Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1181: one strike

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On the Mogao Mountain, the figure of Ning Xiaochuan flew over these temples for raising hearts.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was still thinking about the dialogue between Dan Bao and Shennong.

"If you want to keep your friend's life, you must first find a treasure called Sand of Spirits and nourish his personality, so that he can keep his consciousness longer. In addition, you have to Only when you find a mind trainer who has reached the pinnacle of Shennong can you hope to wake up your friend. "

"Master Shennong, do you know where the sand of this soul is?"

"The sand of the soul is a treasure bred in the core of the planet of life in the sky. It is very rare, but I happen to know that there is a sand of the soul. When I had not reached the realm of Shennong, I found it in the trial place of the source. After the existence of the soul sand, just a few months later, Moya Mountain will organize a trial. At that time, I will recommend you to take the teleportation matrix, go to the trial place, and look for this soul sand. But Over the years, I have no guarantee that these sands of souls will remain. "


With Danbao Shennong's status in Moxu Mountain, it is easy to get a place for Ning Xiaochuan to ride a teleportation circle.

Moreover, Danbao Shennong has told Ning Xiaochuan where the Soul of Sand might appear.

With these two conditions, Ning Xiaochuan still has a great chance to find the sand of the soul and temporarily save Situ Lang's life. And he can take this opportunity to take the teleportation array to the source realm.

A Danbao Shennong even helped himself so much, but Ning Xiaochuan was also a bit surprised.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan had a bit of caution about Danbao Shennong before, after all, Danbao Shennong seemed a little too enthusiastic about him.

But at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan was grateful to Danbao Shennong.

He could tell that Danbao Shennong did not have any malicious intentions towards him, and wanted to help him wholeheartedly.

Flying away from Shennong Hall, Ning Xiaochuan laughed bitterly.

Before that, he had been preconceived and regarded all the people on Moya Mountain as bad people, so he had a little caution to anyone. But now if you think about it, the Mogao Mountain is huge and occupies a whole galaxy. There are at least hundreds of billions of people living in it.

Of all these people, of course, not all of them are bad.

Good people like Danbao Shennong will naturally not be missing from Mochi Mountain.

When Ning Xiaochuan sighed in his heart, he immediately felt that a mighty figure burst out from the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall below.

"Sure enough, an outsider went to Chuanwu Yangxin Hall. It seems that this person is very likely to be Song Fei's genius brother. Now it is not a time to conflict with him. I will avoid him first."

With a murmur in his mouth, Ning Xiaochuan's speed suddenly accelerated, rushing towards the direction of Tianjiao Palace.

He had informed Motianxiang secretly, and Motianxiang was approaching at this moment.

Without exposing his strength, Ning Xiaochuan could not be Song Tian's opponent at all, so at this moment he can only use Song Tianxiang to fight against Song Tian.

The figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Song Tian swept across Moyao Mountain one after the other.

"Ning Xiaochuan, even if you escape to the horizon today, I will capture you back."

The cold voice came directly from behind him, but Ning Xiaochuan didn't bother to care about each other.

Ning Xiaochuan knew in his heart that since Song Tian found out that he had planted a slave mark on Song Fei, there was no possibility of reconciliation between the two.

And now Ning Xiaochuan has the backing of Danbao Shennong in the Yangxin Hall, and the seat of the teleportation circle is 100% available, so he does n’t have to go back to the Wuyang Yangxin Hall at all now. Just leave the teleportation array.

In this case, although Song Tian made Ning Xiaochuan jealous, it was only jealous. As long as he held him for half a year, even when Song Tian wanted to find Ning Xiaochuan's revenge, he would not find it.

Without any response from Ning Xiaochuan, Song Tian's face became more gloomy.

With both hands and fingers together, Song Tian, ​​while chasing Ning Xiaochuan, put on a weird posture.

Ning Xiaochuan, who was fleeing fast in front of him, felt his back chilling instantly. Under his eagerness, his almost subconscious figure flickered, and a flash of cold sword light flashed from his original place.

"It's a bit of a skill to be able to avoid my attack, but I can see how many times you can avoid it." Song Tian's mouth showed a bit of sneer and sneered, and in his hand he blew a few swords again, toward Ning Xiaochuan. Assassinate the past.


At this moment, a blaze of fiery fire emerged from a distance, and all these sword energies that Song Tian struck out were swallowed up.

The shot was Motianxiang. After Ning Xiaochuan notified Motianxiang, Motianxiang finally arrived.

"Magic incense!"

Song Tian stopped for a moment, his complexion turned back to look at the magic Tianxiang shot.

They are also members of Tianjiao Palace, and Song Tian and Mo Tianxiang are almost at the same level of Tianjiao, so they are naturally very familiar with each other.

However, just glancing at Mo Tianxiang, Song Tian immediately rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan again.

Even when Mo Tianxiang was present, he couldn't stop Song Tian.

Mo Tianxiang's face was cold, and he raised the short bow in his hand and pulled it into a semicircle. After pointing at Song Tian, ​​he said coldly: "Song Tian, ​​this is my friend. If you want to shoot at him, first If you want to pass me, if you want to attract people from the Temple of Punishment, just go ahead. "

In Mogao Mountain, the Temple of Penalty is aloof, and even the gods are afraid of Temple of Penalty.

Hearing Mo Tianxiang's mention of the Temple of Punishment, Song Tiancai stopped again.

Ning Xiaochuan stopped opposite Song Tian at the moment, glancing at Song Tian last time.

From this Song Tian, ​​Ning Xiaochuan felt a strong sense of oppression, and this sense of oppression was even stronger than Mo Tianxiang's original feeling.

There is no doubt that Song Tian's strength is only a little stronger than Mo Tianxiang.

"A Mogao Mountain can have such a powerful Tianjiao. My strength can be regarded as good, but I still can't compare with those of the strongest Tianjiao. Now the matter of transmitting the magic circle is done, I should spend more energy on spiritual practice. Overhead. "Staring at Song Tian, ​​Ning Xiaochuan thought secretly.

Unlike others, although Ning Xiaochuan's strength has not reached the strongest now, but his potential is strong enough.

Whether it is the Supreme Body or the World Extinction, having any one is enough to become a generation of arrogance.

But when he came to Ning Xiaochuan, he possessed both of them, but was baffled by his strange godhead, which resulted in the inability to fully exert his strength.

Fortunately, at this moment, his ten thousand gods have begun to evolve. As long as Ning Xiaochuan continues to let the gods evolve, sooner or later he can step on the foot of the strongest Tianjiao civilization.

When Ning Xiaochuan was secretly thinking, Song Tian and Mo Tianxiang had confronted each other. After Mo Tianxiang appeared, Song Tian's eyes were left with Mo Tianxiang alone.

As for Ning Xiaochuan, Song Tian didn't look at it at all, so naturally he didn't bother to say anything to Ning Xiaochuan.

Didn't Mo Tianxiang always sneer at men, how could he be so special to this boy now.

Staring at the resolute Mo Tianxiang, Song Tian's heart suddenly bewildered.

However, he also knew that if there was a mess with the magic heaven incense today, he would not be able to successfully capture Ning Xiaochuan.

After glancing up and down Mo Tianxiang several times, Song Tiancai said coldly: "Mo Tianxiang, don't say I don't give you face, this man even planted a stamp of slavery on my brother. Now I don't embarrass him, as long as he takes me In one blow, the matter was revealed, of course, if he had no courage. "

"Take a blow from you?" Mo Tianxiang frowned suddenly.

As Ning Xiaochuan's soul slave, Mo Tianxiang devoted himself to Ning Xiaochuan's consideration.

At the moment, Song Tian made such a request, and it became clear what the trap was, so Mo Tianxiang naturally did not want Ning Xiaochuan to take risks.

When Mo Tianxiang's face hesitated, Ning Xiaochuan stood out.

"Rest assured, it should be fine with just one hit."

Giving Mo Tianxiang a reassuring look, Ning Xiaochuan stepped in front of Song Tian and waved to Song Tian: "Come on."

"Very well, it seems you still have a kind, in this case, take the move." Song Tian snorted coldly, the fingers of his hands suddenly turned into a sharp sword at the moment, from top to bottom, Paddling towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Cutting the world!

Song Tian's hands and fingers are like two sharp swords, and this world is a big pie. The sharp sword in his hand is cutting this big pie.

The look of Mo Tianxiang's face changed a lot. This move is a special skill of Song Tian. It is very powerful, so Mo Tianxiang is really worried. Without leaking the world, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't stop this. one move.

Contrary to Mo Tianxiang's worries, Ning Xiaochuan was suspicious at this moment.

When Song Tian shot suddenly just now, he still felt the sword energy, it seemed to cut to himself immediately, but at the moment Song Tian was close to himself, all these sword spirits disappeared, as if Song Tian shot at this moment. The trick is just a flower rack, there is no power at all.

"Song Tian is playing tricks." Ning Xiaochuan murmured, but his heart became more vigilant.

Song Tian approached Ning Xiaochuan, but suddenly a group of five-colored light appeared in his hands.

Waving this group of five-colored light, Song Tian directly hit it into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure flashed originally, it seemed to want to avoid these five-colored light, but for some reason, at the moment he was about to dodge, his body stopped for a while, and he caught the five-colored light.


Five colors of light entered the body, and Ning Xiaochuan's mouth suddenly spit a blood, and he himself took a few steps back directly, and one end would fall from his mouth.

"Five Elements Sand!"

Seeing this group of five-colored light hit by Song Tian, ​​Mo Tianxiang's face changed greatly.

Five elements sand is a very special treasure, if it enters the human body, it will cause great harm to the human body.

When the figure flashed, Mo Tianxiang rushed to Ning Xiaochuan and held Ning Xiaochuan in his arms.

"Magic incense, we'll see you in the next trial."

Taking a ball of five-element sand into Ning Xiaochuan's body, Song Tian clapped his hands at this moment, said coldly to Mo Tianxiang, and then turned and flew away.

Ning Xiaochuan, who was held in his arms by the magic incense, and Ning Xiaochuan, who had his eyes closed, suddenly heard the voice of magic incense: "Go to your place first."

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan was still able to stay awake, the panic on Mo Tianxiang's face receded a little, holding Ning Xiaochuan, and flew down from Mozhu Mountain.

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