple as being able to compete with the most Kendo, maybe even better than the most Kendo."

"how is this possible?"

"How is it impossible? The most Kendo is also created by people. Since it was created by others, isn't it normal to be surpassed by others?"

"Look ... what's that?" Someone exclaimed.

Everyone saw an incredible scene. The dragon-shaped belt that had been wrapped around Ning Xiaochuan's waist actually came alive. It was wrapped around Ning Xiaochuan's shoulders and wrapped around Ning Xiaochuan's arm. They were still slowly crawling, eating Ning Xiaochuan and Sword qi from famous sheep.

That little red dragon turned out to be alive!

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