Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1162: Spirit boat

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Elsewhere, I'm afraid nobody cares about it at all.

But here, it seems to be a torture even to survive.

Ning Xiaochuan watched the young man in white leave, although he knew he was a **** in front of him, but he clearly felt a decadence and despair from the young man in white.

Being able to make the gods so decadent and desperate also makes Ning Xiaochuan feel heavy.

After all, he didn't want to die inexplicably in such a place, and he didn't want to involve Ning Xin'er and others in such a place.

Glancing at the stone mountains in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan flew away.

He will personally verify what the young man in white is saying.


After three months.

A compassionate bald monk sat here on the dull ice field.

Around this monk, dozens of corpses were scattered messily.

The monk didn't seem to see these bodies in general, so he sat idly in the middle of the bodies.


The blood ring at the foot of this figure suddenly glowed blood red again.

"Here again, why not come again, don't come ..."

Seeing the glow of blood under his feet, the monk jumped up in fear and shouted madly.

But his cry had no effect, and as the blood ring under his feet became more and more obvious, several figures suddenly appeared around the monk.

Of these figures, most of them are almost as bald as this monk.

"Second brother, younger brother ... and younger sister, you are all here, haha, you are all here." Glanced at these abrupt figures, the monk's face showed madness.

Before these figures stood firm here, the monk rushed up frantically, blurring the flesh and blood of these figures, all dead.

Killing everyone here, this monk has been bathed in blood, like a demon king out of hell.

But even more disturbing was the madness emanating from him, even his eyes turned blood red at this moment.

"I have been serving Buddha for two thousand years, and I have always accumulated good deeds. I have never done evil. Why should I be punished? All my family and friends have died in my hands. If this is the path to Buddhahood, I would rather magic."

The roaring sound emanated from the monk's mouth, and he looked sullen, and had no previous expression of compassion.

Roaring in his mouth, the monk rushed into the distance.

After the monk's figure disappeared, Ning Xiaochuan's figure slowly appeared where he was.

"Foguang eventually couldn't bear it anymore, and only three months passed."

Looking at the figure that disappeared in the distance, Ning Xiaochuan sighed.

This Buddhist monk is also a newcomer in this space. When Ning Xiaochuan first saw him, he was like Ning Xiaochuan before and knew nothing at all.

Relying on his own will, the Buddha's light was easily separated from the blood ring world. However, as far as Ning Xiaochuan later told him about the living rules of this space, Fo Guang dismissed it at all.

In other words, the Buddha's light focused on the Buddha is unwilling to believe that such an evil space exists.

So he chose to fight the rules here.

In the first month, Fo Guang's friends were brought to his side by the power of the blood ring, and all of his friends were already controlled by the blood ring. After appearing, they started to fight each other, and eventually all died in front of Fo Guang.

In the second month, the master and some brothers of Fo Guang were brought here by the power of the blood ring, and then killed and killed each other in front of Fo Guang.

In the third month, now, all remaining friends and relatives of Fo Guang finally appeared here. These people also became the last straw that crushed the Buddha's light.

In the end, Fo Guang, like most people who fell here, became a mad sub-god, and became a lunatic who only knew to kill.

Although the relationship between Ning Xiaochuan and Fo Guang is not deep, but watching Fo Guang come to this step, he is quite uncomfortable in his heart.

It turns out that this is the Buddha light, and it may be Taning Xiaochuan in the future.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't dare to imagine what would happen if Ning Xin'er and others died in front of them one day.

"Perhaps by then, I will be crazy like Buddha."

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath, and the sadness and low look on his face were swept away, replaced by perseverance and unyielding.

"Since it was created here, it means that as long as I am strong enough, I can break this space sooner or later."

Hands clasped tightly together, Ning Xiaochuan strode toward the distance.

Live and increase strength.

Knowing the cruelty here, Ning Xiaochuan had only such an idea in his mind.

In the first year of Jiuyou Land, Ning Xiaochuan found a way to improve the ten thousand gods in his body. After using a special method in his body, the gods of various laws can even directly absorb the laws of others' gods out of thin air.

After exploring this point, after Ning Xiaochuan hunted down the other sub-gods, he would immediately absorb the virtual deities in his body.

By this method, the number of Ning Xiaochuan Wanfa God's Inclusion Rules is increasing.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan even felt that the godhead in his body was simply a reservoir, and those different laws were the water in the pool.

After the water in the pond is full, Ning Xiaochuan himself cannot predict what will happen to this godhead.

In the third year of Jiuyou Land, Ning Xiaochuan met a sub-god who was also an enemy and a friend, named Situ Lang. The two played against each other countless times, but no one could help him.

In the fifth year of Jiuyou Land, Ning Xiaochuan's practice had problems. At this time, he discovered that although his virtual **** had absorbed more and more laws, his own realm was still difficult to improve.

In other words, Ning Xiaochuan's realm has always been at the top of the sub-god realm.

In the twelfth year of Jiuyou Land, Ning Xiaochuan created the practice method of engraving the rules on the white bone beads. By this method, his realm finally began to ascend.

The white bone beads were indestructible, and no force could leave traces on them.

However, Ning Xiaochuan borrowed the power of the rules in the virtual gods, and spent more than three years relying on the water-milling skills of the dripping stones, and finally painted the rule of the extinct sword on the white bone beads.

At this point, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation has finally been promoted to the secondary god.

Then, after another year, Ning Xiaochuan portrayed the rules of the annihilation demon to the white bone beads, and Ning Xiaochuan's Xiu Wei was immediately elevated to the secondary **** triple.

As long as other sub-gods understand the law, they can ascend the realm.

But when it came to Ning Xiaochuan, it was completely different. After realizing the rules, Ning Xiaochuan will spend time engraving them on the white bone beads, and then it is possible to elevate his realm.

It took a few more years later, and Ning Xiaochuan's realm was elevated from the sub-god triple to the sub-god seven.

At this moment his power in the law has exceeded physical power.

In the thirty-first year of Jiuyoudi, in a dim cave, Ning Xiaochuan, who sat cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

"My realm has been elevated to the Nine Levels of the Second God. The rules I have previously realized have now all been incorporated into the white bone beads. Next, as long as I integrate the Shinto into the white bone beads, I'm afraid I can condense the true godhead . "

The calculations in her heart kept on, but Ning Xiaochuan's expression was cold and almost expressionless.

For more than thirty years in the Nine Secluded Lands, Ning Xiaochuan has slain and killed 370 people in succession. These people have sub-gods, and they are much weaker than the sub-god realm.

At the beginning, the targets of Ning Xiaochuan's beheading were only those who were already crazy. But later, as long as he was met by Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan would directly kill it.

Killing people in such a place is a relief for the person being victimized.

Of course, at the time of the killing, Ning Xiaochuan had also been hunted several times by others. If he was not alert enough, I am afraid that he would have already died in the hands of others at this moment.

In such an environment, Ning Xiaochuan's thoughts have matured so much that he has never done anything more than before. I don't know how many times, and the emotions in my heart will never show up.

"I don't know if the godhead will change again when I become a god." Ning Xiaochuan said secretly in his heart, and at the same time stood up.

Ning Xiaochuan still doesn't know much about this strange godhead in himself.

Except from the memory of Longhuang, it seems that the name of this godhead is called the ten thousand gods, all the other information about this godhead are all Ning Xiaochuan explored in the Nine Secluded Lands.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan has absorbed at least thousands of different rules in the godhead, but these rules combined are still not enough to allow this godhead to begin to evolve.

Ning Xiaochuan was also very helpless.

If it hadn't been for him to feel vaguely, as long as he continued to pay attention to the law within the godhead, this godhead would definitely change. I am afraid at this moment Ning Xiaochuan has given up and continued to instill the law into the godhead.

"Ning Xiaochuan, come out for a war." Ning Xiaochuan just stood up, and a voice suddenly came to his ear.

Hearing this voice, Ning Xiaochuan's mouth was a smile.

The person speaking at this moment is exactly the only friend Situ Lang he made in these nine quiet places for more than thirty years.

As soon as the figure flashed, Ning Xiaochuan's figure disappeared into the cave.

After a while, roaring sounds began to come from outside the cave.


Long river of time and space, this was originally just an illusory river.

But now, in the long river of time and space, there is a boat that can't see the color.

The boat is small and can only accommodate up to two people.

At this moment in a position on this ship, a hazy figure stood quietly. Although his figure is a bit illusory, standing here alone, with an ancient, powerful, magnificent, compassion, vitality, etc., represents all the beautiful breath in the world.

This hazy figure glanced down at the long river of time and space under his feet, like a small fish wandering in the river.

Suddenly, the sight of this hazy figure condensed in several separate spaces like soap bubbles in the long river of time and space.

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