Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1149: Degeneration

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Looking at Ning Xin'er and others in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan Ming knew these were hallucinations, but he still couldn't get started.

kill! Kill them right away.

The reminder of the extinct godhead is like the voice of the devil, which continues to seduce Ning Xiaochuan.

As long as these people are killed, Ning Xiaochuan will be able to condense the **** of extinction and gain tremendous power.

The dilemma he faces now is to make a choice between loved ones and strength.

"Grass! This still uses choice." Faced with this choice, Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness yelled almost immediately: "Lao Tzu has had enough. Before you let Lao Tzu kill those wicked people, you will kill them Now, I still let Lao Tzu kill his loved ones, really I'm sick. "

Scolded! Ning Xiaochuan scolded Chang Changlin.

It's just a pity that without an audience, no one can hear his scolding.

And the **** of extinction is also not heard. Although the **** of extinction is choosing his own master, it has no consciousness.

Its test of Ning Xiaochuan is only following a basic rule.

kill! Kill them all.

The reminder of the extinct godhead is still constantly urging Ning Xiaochuan.

But the more this happened, the more Ning Xiaochuan became disgusted.

This godhead was condensed by his energy, but now it is better, even himself must be controlled by this godhead.

What the **** is that, instead, he becomes a slave to the godhead?

This is like a person who buys a knife and wants to use it to cut vegetables. As a result, the knife controls the person and allows the person to cut himself. This is simply putting the cart before the horse.

If in the future even his consciousness will be controlled by this godhead, then Ning Xiaochuan would rather condense a simplest godhead, as long as he can be controlled by him.

It seemed that he felt the resentment in Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness, and the voice of the extinct godhead suddenly disappeared at this moment.

But immediately afterwards, Ning Xiaochuan felt that the **** of extinction began to collapse.

The test failed, and the **** of extinction did not choose Ning Xiaochuan as its master, so now this **** of Ning Xiaochuan's condensate can no longer maintain the state of 3,000 aspects.

The virtual goddess condensed by Ning Xiaochuan began to degenerate from 3,000 aspects, and the virtual goddess that originally looked completely integrated began to appear angular at this moment.

Moreover, this edge has become increasingly apparent.

Two thousand five hundred planes, two thousand planes ... With the disappearance of the **** of extinction, the **** of Ning Xiaochuan's body completely fell from the ranks of the king of gods.

Even if it becomes a normal god, the degradation of this virtual **** is still not over.

Soon, this virtual godhead had only a thousand aspects, then even five hundred aspects, and then one hundred aspects.

After the aspect of the virtual godhead was reduced to the most common 36 aspects, the entire virtual godhead began to tremble continuously and seemed to be about to collapse.

God's condensed failure failed, and the final result was indeed only a collapse.

Ning Xiaochuan originally thought that this virtual godhead would degenerate to the lowest level, but now the virtual godhead started to collapse, which made Ning Xiaochuan anxious.

In anxiety, Ning Xiaochuan could no longer care whether this godhead was condensed by the way of extinction, and all the laws he had previously learned were infused into the virtual godhead by Ning Xiaochuan.

There were only a few other breaths in the virtual godhead that originally existed only in the world of destruction.

Heaven and Earth Sutra! Zixia Sutra! Donghuang Sutra! ... The breath of the various scriptures that Ning Xiaochuan had enlightened before all appeared in the virtual godhead at this moment.

At the same time, white bone beads rushed in from a distance and rushed into Ning Xiaochuan's virtual godhead.

Ning Xiaochuan was surprised by this.

The white bone bead had penetrated into his virtual godhead, as if a core suddenly appeared in a bubble.

Theoretically speaking, the virtual godhead should only contain the rules learned by warriors. Now there is such a thing, what can Ning Xiaochuan do when he condenses the godhead?

Ning Xiaochuan murmured in his heart for a moment, then left all of them behind.

Because at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's condensed virtual godhead has gradually stabilized.

Although I don't know if it is because of the relationship between the various laws that Ning Xiaochuan broke into the godhead, or because of this white bone bead.

But in short, this virtual godhead finally stabilized in 36 aspects.

The condensed virtual godhead has been lowered from the level of the king of godheads to the weakest godhead level. Although Ning Xiaochuan does not regret his choice, he still feels somewhat lost.

The virtual godhead was condensed successfully, and Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness returned.

The original Ning Xiaochuan who was killing suddenly stopped all actions at this moment.

"Well, my body seems a little weird." Ning Xiaochuan immediately returned to the consciousness, and immediately felt the strangeness of his own body.

At this moment, his physical body was formed by the rebirth of the **** of extinction using the rule of extinction.

This reborn body is almost exactly the same as Ning Xiaochuan's previously disappeared body. Even Ning Xiaochuan's war swords in order to enhance the body's refining are all retained at this moment.

However, as the flesh reborn, Ning Xiaochuan's flesh still received great benefits. Today, his flesh strength is much stronger than before.

When his consciousness did not return just now, relying on instinct alone, this flesh slayed God so many times in succession, exerting at least five powers of the Divine Realm.

It can be seen that Ning Xiaochuan is physically strong at this moment.

The virtual godhead degenerates, but the physical body is strengthened. With this benefit, Ning Xiaochuan is somewhat balanced in his heart.

Around Ning Xiaochuan, those horrified secondary gods who had been killed by him all looked at Ning Xiaochuan carefully.

Except for Ding Kui, no one understood why Ning Xiaochuan stopped suddenly.

"It seems that his consciousness has returned. If I behead him at this moment, it will be his body that beheaded him." Ding Kui said secretly in his heart, and then a dark color appeared in his hands. dagger.

This dagger is called Tushen Dagger. Although it has only the level of the best imperial weapon, on the surface of Tushen Dagger, there is a very powerful venom attached.

Holding the dagger of God in his hand, Ding Kui rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan. Before Ning Xiaochuan was fully restored, he would kill Ning Xiaochuan here.

Tu Shenkang silently attacked Ning Xiaochuan, if he changed to another sub-god, he might not feel it at all.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan's physical body is strengthened, and the five senses are extremely strong.

Before the Ning Xiaochuan was attacked by the Tushen Dagger, he was discovered.

With a wave of his arm, the World Extermination Sword not far from him flew directly to Ning Xiaochuan's hand. With the World Extermination Sword flying to Ning Xiaochuan, there was also Xuan Shou Jian.

The Xuanshoujian directly penetrated into Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrows, and Ning Xiaochuan held the sword of extinction and turned and slid in the direction of Tushen Dagger.

The artifact-level extermination sword confronts the Tu Shen Dagger, just like cutting a tofu with a knife. Silently and silently, this Tu Shen Dagger is cut into two by Ning Xiaochuan.

The World Extermination Sword is enduring and continues to kill the past towards Ding Kui.

Ding Kui apparently did not expect that this World Extermination Sword would be so powerful. When his expression changed greatly, a layer of black mist appeared on his body.

With the appearance of this layer of black mist, Ding Kui's body was like a ghost, and he fled in two halves to a distance.

Ning Xiaochuan, holding the sword of extinction, turned around, but rushed towards Mu Yan's heart.

Although he didn't return his consciousness just now, he also distinguished it. The old man jumped up the most joy in the surrounding gods.

Mu Yanxin has been carefully guarding Ning Xiaochuan, but he does not have many means of Ding Kuina, and even has a means of turning his body into an invisible escape.

Faced with Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, he could only grit his teeth to resist when his face changed greatly.

Holding a supreme imperial spear gun in his hand, he stabbed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

The spear came into contact with the World Extermination Sword, and immediately followed in the footsteps of the Tushen Dagger, and was chopped into pieces quite simply, with the chopped body being Mu Yanxin's body.

The World Extermination Sword was cut off from the top of Mu Yanxin's head, and it was cut directly into two halves. Then, the virtual godhead in his body was smashed by the World Extermination Sword.

The ancestor of the medicine king's overlord Mu family fell.

When Ding Kui saw this scene in the distance, he immediately looked very dignified. With a single hand shake, a golden ring appeared in Ding Kui's hand.

This golden ring was dropped directly on the ground by Ding Kui, and turned into a continuously flashing circle. Inside the circle, countless lines began to be born.

Although I don't know what the ring is, Ning Xiaochuan was able to judge from Ding Kui's actions just now. This ring must be something to deal with.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan held the sword of extinction and beheaded Ding Kui again.

It seemed to protect the ring. Although Ding Kui's look was ugly, he did not escape directly as he did just now.

There was a layer of black mist again on his body, and Ding Kui seemed to have transformed into a smoke giant and killed Ning Xiaochuan.

Although Ning Xiaochuan wields the World Extermination Sword in his hand, he can weaken Ding Kui's breath once. However, by this strange method, Ding Kui still lingered on Ning Xiaochuan for a moment.

After just a few breaths, the ring that Ding Kui threw out immediately brightened, and a tall figure appeared in the ring.

The moment the tall figure appeared, the mighty divine power swept the entire medicine king directly.

All life on the medicine king, as long as it is below the sub-god, Tongtong can't help the color change, and then knees down on the ground.

There is no doubt that the tall figure that appears at this moment is a true deity.

God-level master, finally came to the medicine king.

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