Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1132: Intrigue

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"Mu Yunhe, who do you say is garbage?"

A cold voice came, and Yao Siqi looked coldly out of the palace in front of him.

She had clearly heard what the young Master of the Mu family had just said, so she was so angry now.

However, this young master named Mu Yunhe obviously did not take Yao Siqi in his eyes.

Looking back at the drug Siqi, he laughed a few times, Mu Yunhe said proudly: "Little Siqi, you will be my woman in the future, I don't want to hear from your mouth that you praise other men, if not for you I boasted this boy like a flower, and I was too lazy to teach this low-level life. "

Yao Siqi was trembling with Mu Yunhe's words, but he couldn't help him at all.

With an angry look at Mu Yunhe, Yao Siqi walked over directly and took Ning Xiaochuan's arm to the palace in front of him: "Ning Xiaochuan, come in with me, my father is waiting for you inside."

Seeing Yao Siqi holding Ning Xiaochuan's arm, Mu Yunhe's original cold eyes suddenly revealed a bit of anger.

Staring at Yao Siqi and Ning Xiaochuan, Mu Yunhe said coldly, "Yao Siqi, how dare you pull in such a low-level life in front of me, believe it or not, and let my father destroy you immediately. Pharmacist. "

Yao Siqi's look changed, and he turned to drink in anger at Mu Yunhe.

But at this moment, a loud laugh came out of the palace in front of him: "Haha, nephew, Siqi is still young and unreasonable, why do you have general knowledge with him?"

With this laugh, a middle-aged man with a long beard and a rather elegant look walked slowly out of the palace.

This elegant middle-aged man is the owner of this generation of pharmacists, Yao Siqi's father rejuvenates.


Seeing the emergence of medicine rejuvenation, those little girls who were all around suddenly saluted.

Yao Siqi also loosened Ning Xiaochuan's arm and ran angrily to Yao Huichun.

"This little brother is what you said Ning Xiaochuan." After Yao Huichun came out of the palace, his eyes began to glance at Ning Xiaochuan.

After only a glance, Ning Xiaochuan felt a sense of seeing through everything.

Although his body was severely damaged, which led to the loss of his strength, he was after all a powerful man in a virtual state and a peerless power who had captured the good fortune.

The existence of a talented person like Yao Siqi naturally cannot see through the bottom of Ning Xiaochuan.

However, the medicine rejuvenation that appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, Xiu Wei has obviously reached the realm of creation. With his strength, although he still can't see the real cultivation of Ning Xiaochuan, at first glance, he has felt the extraordinaryness of Ning Xiaochuan. .

Suddenly, the look of medicine rejuvenated.

Although there is an ancestor in his pharmacy, the ancestor retreats all the year round, and he doesn't care about any common things. Unless the pharmacist reaches the point of life and death, the ancestor will not appear at all.

In this case, the influence of a powerful fortune-maker on pharmacists can be imagined.

With a solemn glance at Ning Xiaochuan, Yaohuichun looked at Mu Yunhe in front of him.

Although he was very concerned about Ning Xiaochuan, before he knew the true identity of Ning Xiaochuan, Yao Huichun obviously wanted to send Mu Yunhe first.

The Mu family where Mu Yunhe is located is also a family of well-known mind keepers on Yao Wangxing.

Different from the pharmacist, almost every generation of the Mu family is an extremely powerful psychologist.

Relying on the secretive techniques of his own family's self-cultivation, the Mu family attracted a large number of strong men. The Mu family sheltered by these strong people was almost a hegemon on the medicine king, and no one dared to mess with it.

Although the pharmacist is also a fairly famous family of mind-gatherers on the medicine king, it is far worse than the Mu family.

The situation is not as good as people, so the pharmacist must not only swallow his voice in front of the Mujia. Even a younger member of the Mujia, such as Mu Yunhe, can also raise his power in the pharmacy.

Yaohuichun looked at Mu Yunhe and laughed: "Nie Xian, Si Qi is still young. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can tell me, I will go back and teach her for you."

Mu Yunhe glanced at the medicine to rejuvenate, and snorted coldly: "Shit, you said to teach her back, how do I know that you did not teach her, if you really want to teach her, do n’t do anything, just take her directly Give it to me and let me play for two days. "

Too arrogant! It was so arrogant in the pharmacy.

Mu Yunhe doesn't seem to put the medicine rejuvenation master in the eyes at all.

While Yao Siqi was shaking at the moment, Qi's anger almost burned Mu Yunhe to ashes. Even the medicine that had been smiling all the time, Huichun could not help but frowned.

Mu Yunhe himself is arrogant, and this medicine is clear.

However, in the past, Mu Yunhe was quite convergent at the pharmacy, but this time, he seemed to be a little too much.

"Is the Mu family going to fight with our other mind trainers at this meeting of mind trainers?"

Suddenly, Yaohuichun thought of a possibility.

The Mu family, as the largest family of psychologists on Yaowang, has always wanted to annex all the other families of psychologists on Yaowang.

Over the years, the Mu family has not made any small moves in secret, and many family minders have been completely decayed by the Mu family.

The pharmacist also relied on the prudence of the medicine to rejuvenate, so he was not succeeded by the Mu family.

However, the drug rejuvenation is clear. It is impossible for the Mu family to let go of the drug family. Sooner or later, the wooden family will do something to the drug family.

So at this moment, seeing Yun Yunhe's so arrogant appearance, Yao Huichun immediately became alert.

At this critical juncture, the drug rejuvenation does not want to give the Mu family any chance to attack.

"It's not as good as people. If my pharmacist can produce a **** ancestor, or a Shennong, why would it be as it is today."

Looking at Mu Yunhe in front of him, Yao Huichun couldn't help sighing.

Whether it is a living being or a Shennong, it is enough to reverse the current situation of the Mu and pharmacists.

It is a pity that pharmacists have no capital to solicit such a powerful existence.

Countless thoughts quickly flashed in my heart, the anger on Yaohuichun's face gradually disappeared, and a little smile hung at the corner of his mouth again, "Xiang nephew laughed, and there are some things, let's wait for Siqi to pass through."

"Fuck, isn't it still the same way."

Glancing at the medicine to rejuvenate, Mu Yunhe muttered in his mouth.

In fact, it is true to return the guess. Mu Yunhe came to the pharmacy this time to come to find the fault.

As long as he grasps a little handle of the pharmacist, with this excuse, the Mujia can attack the pharmacist. At that time, even if the pharmacist cannot be destroyed, it will definitely hurt the pharmacist's vitality.

Unfortunately, Yaohuichun is an old fox, and he is not given any chance to attack him.

After turning his gaze, Mu Yunhe's look shifted to Ning Xiaochuan. Although Mu Yunhe seemed to look down on Ning Xiaochuan, in fact, he had reached the real world, but he had also faintly felt that Ning Xiaochuan had uploaded him. The sense of depression.

Because of this feeling, Mu Yunhe is also secretly guessing at this moment whether this person is really something extraordinary.

Since the other party might be a heroic figure, Mu Yunhe certainly didn't want such a character to get in touch with the pharmacist.

And at this moment, the boy was obviously injured and healed, and he had already offended him completely. He might as well kill him in advance while his injury did not recover.

I have to say that although Mu Yunhe is a famous puppet on the medicine king, he is not useless.

At least in terms of mind, Mu Yunhe is quite powerful.

"Well, I won't talk nonsense to you anymore, this guy just made me very upset, I will take him to the Mu family to punish him severely."

Mu Yunhe said coldly, and he had to walk to Ning Xiaochuan and take Ning Xiaochuan to faint.


Yao Siqi rushed out and stopped in front of Ning Xiaochuan: "Mu Yunhe, Ning Xiaochuan is the psychologist I invited back, you can't just move him casually."

"Well, I'm still a mind trainer." Mu Yunhe looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a bit of surprise, but the mind that took Ning Xiaochuan away was firmer.

The mind-raiser is the root of the family of mind-raisers. Even if Ning Xiaochuan is just an ordinary mind-raiser, Mu Yunhe doesn't want to leave him at the pharmacy, and the druggist adds strength.

Going to Yao Siqi, Mu Yunhe shot out suddenly, spraying aura of energy in his hand, condensing into a chain to lock Yao Siqi, and then tossed aside.

There is only medicine Siqi in heaven and earth, naturally it is not Mu Yunhe's opponent in reality.

"Father, you can't let him take Ning Xiaochuan." Yao Siqi sat down aside, looking eagerly to Yaohuichun.

However, at this moment, the rejuvenation of the medicine just shook his head slowly towards the medicine Siqi.

Although I feel that Ning Xiaochuan is abnormal, in the heart of Yaohuichun, even if Ning Xiaochuan is really a master of good fortune, it can't be compared with the Mu family.

Therefore, if you choose one between Ning Xiaochuan and the Mujia, Yaohuichun will still choose the Mujia.

Seeing that this was true even of his father, Yao Siqi was completely disappointed, and looked back at Ning Xiaochuan apologetically.

"Haha, little girl, it's okay. I'll take a trip with this young Master Mujia, and maybe I will be better off at the Mujia." Ning Xiaochuan laughed suddenly at this moment.

After watching such a long time on the side, Ning Xiaochuan can see it, even in the Shenhe civilization, the intrigue will never be missing.

But now that he has reached the sphere of influence of the Shenhe civilization, then Ning Xiaochuan does not mind leaving with this young master Mu.

Just taking this opportunity, Ning Xiaochuan can get rid of the blood oath signed by himself and the pharmacist.

Ning Xiaochuan's response surprised everyone around him, but Mu Yunhe immediately laughed and laughed: "That's right, my Mu family treats the mind trainer much better than the drugstore, your boy. A little wink, and I will follow you later. "

After returning the blood oath from Yao Siqi, Mu Yunhe left Ning Xiaochuan with a big swing and left the medicine house.

(I apologize to everyone, Ning Xiaochuan is already a holy spiritual trainer. The last chapter was wrong, and I wrote it as a king spiritual trainer. Now I have changed it.)

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