Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1128: Elixir

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The elixir is the star on the edge of Shenhe civilization.

The surface of this star is almost entirely composed of land, and only a few places have some lakes. In the land on the stars, lush plant life grows here. In the life of these plants, countless elixir constantly swayed with the wind, and the scent from these elixir almost filled the elixir of the elixir. Everywhere.

This day, a dragon-shaped spacecraft descended from the sky and landed on this star.

Immediately, the spacecraft disappeared, and a large group of people appeared at the location where the spacecraft landed.

One of the leaders in this group was a beautiful girl in a Tsing Yi, petite figure, pretty appearance, and quite attractive.

She is the elixir of the elixir star who owns the pharmacist.

Yao Siqi glanced around the stars, and then waved his hand: "Okay, the elixir star has arrived, everyone hurry to harvest the elixir, I hope to collect more psychic elixir this year."

"Yes, miss."

The people around Yao Siqi gave a respectful and respectful response, and then the figure rose into the air and fluttered towards the star.

Their figures wandered around the star and began to look for various useful elixir on this plant star.

Yao Siqi stood there and groaned for a while, then suddenly his eyes turned brightly and walked towards one place.

Just a few dozen feet away from her, a green plant only about the calf height of a normal person swayed in the wind.

Yao Siqi walked in front of the green plant, with a charming smile on her face, and said to the green plant: "Little brother, follow your sister."

A cute little boy's head emerged from this green plant, and said fiercely, "You are bad people, so I won't follow you."

Yao Siqi smiled into a crescent shape, and said to the green plant: "Since the sister is a bad person, isn't it necessary for the sister to be kind to you."

On the green plant, the little boy retracted the body of the plant at once, and then the plant was shaken and disappeared here.

Yao Siqi didn't take it easy at this moment. A red rope shot out from her hand, trapped the green plant, and dragged it into her hand.

Looking at the elixir in his hand, Yao Siqi nodded with satisfaction.

"I just got a 10,000-year-old psychic elixir. It seems that my gains on this trip should be very good."

With a few murmurs in his mouth, Yao Siqi turned and walked towards the other place, wanting to continue picking elixir.

At the same time, above the star, a fireball-like meteor fell from the sky.

Before the meteor fell on the elixir, a group of people on the elixir had noticed the appearance of the meteor.

After slightly judging the impact of this meteor on the elixir, these people suddenly changed their faces.

"No, this meteor will destroy Yaotian 27. Immediately stop this meteor."

"Damn, isn't an array method set up near the elixir, how could a meteor appear?"

"I don't look like a shooting star, but like some kind of life."

"You mean this meteor is a strong man wandering in the cosmic starry sky?"

"It's hard to say, how could it have fallen like it is now if it was a sub-strong god."


A group of people flew towards the place where the meteor fell while they were communicating with each other, and even Yao Siqi was no exception.

Across the distance, these people saw the distant place where the meteor fell, and at this moment had become a mess.

Not to mention the medicine field, at this moment the ground around here is no longer intact.

Such a scene naturally made these drug collectors look pale.

There are only a few medicine fields on the elixir star. Now one of them is destroyed, and everyone will feel great pain.

A group of people flew in the air, looking coldly down.

Suddenly, the scorched black figure in the center of the crater that the meteor struck on the elixir fell into their eyes.

"It turned out to be an individual!"

The drug collectors were taken aback.

You know, those who can cross in the cosmic sky alone can only be achieved by sub-level masters.

Is this anxious figure in front of him also a sub-god?

Suddenly, the foreheads of these drug users began to sweat cold.

Among the organizations behind them, there is only one sub-ancestor.

Yao Siqi glanced around and seemed to perceive the thoughts of these people, and suddenly sighed coldly: "What are you afraid of? Even if he is a sub-god, but now he is already like this, not alive yet Sure, something terrible. "

While drinking coldly, Yao Siqi walked towards the anxious figure in front.

The drug collectors stopped her a few times, but did not stop her.

Going to the edge of the huge pit in front of her, Yao Siqi's face flashed a little hesitation. Although she was resolute in her mouth just now, it seemed that her heart was actually very frightened.

After a little hesitation, she just jumped into the pit and checked to see the charred figure.

"Alive, but the breath is too weak, it should not be a sub-level master, it seems to be the unlucky egg, and it has been disaster in the universe." Yao Siqi just checked it a little, and immediately came to a conclusion.

"What? It's not a sub-master. This **** guy has ruined our medicine field. If he doesn't die, he must pay us compensation."

"He's all like this, what else can we compensate."

"Bring him a curse of slavery and make him a slave to our pharmacist."

"You are crazy. The slave spell is more valuable than a medicine field. This guy has ruined a medicine field. Who knows if he is worth it? Let us waste another slave spell."

"Hey, I'll just talk about it, but I can't spare this guy easily anyway."


These drug collectors arguing casually, quickly surrounded Yao Siqi, and looked curiously at the black figure in the big pit.

Although they have been walking in the starry sky all year round, they have never seen anyone like this who suffered a disaster and fell directly from the sky.

After checking the condition of the scorched figure, a drug collector frowned: "Miss, he is too badly injured. I don't expect to survive, otherwise we'll leave him alone."

Falling from the stars, even a real-world master cannot survive.

Yao Siqi frowned, and checked again for the scorched figure in the big pit before pouting: "Well, he ruined my medicine field, don't think I let him go so easily, I must put He rescued and asked him to pay my medicine field. "

With a cold snoring, Yao Siqi waved his arm, and a three-legged Xiaoding flew out of her body.

Seeing this three-legged little tripod, those drug collectors couldn't help whispering whispering, "This is the true tripod of the young lady. The young lady is already a great mind-raiser, and she will definitely become us Pharmacist's strongest psychologist. "

Yao Siqi controls the Yang Xin Ding in front of him, and at the same time, he has thrown countless elixir towards Yang Xin Ding.

Although these elixir are very old, they are good enough.

After so many elixir had been thrown into Yang Xin Ding, Yao Siqi was obviously struggling a bit, and a pile of spiritual fire emerged from her body, burning on Yang Xin Ding.

Heart-fire refining medicine, it can be seen from this method at present that Yao Siqi is indeed very talented in mental training.

After successively calcining Yang Xin Ding for almost a tea effort, Yao Siqi recovered his heart fire, then controlled Yang Xin Ding, and began to pour the elixir in Yang Xin Ding towards the anxious figure on the ground.

Just a half-person-sized tripod to raise the heart, at this moment, a steady stream of spiritual fluid is poured out.

Yao Siqi backed up with the medicinal pickers around him and finally returned to the edge of the big pit, which was already filled with the rich scent of strong medicine.

This crater formed by the impact is now like a potion pond.

As for the scorched figure, he was drowned in these fluids at this moment.

After doing all of this, Yao Siqi waved and raised her heart. Turning his head and glancing at the medicinal appallers who were already full of faces, Yao Siqi frowned and sighed coldly, "What are you doing? Hurry up and collect the elixir. In another three days, we will leave here."

Those drug collectors naturally dared not delay anything, and flew away immediately.

The remaining medicine Siqi stood alone and looked back at the elixir pond.

In the middle of the elixir pond, several bubbles popped up from time to time, showing that it is slightly different from the rest of the pond.

Yao Siqi's sight had already passed through the elixir pond and shot straight at the black figure below the pond.

"I was only promoted to the Dao Yangxin Master, and this method of saving lives from Linghai didn't know if it would work." Yao Siqi looked at the scorched figure in the pond, but secretly muttered.

The reason why she just wanted to try to save people directly wasn't all she wanted to save people back for compensation. Just now, she had a little thought in her mind to experiment with her new mind-gatherer technique.

Under the gaze of Yao Siqi, the scorched black figure in the elixir pond, the scorched black skin of his body began to fall off a little, and finally showed a young and tough face.

"I'm still a handsome boy." Yao Siqi's eyes narrowed again into a crescent shape.

But at this moment she didn't know that in the middle of this elixir of pond, the person who was treated as a patient by him was consciously awake.

"It's too pit, what was that strong wind before? Why is there such a terrible strong wind even in the dead starry sky." An exclaimed voice came from the heart of this black figure, but no one heard it. He exclaimed.

It was only when the black figure exclaimed that a series of bubbles murmured from his body.

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