Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1171: Mind Slave

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Hugging with a charming and beautiful woman, tumbling back and forth, if you change the occasion, it is definitely a scene that all men look forward to.

But at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang almost tried their best to suppress each other.

After rolling over the ground for a few laps, both of them became embarrassed.

"do not move."

Ning Xiaochuan suddenly burst into a drink, as if there was a thunder in his ears, and Magic Sky Incense was stunned for a moment by the sound of Ning Xiaochuan.

Immediately, Mo Tianxiang felt that Ning Xiaochuan's mental power had penetrated her body and eroded towards her virtual godhead.

Mo Tianxiang's martial arts heart palace is also a very special heart palace. Its body is like a haze and constantly changing.

In addition, the virtual godhead in Motianxiang actually has more than 1,300 aspects, which is much better than those Tianjiao who had hundreds of aspects before.

Immediately after Ning Xiaochuan's mental power invaded Motianxiang's body, he began to erode towards the **** of more than 1,300 aspects.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan's body of the Seven Magical Demon Heart throbbed violently.

This is Ning Xiaochuan's use of the strongest magical power of the Seven Tricks and Gods, to refine the magical princess of the demon world into his own soul slave.

After plundering the memory of blood residues, Ning Xiaochuan already eagerly rushed to the source.

With the help of Mo Tianxiang, the princess of the demon world, his speed will definitely be countless times faster.

After feeling the invasion of Ning Xiaochuan's mental power, the magical power of Mo Tianxiang immediately gave birth to the resistance, and began to fight against the invasion of Ning Xiaochuan's mental power.

On the surface of the desolate star, Ning Xiaochuan hugged Motianxiang tightly, and the two became completely motionless. The strength of the mind shrank into the body and began a most fundamental confrontation.

If it were replaced by an ordinary sub-nine master, Ning Xiaochuan could easily control it by relying on the magical power of the Qiqiao God.

However, Mo Tianxiang is indeed a generation of Tianjiao, relying on his own will, he actually blocked the control of Ning Xiaochuan's mental power.

In the lonely starry sky, the aftermath of the battle between Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang has completely disappeared.

Many shuttle star boats also began to shuttle in this starry sky.

But no one noticed that on the surface of the huge star beside them, the figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang were hugged together, covered by the rolling dust on the surface of the stars.

After half a year had passed, on the desolate star, Ning Xiaochuan's figure suddenly burst out of this layer of dust.

Immediately behind Ning Xiaochuan was the icy magical incense.

After the two figures rushed out of the dust, their bodies were full of divine power, and they immediately cleared away all the contamination contaminated by themselves.

Looking back at the beautiful Devil's incense, Ning Xiaochuan's expression was moaned a bit.

Mo Tianxiang stood so drowsily opposite Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, his eyes were obviously confused.

Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment, then suddenly waved to Mo Tianxiang: "Come, kneel."

Mo Tianxiang's face went dumb to Ning Xiaochuan, and with his legs bent, he had to kneel in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

However, just as she was about to kneel on the ground, her eyes suddenly flashed a bit cold, and then Mo Tianxiang's figure was straight and a proud look appeared on her face.

This arrogant look appeared for a brief moment, and then the arrogant look on Mo Tianxiang immediately disappeared again.

"Is this really the case, relying on the power of my seven-knowing **** and magic heart, there is no way to suppress the pride of her body." Looking at the magic heaven, Ning Xiaochuan frowned.

He and the magical power of Motianxiang fought for half a year in a row, and finally, relying on the overbearing power of the magic power of Qiqiao God, Ning Xiaochuan finally suppressed the magical power of Motianxiang.

However, as the Princess of the Demon Realm, Mo Tianxiang's pride was too strong. It can be said that this pride had penetrated into her bone marrow and became her instinct.

Therefore, when Ning Xiaochuan was about to refine Motianxiang into his own slave of the mind, a force of resistance emerged from Motianxiang.

This is the instinct in Motianxiang's body that resists being a slave to others.

Because of this resistance, Ning Xiaochuan's control of Mo Tianxiang was only half finished.

The magical power of Mo Tianxiang is now blocked in her godhead by Ning Xiaochuan's Qiqiao Shen magical power, which is not completely controlled by Ning Xiaochuan.

Now if Ning Xiaochuan issues a simple command to Mo Tianxiang, Mo Tianxiang will not resist at all, but if Ning Xiaochuan instructs Mo Tianxiang to do something that Mo Tianxiang does not want to do, it is just like letting her kneel down just now , Mo Tianxiang will wake up briefly and resist Ning Xiaochuan's order.

This result made Ning Xiaochuan quite helpless.

He wanted to use Motianxiang to rush to the source quickly. If Motianxiang has been in this situation now, I'm afraid she can't help Ning Xiaochuan at all.

"As long as I find a way to get rid of this pride on her, Mo Tianxiang will be able to become a slave to my heart completely." Ning Xiaochuan calculated for a moment, only a little sneer appeared on his face.

Now Magic Sky Incense does not have any resistance at all, and it is too easy to destroy the pride of her.

With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan, the earth surging on the surface of the star immediately formed a large stone chair in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan sat on the stone chair at will, and waved at Mo Tianxiang: "Come here."

Mo Tianxiang looked dull and came to stand next to Ning Xiaochuan.

"Get closer, sit on my lap." Ning Xiaochuan stared at Mo Tianxiang, his face calmly.

Mo Tianxiang instinctively walked towards Ning Xiaochuan, but just when she was about to sit down, the previous reaction reappeared, the figure flashed, Mo Tianxiang flashed into the distance immediately, and refused to get closer to Ning Xiaochuan.

Looking at such a scene, Ning Xiaochuan waved at will, and aura was condensed into a rope, tied to Mo Tianxiang, and pulled him to his side.

Before Mo Tianxiang resisted, Ning Xiaochuan directly reached out and dragged her, pulling her to her own leg.

In this case, Mo Tianxiang immediately tried her best to resist, but unfortunately, most of her mental strength was blocked by Ning Xiaochuan in the godhead. At this moment, her resistance was just an instinct.

Without the blessing of the rules, the magical incense's resistance was weak and weak. Ning Xiaochuan easily controlled the magical incense completely and pressed it **** his own leg.

Mo Tianxiang didn't seem to have had such intimate contact with other men before, so after sitting on Ning Xiaochuan's legs, Ning Xiaochuan obviously felt that her body had become much stiffer, which was obviously an instinct reaction. Even the magic heaven incense is in control now.

Controlling Mo Tianxiang in her own hand, Ning Xiaochuan politely reached out and fumbled on her.

This more direct stimulation made Mo Tianxiang tremble almost, her face became paler, and even her consciousness was temporarily awake at this moment.

"Is the reaction so intense?" Ning Xiaochuan said with a surprised look.

However, he knew clearly that the more obvious reaction of Mo Tianxiang at this moment, indicating that her struggle was becoming more and more fierce. Ning Xiaochuan wanted such an effect. When Mo Tianxiang's mind completely broke down, Ning Xiaochuan was able to take advantage of the situation immediately, She has complete control.

Looking down at Mo Tianxiang's tall body, Ning Xiaochuan stretched out his hand without hesitation, and tore off most of the gorgeous robe worn by Mo Tianxiang.

Mo Tianxiang immediately began to reveal a large white skin, and while her body was trembling constantly, her robe was completely torn off by Ning Xiaochuan.

A perfect body, fully displayed in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

The face of Mo Tianxiang is definitely the top one. Even among the women Ning Xiaochuan encountered in the past, not many look better than Mo Tianxiang, such as the beautiful Tang Shuyao, the bright lady, etc. The words are only comparable to Mo Tianxiang.

Therefore, even at this moment, even if Ning Xiaochuan suddenly saw this beautiful scenery in front of her eyes, she could not help showing a fascination.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I will kill you."

When Mo Tianxiang trembled and was almost convulsed, her expression suddenly showed a cold look, and a cold voice was made in her mouth.

Right now!

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were instantly clear, and he put his hand on the forehead of Mo Tianxiang.

The powerful power of the Seven Tricks and Demon Hearts entered Motianxiang's body, and invaded the ever-changing Ruyi Godhead in one fell swoop.

This time, the magical power of Mo Tianxiang had almost no resistance, and was immediately imprinted by Ning Xiaochuan in her spiritual power.

Taking back his own mental power, Ning Xiaochuan looked down at Mo Tianxiang.

Mo Tianxiang's face was a little confused, but this kind of confused disappeared immediately, glanced at his slick body, Mo Tianxiang's eyes showed a little coy look, and his head was buried in Ning Xiaochuan's arms, with a cat in his mouth. General sound.

"the host!"


Ning Xiaochuan eventually managed to control Motianxiang into his own mind slave.

Looking down at this stunning stunner in her arms, Ning Xiaochuan walked unwillingly for a moment with her hands and palms, and then stood up directly, waving her a robe.

It's not that Ning Xiaochuan doesn't want to do anything to Mo Tianxiang, nor is Mo Tianxiang's seductive power at this moment not enough, but Mo Tianxiang is obviously still a virgin. If Ning Xiaochuan really broke her body, he would meet those experienced , I'm afraid I can immediately see the change of Magic Sky Incense.

In this way, Ning Xiaochuan, who was next to Mo Tianxiang, would be suspected.

In order to avoid such stupid things in the future, Ning Xiaochuan restrained his own * at this moment.

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