Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1119: Feng Yue Xi shot

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Yu Ningsheng sat cross-legged in the air. Although her face was calm, only she could feel it, and her cheek was still a little hot at this moment.

"I had done that stupid thing before, if it hadn't been for Ogawa's arrival, I would almost have killed his family."

Concern is messy!

Yu Ningsheng also just learned about the experience of Ning Xiaochuan's family, so after meeting Leng Wuyou and others, she couldn't help but start targeting them, not even considering the consequences of doing so.

Now Yu Ningsheng couldn't figure out why he had a hot head at that time and went straight to the cold and worry-free.

"Fortunately, Ogawa arrived at the last minute, and he has become so powerful."

Yu Ningsheng sat cross-legged in the air and began to refine her goddess. At this moment it seemed that the whole person was surrounded by a hazy law.

Inside the market, Ning Xiaochuan had grasped the demon in his hand at this moment.

The original powerful monster was in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan at the moment like an ant.

"How can you be so powerful? It's impossible!"

The demon looked at Ning Xiaochuan in shock, the moment he came out of Hell, he followed Ning Xiaochuan quietly. If Ning Xiaochuan was really caught by Leng Wuyou just now, he would definitely take the shot and grab Ning Xiaochuan immediately.

In the final analysis, the demon still wants to inherit the demise of the world from Ning Xiaochuan.

But now, the demon felt a sense of oppression from Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't bother with the demon, but his body shook, and a mist like a phantom shot from Ning Xiaochuan's body. Once this mist appeared, it immediately turned into a throbbing heart.

This is the seed that the demon left in Ning Xiaochuan's body, and now he is expelled by Ning Xiaochuan.

Feeling the power that controls everything on Ning Xiaochuan, the demon suddenly couldn't help shouting loudly: "Did you enter the **** vortex, only by controlling the power in the **** vortex can it become so powerful. "

Although the demon is a god, he is not too powerful among the most primitive gods in hell. But it was also because he was not strong enough that he could live in **** to this day.

The most primitive and powerful gods in Hell, such as Jun Qianyu, have already been refined by the power of the Dan furnace.

The demons who have witnessed the death of Jun Qianyi and others, although they know that there is an extremely powerful force in Hell Vortex, they never dare to enter Hell Vortex.

At this moment, when he saw the peerless force on Ning Xiaochuan, the demon immediately thought of this power in the **** vortex.

The deepest thing in the **** vortex is the most terrible existence in the hearts of all evil people in hell.

Ning Xiaochuan had no time to pay attention to the demon at this moment. At this moment, the mass of energy on his body was erupting at all times. If all the troubles were not solved before the energy disappeared, it would be Ning Xiaochuan's trouble Already.


Grasp the demon in his hand, just like the original cold and worry-free, Ning Xiaochuan directly threw him back to the depths of the **** vortex.

With the help of the Dan furnace, Ning Xiaochuan thoroughly refined the demon.

Deep in the **** vortex, the demon is almost going crazy. The feeling of continuous loss of power on his body makes the demon recall the feeling that they were trapped in hell.

A feeling of despair reappeared in the heart of the demon.

However, when the demon was almost completely desperate, Ning Xiaochuan's figure suddenly appeared again, grabbed him, and recaptured the world of Da Yan.

"To refine a true deity is hundreds of times more difficult than to refine a sub-god. Even with the power of the Dan furnace, it takes at least ten years to completely refine the demon. Now I do n’t have So much time to wait. "

Staring at the demon in his hand, Ning Xiaochuan frowned.

Although he now has the power to suppress all things, but to truly destroy these gods, he still needs the power of the Dan furnace.

"Since you can't destroy it, you can only choose another way."

Ning Xiaochuan only groaned for a moment, then directly holding the demon in his hand, appeared in front of a facade of a man and god.

"No, don't you want to treat me ... no!"

With the scream of the demon, Ning Xiaochuan directly threw the demon into the gate of this god.

The other side of the gate of man and **** is where the Shenhe civilization is located. If the demon still wants to do bad things, then go and harm the Shenhe civilization.

However, if he enters the Shenhe civilization with the current strength of the demon, I am afraid that he is only bullied, and it is no wonder that he is unwilling to go to the Shenhe civilization.

After solving the demon, Ning Xiaochuan's gaze turned to heaven.

At this moment, the heavenly court has been enveloped by a thin film like a mask.

This is an ancient law formation inspired by the heart of the continent. Before the masters of the source realm arrived, the heaven court used this array to resist the attacks of the masters of the Shenhe civilization.

Even the gods can't help this array, but you can imagine how powerful this array of arrays is.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes fell on this formation, and immediately he saw the inside of the formation. Numerous disciples of the God's Palace were practicing in it, protected by the ancient array. At this moment, the heavenly court was already in another space.

Therefore, the geniuses of these divine princes are totally unaware of the changes that have taken place in the Dayan world at this moment.

At this moment throughout the heavenly court, only the second **** who stayed in the heavenly court knew the news of Leng Wuyou's killing.

This ranking **** also comes from the source world. Just now Ning Xiaochuan roared, even the second **** was roared to death by Ning Xiaochuan.

This deity was lucky enough to hide in the ancient array and successfully escaped.

But at this moment, he was already shuddering in fright.

After noticing Ning Xiaochuan's gaze, the appearance of this order of **** appeared in the dungeon under heaven.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I know you're great, but now your family is all in my hands. If you dare to do anything, I will kill them all."

This ranking **** is almost insane at this moment, and can only use Ning Xiaochuan's family to threaten Ning Xiaochuan. Otherwise, Ning Xiaochuan can strangle him with a finger.

Ning Xiaochuan stood above the world of Dayan, staring coldly at the bottom.

With his ability at this moment, although he can forcibly break through the ancient array in front of him, it will take time to break the large array. Even if he only blinks, this sub-god may kill Ning Xin'er and others.

In this situation, even Ning Xiaochuan was in a dilemma.

In the dungeon below the heavenly court, this ranking **** has broken a pillar of light, and then caught Ning Xiner in front of himself. With the hostage in his hand, his look improved a lot.

Just then, a sudden sigh sounded in his ear.

"I don't want to kill you. You put people down and leave yourself."

"Who is this?" The **** of this rank was quite agitated at this moment. Hearing the sound of sigh, he immediately looked nervously to the side.

In the dim dungeon, Feng Yue, who was also trapped in the beam of light, slowly opened his eyes.

The sigh just now was made by Feng Yuexi.

"Hum, pretend to be a ghost."

Seeing that the person threatening himself turned out to be only a prisoner under his own hands, this order snorted in disdain and grabbed it towards Fengyue.

Anyway, the people here are all hostages, and he doesn't mind more hostages.

However, before he caught Feng Yuexi, Feng Yuexi's body suddenly burned a blaze, and the beam of light trapped by her was burned by the blaze, and a crackling sound immediately sounded, and then shattered.

A phoenix imaginary rushed out of Fengyuexi abruptly, and quickly passed through his body along the arm of this ranking god.

The name of the powerful sub-god from the source world was dull.

The next moment, a fire rose from him, burning his body to ashes.

Easily killed a sub-god, Fengyue Xi's look remained unchanged.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I will continue to search for a quiet place to practice, see you next time." It seemed to feel the presence of Ning Xiaochuan, Feng Yuexi said softly, and then the figure disappeared directly into the prison cage.

The cage here is a cage for others, but for Feng Yuexi, it is just a quiet place.

With this period of imprisonment, Feng Yuexi finally restored the power of the sub-god level.

With the strength of the current wind and moon, even if you travel throughout the world of Da Yan, it is almost impossible to encounter any danger, let alone the thing that was originally captured by the demon.

Ning Xiaochuan silently watched as Feng Yuexi disappeared, and his eyes were somewhat grateful.

Feng Yuexi has always helped him a lot.

Just because I felt the existence of Fengyuexi, Ning Xiaochuan didn't take the shot to hunt the second **** of the source world.

Watching the ancient array before him, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly shot and grabbed the sky above the ancient array.

The whole circle has formed an ancient array of space alone, which was directly caught by Ning Xiaochuan.

It was as if a sphere had been stung by a blaze, the array of ancient times suddenly became very unstable.

However, before the violent riots in the ancient times, Ning Xiaochuan had already added the piece he had just killed off and added it back again.

At this moment in front of Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiner and others all appeared here.

At that moment, he had already rescued Ning Xin'er and others from the court.

Sitting at the entrance to the God Tower, Yu Ningsheng looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a curious expression at this moment. She didn't understand why Ning Xiaochuan didn't directly destroy the ancient array outside the heavens at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan rescued all his family members and waved them all back to the place where the Yulan Empire was located.

Ning Xiaochuan has used his energy to form a layer of protection here. Before Ning Xiaochuan's energy completely disappeared, no one could move Ning Xin'er and others.

"Now, only these people in the pagoda are left."

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes stared at the light gate above his head.

Those who enter the light gate are actually the real masters of the Shenhe civilization. Almost ninety-nine percent of the sub-gods of the Shenhe civilization are all in the tower.

If Ning Xiaochuan can't solve them, everything Ning Xiaochuan is doing now is a waste of effort.


Just as Ning Xiaochuan was preparing to dock with the pagoda, a figure suddenly emerged from the ocean at the foot of Ning Xiaochuan.

His whole body was entangled with thick iron chains, which were constantly shaking on him, like countless little snakes.

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