Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1134: condition

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"Haven't you found Ning Xiaochuan?"

Pharmacist, Yao Siqi is angry at a group of guards at the pharmacy.

After knowing that the Mu family wanted Ning Xiaochuan everywhere, Yao Siqi began to tell Wei's guards to secretly search for Ning Xiaochuan.

But after so many days, the drug Siqi found nothing.

Just when Yao Siqi was upset, Yao Huichun's voice suddenly sounded on the side: "You all go down."

Hearing the voice of the homeowner, these guards, if pardoned, left their tongues secretly.

After all the guards left, Yao Huichun said to Yao Siqi with a chuckle: "Si Qi, what magic is this Ning Xiaochuan that has made you worry about him for more than half a year, and still refuse to give up on him."

Hearing his father's question, Yao Siqi's pretty face suddenly turned red.

Waving his hand, Yao Siqi panicked and explained: "Father, where do you think you went, I searched for Ning Xiaochuan, but I think he ’s better at training the mind trainer than me. If he can find him, It will certainly be of great benefit to our pharmacist's current situation. "

"It's just these?" Yao Huichun looked at Yao Siqi with a smile.

Yao Siqi blushed and nodded, "Well, that's all."

At this time, a sudden sound sounded on the side.

"Only these are good."

With this voice, a phantom gradually coagulated in front of Yao Siqi.

This phantom is a woman wearing a gorgeous purple robe. Judging from her appearance, she is somewhat similar to Yao Siqi, but she is obviously much older than Yao Siqi.

"Mother, you're out of customs." Seeing this woman in front of her, Yao Siqi's face suddenly showed a surprise look, and at the same time she flew directly into the other's arms.

This Zipao woman is Yao Siqi's mother, Wen Min, and Wen Min's cultivation has also reached the realm of creation. The pharmacist is another master besides rejuvenating medicine.

It is precisely because the husband and wife are both masters of good fortune, that drug rejuvenation can secure the position of the drug owner.

Wen Min glanced at Yao Siqi with a pampered expression, and nodded with a smile: "Well, my daughter will have to run away if she doesn't go out."

"Mother!" Yao Siqi blushed and snorted.

"This time I heard about Ning Xiaochuan as soon as I was out of the gate. This Ning Xiaochuan is indeed a hidden master." Wen Min nodded and dragged the topic to Ning Xiaochuan.

After leaving the customs office today, she had already heard about Ning Xiaochuan from Huichun.

Whether it was Ning Xiaochuan's feelings at the beginning of the drug rejuvenation or the things that Ning Xiaochuan did at the entrance of the drug house, it was enough for her to judge that Ning Xiaochuan's strength was definitely not as simple as they knew.

"Well, I said a long time ago that Ning Xiaochuan is definitely not easy." When referring to Ning Xiaochuan, Yao Siqi was instantly excited.

Seeing his daughter's so excited look, Civilization turned back and Yaohuichun looked at each other.

Immediately, Wen Min's expression gradually dignified, "Siqi, in the future, you will still have less contact with this Ning Xiaochuan. The mother does not want to hear the name from your mouth."

Yao Siqi was excited at the moment. Hearing Wen Min's words, she suddenly stopped.

Suddenly, Yao Siqi wondered: "Why? Mother, Ning Xiaochuan was retrieved by me. Of course I can't give up on him so easily."

"The blood vow signed by Ning Xiaochuan and our pharmacist has been taken away by Mu Yunhe, so Ning Xiaochuan has no relationship with our pharmacist, and naturally there is nothing to give up or give up. Siqi, mother of other things I can indulge you, but this matter, the mother must not let you go. "Wen Min shook his head seriously.

Yao Siqi frowned, still looking at Wen Min with a stunned look on her face, she didn't seem to understand why Wen Min said so.

Wen Min reached out and touched Siqi's head, and then bitterly said, "Siqi, you are still young. Although you are amazingly talented, you stay in the pharmacy all year round. You have not enough experience in dealing with people, so your mother is afraid of you I cheated. "

Seeing that his mother was so bitter to speak to herself, those originally in Yao Siqi's heart were not ready to dissipate.

Nodded his head, Yao Siqi said, "Well, ma'am, I know. I won't ask about Ning Xiaochuan in the future, anyway, there is no news from him anyway."

After continuing the conversation with his parents, Yao Siqi left with a smile.

Watching Yao Siqi go to the distance, Wen Min's face with a smile on his face was gloomy.

Turning to look at the medicine to rejuvenate, Wen Min shook his head and said, "See? No, our daughter seems to have some interest in that Ning Xiaochuan."

"No, I think Siqi is just unwilling. After all, this Ning Xiaochuan was the first mind trainer she recruited, but was finally disrupted by Mu Yunhe. Of course, Siqi would not be reconciled." Yaohuichun shook Shook his head.

Wen Min glared at her husband and said, "What do you know, now Si Qi may just be unwilling to that Ning Xiaochuan, but Si Qi is still too young, and the relationship is a blank piece of paper. It's easy to have something happen with him, and by then, everything will be late. "

Yao Huichun showed a bit of helplessness on his face: "You think too much, and according to my observations, that Ning Xiaochuan is definitely good. If it wasn't for him offending the Mu family, our pharmacist could have recruited him . "

"No." Wen Min interrupted the drug rejuvenation almost immediately: "For our daughter, this Ning Xiaochuan will never be able to enter the door of our pharmacy again. Siqi, she is the best talent of the young generation on Yao Wangxing. The mind teacher, and the person is also beautiful, can be worthy of him, only those talented disciples of the big family, other people simply have no qualifications to connect with our family Siqi. "

"Ning Xiaochuan's talent is also good. It is said that he has better achievements in mind training than our daughters." Yao Huichun murmured secretly.

Wen Min looked at her husband with dissatisfaction and said, "What's the use of being a spiritualist? Isn't it what you said before? When Ning Xiaochuan first came to our pharmacy, he was seriously injured and almost all his strength was abolished , A disused psychologist, what future can there be. Anyway, I will never allow her to approach our family Siqi anyway. "

Seeing Wen Min's attitude like this, Yaohuichun was a little annoyed and said, "Okay! Okay! Okay! Listen to you, listen to you, this Ning Xiaochuan is not worthy of our daughter. Then you talk about it, you What kind of son-in-law wants to find Si Qi, you must say that you look after the kid of Mu Yunhe. "

Wen Min nodded and said, "Mu Yunhe is not impossible. Although this Mu Yunhe is a bit arrogant, but he has an arrogant qualification. Behind him is the Mu family. On the medicine king, as long as he does not dare to offend the wood The people in the family must not dare to offend Mu Yunhe. You, the pharmacy owner, must not be polite when you meet Mu Yunhe. "

When referring to Mu Yunhe, Yao Huichun's face suddenly became a little hard to look.

Wen Min seems to be aware of what she said wrong at the moment, so she hurriedly smiled and said, "I want to find Siqi's son-in-law, it must be the kind of peerless Tianjiao, the aspect of cultivation, at least it is the eternal realm, and the mind teacher also It ca n’t be worse, you have to be a great educator. "

Yaohuichun said, "You are too demanding. None of the young Tianjiao of Yaowang can meet this condition."

Wen Min replied: "That's why I didn't let that Ning Xiaochuan approach Siqi. Since no one can meet my requirements, so Siqi's future husband and wife must not be bad in terms of background. This Ning Xiaochuan obviously has no strong background. Otherwise, they would not sign a blood oath with our pharmacist. "

Seeing that Wen Min's opening and closing were all about the future son-in-law, Yao Huichun patted his head and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the upcoming meeting of the mind trainer."


The Concentrator's Conference, this is a grand ceremony held every ten years on Medicine King.

The person who organizes the congregation of mind trainers is the family of major mind trainers on Yao Wangxing.

These educators have a wealthy family. Organizing such a psychologist conference is to show the strength of their families on the one hand, but to recruit talents on the other.

It ’s easy to understand how to show your family strength. As long as a family of cultivators can show a talented psychologist at the psychologist conference or develop a unique elixir, this psychologist can make this psychologist The reputation of the family of teachers is very loud.

As for recruiting talents, it is necessary to explain from the basic rules of the Psychologist Conference.

In accordance with the basic rules of the Psychologist Conference, candidates who are eligible to participate in the Psychologist Conference, in addition to the major psychologist conference families, are those who do not belong to the meditation psychologists.

In order to attract those mind-goers who have gone wild on the medicine king to participate in this kind of event, every heart-care master conference, the family of heart-care masters will take out extremely rich rewards.

For this reward alone, the mind trainers on the top ten of the drug king will attend such a ceremony when the mind trainer conference is held.

In this way, the major family of cultivators can naturally find the talents they need at the psychologist conference, and then find ways to attract these talents.

It can be said that such a meeting of mind trainers is basically a means used by the major mind trainers to maintain their strength.

For those minders who have gone wild, this kind of minder conference is also a great opportunity for them to join the family of mind-gatherers.

Therefore, the scale of the psychologist conference on Yao Wangxing will be bigger and bigger. Until now, this psychologist conference has even become famous. By the time the conference is held, nearby star domains have deliberately rushed over to participate Psychologist.

Ning Xiaochuan closed his eyes and listened to the ancient fat man talking about the meeting of the mind trainer before he slowly opened his eyes and nodded with a smile: "Nice, a little interesting."

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