Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1220: Cut off the past

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Violent, killer ...

Ning Xiaochuan felt that he was almost in control of this feeling of destruction.

If he hadn't realized the existence of obsession, I'm afraid that his mind will be controlled at this moment, and he will become a madman who only knows the destruction.

For three whole days and three nights, Ning Xiaochuan was suppressing this crazy idea.

Three days later, he finally woke up.

As soon as he woke up, he noticed the exquisite body falling on himself at the moment. From the perspective of Ning Xiaochuan, only a seductive back can be seen, and the long black hair spread out from the delicate incense shoulders that are as white as ivory, creating a unique beauty that is greedy and ashamed. *** At this moment, she is not touched, and she gently presses on Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Looking up, he just saw the other side's face, and Ning Xiaochuan took a breath of air, and exclaimed in his heart, "Hey, this is ..."

Slowly got up and lifted the woman lying on her body, Ning Xiaochuan's face became more and more strange.

Because at this moment, the woman who was lying on her body naked, was exactly his master, Han Hanyu.

But at this moment, the breath of the old cold rain is almost as weak as the dead.

Ning Xiaochuan hurriedly got up, put the clothes on his body, put it on Sui Hanyu, and held Sui Hanyu in his arms. The soft and petite body of Sui Hanyu was held in his arms by Ning Xiaochuan, just like holding a little girl.

Holding the cold winter rain, Ning Xiaochuan looked up into the distance.

At this moment in front of Ning Xiaochuan, the place where the old cold rain was originally sealed, the iron sword was still in place, but it was only slightly pulled out by Ning Xiaochuan, and the others were not abnormal at all.

What makes Ning Xiaochuan even more frightened is that the figure of Sui Hanyu is still standing still next to the iron sword at this moment.

"The master didn't break the seal at all. Who is the one in my arms at this moment?" Ning Xiaochuan eagerly looked down, but he saw a face almost the same as Sui Hanyu.

However, unlike the old cold rain next to the iron sword, the cold winter rain in Ning Xiaochuan's arms at this moment looks obviously much weaker. Two-year-old Han Yu, one seems to be a glittering sword, while the other seems to be a delicate flower.

Two-year-old Han Yu has almost the same breath, even Ning Xiaochuan can't tell the truth.

When Ning Xiaochuan hesitated, the cold winter rain in his arms suddenly moved slightly.

Ning Xiaochuan's face was hilarious, and she immediately put the cold rain in her arms on the ground and examined it carefully. The clothes worn on Sui Hanyu's body shattered, revealing an amazingly seductive perfect body, but at this moment Ning Xiaochuan could not care about them.

After checking it a little, Ning Xiaochuan's face once again showed the wrong look.

Because at this moment he has discovered that this year-old Han Yu's body is so fragile that he is not as good as an ordinary person.

You know, although Sui Hanyu failed in the struggle for the deceased, he is still a top performer. When Ning Xiaochuan came to see Sui Hanyu before, he had already observed the energy index of Sui Hanyu.

Although sealed, the energy index of Sui Hanyu still exceeded 10,000 points, and this was still her sealed state.

Of all the strong men Ning Xiaochuan has seen, the energy index of Han Yu is the strongest.

But now, the energy index on Sui Hanyu's body has returned to zero, and he can't be fragile anymore.

Ning Xiaochuan was originally going to use her collection of Lingtan to heal her, but at this moment in her state, Ning Xiaochuan was at a loss.

Deficiency cannot be remedied. If Sui Hanyu were to take those elixir at this time, she would be afraid that her body would not be able to bear it.

After pondering for a while, Ning Xiaochuan frowned and then backed up, then transferred the Yang Xin Zhen Ding out, and then put the old cold rain in front of Yang Xin Zhen Ding, slowly running the medicine in Yang Xin Zhen Ding, using it The medicinal gas contained nourishes the body of the old cold rain.

Sitting in the heart of Yang Xin Ding, Sui Hanyu only revealed two round and white incense shoulders, and his whole body was shrouded in a qi of medicine.

After almost a whole day like this, Ning Xiaochuan released Sui Hanyu and waved his clothes to cover him. Then he stood in front of Sui Hanyu and stared at each other quietly.

After a few breaths, Sui Hanyu's eyes slowly opened.

Ning Xiaochuan and Sui Hanyu's eyes were facing each other. At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan knew that the woman in front of her was indeed the master Sui Hanyu who she knew, not anything else.

Recognizing this, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly wondered: "Master, what is going on with you?"

Sui Hanyu's eyes glanced around once, and finally her eyes fell on the Sui Hanyu who was still locked on the iron sword not far away, so she silently stared at the iron sword for a long time before she said again: " It's nothing, it just cuts off some of the past. "

"Cut off the past?" Ning Xiaochuan's face was startled.

Sui Hanyu nodded his head, and his expression returned to normal: "I used mystery to keep all my strength in the seal, and then the body escaped. This is equivalent to cutting off everything in the past ... Ning Xiaochuan, I will I will follow you for a while. "

"That's okay." Ning Xiaochuan nodded indifferently: "But your current state seems to be very wrong, if not treated properly, I'm afraid I won't be able to live for long."

"If you want to break away from the seal, you will naturally have to pay a price. In fact, if you didn't rescue me immediately, I might have died. But after the current level, as long as I take good care of it in the future, there will eventually be a recovery. One day. "Sui Hanyu nodded.

Although she said lightly, she was actually in a very miserable situation at the beginning. Although she had been treated by Ning Xiaochuan, she only recovered a little energy. Her breath was still weak and terrible, and she had no strength to stand up. .

Ning Xiaochuan walked over and hugged Sui Hanyu again.

There was a shy look in Su Hanyu's eyes, but immediately she pretended to be indifferent and let Ning Xiaochuan hold it in her arms.

Holding Sui Hanyu, Ning Xiaochuan flew up. Because Sui Hanyu was too weak, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan didn't even dare to fly too fast, for fear of affecting Sui Hanyu.

Feeling the cold and rainy body in his arms, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help sighing: "Master, do you think it's worth it, as long as you wait for a while, maybe I will be able to break the seal completely. Now you are like this Without the seal, it may never be the same again. "

Sui Hanyu closed her eyes, her long eyelashes seemed to tremble a little, and then the corners of her mouth showed a little playful smile. "I didn't plan to use this method to get out of trouble before, because I think that one day sooner or later, I can break the seal by my own strength. But your appearance this time has surprised me. You have cultivated the World Extinction to the way it is now, and you have realized the spiritual power. If I could have you like that I have the courage to dare to follow the path of annihilation. Maybe I will not be sealed here now. "

With a sigh, Su Hanyu's face appeared indifferent, it seemed that everything was back in his mind.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know what happened to Sui Hanyu that year, so it wasn't easy to plug in at the moment.

Sui Hanyu was silent for a moment before continuing: "Now that I have lost the power of the past, but I have been reborn. This time, I will go down according to the thoughts in my heart, and then I will go to a sister and sister to compare, and She is completely down. But compared to myself, Ning Xiaochuan, I am more optimistic about you. At this moment, you are the leader of the world and you are the leader of the world of Da Yan. You must go farther than me in the future. "

"It's difficult, it's difficult." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head.

If he hasn't left the world of Da Yan, Ning Xiaochuan may be extremely arrogant and think he is the best in the world.

But this time he took a trip outside the world of Da Yan, and it was considered a dangerous place to travel. The more he knew, the more awe Ning Xiaochuan knew.

Besides, Feng Zhujun, the peerless powerhouse who exiled him to the land of Jiuyou, left a deep impression on Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan himself didn't know when he would have the strength of Feng Zhujun.

"It is really difficult. The road to the strong is to go against the sky. Ning Xiaochuan, should you have been to the Kingdom of Truth?" The cold winter rain lingered on Ning Xiaochuan's chest.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Sui Hanyu with a curiosity: "Yes, I did go to the Kingdom of Truth."

After telling Sui Hanyu his own journey to the Kingdom of Truth, Ning Xiaochuan asked curiously, "Master, how did you know that I had been to the Kingdom of Truth?"

"As long as those who have been to the Kingdom of Truth will naturally have the imprint of the breath of the Kingdom of Truth, not to mention, you still have an avatar of the artifact civilization at this moment. You have used it to detect me several times before. Do you think I haven't found it? . "Sui Hanyu said indifferently, although the strength of her body had disappeared at this moment, but her perseverance and confidence seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

"So, is the master also a person of the Kingdom of Truth?" Ning Xiaochuan curiously said.

The fact that Sui Hanyu knows so much is definitely an existence that understands the Kingdom of Truth.

"That's right." Sui Hanyu nodded his head and remained silent for a while before continuing: "Since the founder of the Kingdom of Truth left, the Kingdom of Truth is now more and more declining. This set, and the rebels have also been born, I am afraid that even His Majesty the Truth has given up on the present kingdom of truth. "

"What? Is the founding emperor of the Kingdom of Truth still alive to this day?" Ning Xiaochuan looked surprised.

The history of the Kingdom of Truth is afraid of being inexhaustible. For such a long time, I am afraid that even a world will destroy and regenerate. Although the strong of the Kingdom of Truth is powerful, it is impossible to achieve eternal life.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan will have this question at this moment.

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