Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1199: Holy Land of Cultivation

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Two top-level civilizations of the eighth level of civilization, in front of these two ordinary young people in the Kingdom of Truth, did n’t even catch a move, and then they lost, and they were defeated miserably. Now they are almost like two dead dogs. The man is in his hands.

Such a scene made all Tianjiao around him take a breath of air.

The gap is too big!

These heavenly pride, they can stand at the pinnacle of the eight-pin civilization, but in the kingdom of truth, even the most ordinary young people are not opponents.

However, the monks of Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan did not change their looks, because they came all the way from lower-level civilizations, and they have seen a huge gap between lower-level civilizations and higher-level civilizations.

The ordinary young man in the Kingdom of Truth, glanced proudly at these moments, as if he were looking at a group of ants, the contempt in his eyes was not concealed.

Bai Lengxue stood out at this time and said, "Kong Mo, don't underestimate them. They are all Tianjiao we have selected from the eight-level civilized world. Their talents are not much worse than you, and even a few people have talents better than you. Be strong, now they are not your opponents, but as long as we have trained us, they will soon be able to surpass you. "

The young man named Kong Mo showed a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Leng Xuemei, if so, what will we do in a match three months later, when we will fight these wastes and see if they are eligible to be us The people of the kingdom of truth. "

"Three months!" Bai Lengxue groaned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, three months, three months, we will try one after three months, and see who wins and loses."

"Haha, it's fine, but sister Leng Xue, you promised these wastes, is it useful? I look at them now, I'm afraid to dare to fight at all." Kong Mo glanced at the group of Tianjiao in front of him, sneered.

At this moment, these days of arrogance are indeed all frustrated, and there is no confidence in fighting against Kong Mo and others after three months.

Because the time of three months is too short, in such a short period of time, no one has the confidence to increase his strength to that of Kong Mo.

Bai Lengxue looked back at these days of pride, and frowned suddenly.

She just let the two Tianjiao shoot at Kong Mo and others, just to use the hands of Kong Mo and others to let these Tianjiao realize their lack of strength, but she did not expect that these Tianjiao are usually arrogant Now, I have hardly suffered any setbacks. Now I have been hit here one after another, and even my belief of victory is beginning to collapse.

Under such circumstances, let alone let these days pride themselves against Kong Mo and others, I am afraid that even after three years, they may not be able to restore their previous confidence.

"After three months, I will fight this brother and Taiwan."

Just as Bai Lengxue frowned, a voice suddenly sounded.

Bai Lengxue and Kong Mo looked a little bit astray and saw Ning Xiaochuan come out.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan looked calm and stepped out of these days of pride. His look was so calm that he could not see any strange emotions at all.

The monk Tangan, who was standing next to Ning Xiaochuan, was also bitter at this moment, shaking his head and walking out of the road: "Well, the monks take peace as a valuable thing. I didn't want to do the killing thing, but even If Ning Xiaochuan is going to make a shot, I'll count one. "

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan stood out at the moment as a last resort. At this moment, he and these Tianjiao can be regarded as a group. If he is being miserable by the other party at this moment, I am afraid that the future will be difficult. The monk Tangan obviously saw this too, so he stood up and spoke with Ning Xiaochuan.

Watching Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan Monk, Bai Lengxue leaked a bit of joy.

As for the decision to absorb heavenly pride from a lower-level civilization and supplement the people of the Kingdom of Truth, the Kingdom of Truth is actually divided into two factions.

One group thinks that the people of low-level civilization are garbage, and it is not worthy to be cultivated at all. At present, Kong Mo and others belong to this group.

The other school believes that as long as it is cultivated, the heavenly pride of low-level civilization can also become a pillar of the kingdom of truth. Bai Lengxue belongs to this school.

The battle between the two factions has never stopped.

Kong Mo and others shot at this moment in order to use these arrogant hands to fight against Bai Lengxue and others. If these days of arrogance really caused Kong Mo and others to die, and since then there was nothing to do, then the faction of Bai Lengxue's group in the kingdom of truth must be greatly affected.

Therefore, at the moment when Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan monk stood up, Bai Lengxue was so excited. Because of the performance of the monks Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan, at least at the moment, not all Tianjiao was scared by Kong Mo and others.

"Kong Mo, did you see that not everyone is frightened by you, so after three months, you will definitely fail." Bai Lengxue turned back, facing Kong Mo.

Kong Mo glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan Monk with a poor expression at the moment, his face suddenly showed a sneer, and the ghosts generally flashed to Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan Monk.

At this moment only Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan monk did not have a fear in their hearts. If they were to practice here for three months, they could really catch up with him.

After all, a few people in Kong Mo can only be regarded as the most ordinary beings in the Kingdom of Truth, and their talents are not too outstanding, they cannot be regarded as heavenly pride. In front of Ning Xiaochuan and Tanqian, they are not changed in the face of masters like him. Obviously, their moods are very strong. If such people give some time, they can catch up with him sooner or later.

However, if the two are injured at this moment, I am afraid that the three months alone will not be enough to support the injury, let alone fight with others.

Kong Mo suddenly shot at this moment, that is, the Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan monks directly injured first, then said.

However, before he rushed to Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan, Bai Lengxue's figure disappeared, and the whole body turned into a cold current, which swept Kong Mo directly. Almost instantly, Kong Mo's whole body was frozen and extremely stiff.

"The test will not begin until three months later. What are you anxious for now? I will give you a little punishment first, lest you keep doing small moves in your back." Bai Lengxue appeared again, holding Kong Mo in his hand and throwing him out.

Bai Lengxue's strength is obviously much stronger than that of Kong Mo. Those arrogant people who had always fixed their eyes on Kong Mo immediately shifted their eyes to Bai Lengxue.


They had always been full of confidence before, thinking they were the best in the world, but when they got here, they were blown to the end.

"Since our strength is nothing in the Kingdom of Truth, even though an ordinary person can compare with us, then the Kingdom of Truth also absorbs what we come in for."

Finally, a gloomy Tianjiao growled.

Just now these heavenly pride did not ask such questions, thinking that they are proud and feel that their talents are strong enough, and the truth heaven has absorbed their talents, so it is only natural for them to join the truth heaven.

But now, the pride in their hearts has been directly beaten by Kong Mo, and such a question naturally arises in their hearts.

The Kingdom of Truth is already so powerful that anyone alone has such strength, and what they are doing.

Bai Lengxue nodded and said, "Dear everyone, I have said just now that although your strength is not strong, your talents are not bad. As long as you practice in the Kingdom of Truth for a while, your strength will definitely exceed that of Kong Mo. . "

"Fart, my condensed godhead is already the king of godheads. My strength has reached the limit. How can I progress? To progress is to enter the **** level, but after entering the **** level, according to what you just said, it is not the same. Will you drive out the Kingdom of Truth? If so, it would be better for me to quit now. "Another Tianjiao said in a low voice.

After being hit one after another, these heavenly pride even began to regret coming to the kingdom of truth. After all, in the Bapin civilization, he was still a proud arrogant, but when he came here, he was nothing.

"Strength can't be improved? Don't just keep your eyes on the level of Bapin civilization." Bai Lengxue frowned at this moment, snapping out: "The truth heaven is the only Jiupin civilization. Many things have gone beyond yours. Imagine. You say that you ca n’t increase your strength, but I want to ask you, do you think that the gods you have condensed have reached the limit? How many rules do you understand? Are your secrets powerful enough? Your physiques Is it strong enough? "

After a few questions, these arrogant people are silent.

Has the godhead reached its limit?

After the gods have been condensed, can they continue to improve? This is impossible. Once the godhead is condensed, does it not completely fix the form?

How Enough Is The Rule That I Realized?

This is to say, how many rules can the sub-God understand, but then to comprehend the rules, do you have to break through the **** level?

Still have mystery issues? Still have a physical problem?

Cultivation has reached the sub-god realm, the main principle of cultivation is the law, and what secret skills can be stronger than the law. As for physical fitness, once you enter the **** level, you can evolve into a **** body, so no one in the sub-god realm cares about your physical strength. But now, all this seems to be the problem in Bai Lengxuekou.

So at this moment I heard Bai Lengxue's cross-examination. These days, the arrogant people were all stunned, and I didn't know how to answer.

At this moment, the monk Tangan was clinging to Ning Xiaochuan and whispered excitedly: "Ning Xiaochuan, did you hear that? The woman said this, because the kingdom of truth has a method that allows the gods to evolve. The information that the poor monk gave you before must be true. It is precisely because the Kingdom of Truth has the strongest artifact civilization, and by virtue of the power of the Kingdom of Truth, the Kingdom of Truth can possess all kinds of unbelievable highest practices. "

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the monk Tangan, but his eyes turned on Bai Lengxue.

At this moment, he is also curious about these cross-examinations raised by Bai Lengxue. If Bai Lengxue said that in the Kingdom of Truth, one person can be strengthened in all aspects, then this Kingdom of Truth is definitely the world. The strongest Holy Land for cultivation.

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