Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1110: end

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It is just a pattern of a Dan furnace, which is clearly painted on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan carefully looked at the pattern and wanted to see what was special about the pattern. After all, what is portrayed by a potentially powerful deity should not be ordinary.

However, no matter how Ning Xiaochuan observed, he couldn't tell what was abnormal about this furnace.

The Dan furnace depicted on the ground consists of only a few lines, which is exactly the simplest and most common Dan furnace.

"Does this senior want to tell the latecomers that if he wants to leave here, he must find this furnace or build a furnace."

Ning Xiaochuan began to figure it out.

And just as Ning Xiaochuan thought about it carefully, the Dan furnace pattern on the ground had begun to weather, and then quickly disappeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

The phantom disappeared, the Dan furnace pattern disappeared, and time was indeed the most ruthless, able to wipe out everything. If it was not for the power of the Phantom to protect the Dan furnace pattern, perhaps the Dan furnace pattern had long since disappeared.

Staring at the ground where the Dan furnace pattern disappeared, Ning Xiaochuan's look became more and more dignified.

This Dan furnace pattern was so solemnly left behind, absolutely containing any big secrets, but what, Ning Xiaochuan could not understand the mystery of it at all, the hint information that Dan furnace brought to him was too little.

With doubt, Ning Xiaochuan continued to walk forward.

Now that some anomalies have been discovered, Ning Xiaochuan believes that he will soon be able to find other information.

Sure enough, after moving on for a long time, a figure appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan, a figure that Ning Xiaochuan was very familiar with.

The handsome man in a gorgeous robe that Ning Xiaochuan had seen before was now bland, as if he was walking towards the front, as if walking.

Before, his figure was just a ghost, but now he even appears here.

Ning Xiaochuan was startled at first, but immediately frowned.

According to his speculation, there should be no other living talents in this place, but the young man in front of him clearly appeared here.

Ning Xiaochuan originally wanted to go up to say hello to him, but at the moment he stopped and watched the figure silently.

Soon, Ning Xiaochuan discovered the strangeness. The young man's figure didn't seem to find Ning Xiaochuan's arrival at all, so he went forward silently, and then drifted away.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally wouldn't let him leave, so he immediately followed him. He wanted to see where the young man was going.

However, just after taking a few steps with this young man, Ning Xiaochuan found that the young man's pace seemed slow, but the actual speed was extremely fast, and almost instantly Ning Xiaochuan lost him.

Just when Ning Xiaochuan's face was depressed, the young man's figure suddenly appeared again behind Ning Xiaochuan. In the sound of Ning Xiaochuan's look, his figure crossed from Ning Xiaochuan's body.

The two figures overlapped, and Ning Xiaochuan didn't feel anything strange.

"Phantom, again?"

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and looked at the figure that was slowly moving away in disbelief.

I do n’t know how long this phantom has existed, but it still exists clearly to this day, but this place is clearly able to isolate all forces, and this phantom cannot exist forever.

Ning Xiaochuan stood a little confused.

After waiting for a while, the phantom of the young man did appear again, and his expression was still dull, so he went forward step by step.

Ning Xiaochuan crossed over from his body and overlapped with this figure again. Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt a little abnormal.

"So terrible space controls power."

Watching the young man's figure headed into the distance again, Ning Xiaochuan's face was already filled with shock.

Although Xiu was sealed, all forces could not be exerted, but Ning Xiaochuan could still feel the power of space contained in this phantom.

In other words, in fact, what Ning Xiaochuan saw at the moment was not just as simple as a phantom. What he saw was actually a picture that had happened here countless years ago.

This handsome young man seems to intentionally leave all his actions, so he blends his breath with the surrounding space, so that this space will always leave his brand.

This space control power is definitely more powerful than Xue Ling Xu, who has a chaotic heart.

Moreover, this is the space control method he exhibited in the case of the young man's power being sealed.

"This young man should also be a peerless strongman who came out of the run-down ancient city before. In order to find a way for the latecomers, he will leave his own figure. He is using his experience to leave references to the latercomers. Clues. "

Ning Xiaochuan had already guessed the young man's intentions at this moment, so he immediately paid homage to the young man.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan has decided to continue to follow this figure.

Being able to leave your mark permanently in the surrounding space while being sealed with strength, this strong person is definitely more powerful than ordinary gods.

So Ning Xiaochuan wanted to go and see if this young man finally found a way out.

At the speed of Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, he can't keep up with the speed of this young man, but fortunately, the figure in front of Ning Xiaochuan appears from the back every so often, and then walks forward.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan was very easy to follow.

Tracing the past all the way, relying on the stars above and above, the Ning Xiaochuan can estimate that he has been following this figure for at least a month.

In this month, the young man's figure kept walking forward, as if his footsteps would never stop.

A Dan furnace pattern, a figure moving forward.

While Ning Xiaochuan was following, he had been pondering the relationship between the two.

Finally, after a few days of Ning Xiaochuan's advance, a shadow of a hazy mountain appeared before him, and the figure of the young man he had been following seemed to step into the mountain step by step.

It's finally here!

Ning Xiaochuan sighed inwardly. He had observed the young man's expression countless times along the way. From his expression, Ning Xiaochuan had long found that there was no hesitation in his look at all, but he died with a wave Unrepentant momentum.

What does this mean? Explain that the young man knew where he was going from the beginning.

And now this mountain is most likely where he is going.

Ning Xiaochuan walked to the foot of the mountain, only to discover the strangeness of the mountain. This mountain is completely composed of huge stones. From the outside, it looks like a huge pyramid.

From the position of Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, it is impossible to see what the top of the pyramid is, but the figure of the young man went straight up towards the top of the pyramid.

Ning Xiaochuan did not hesitate, and climbed directly along this pyramid-shaped hill.

At this point, Ning Xiaochuan had a vague sense that if he wanted to leave here, he had to climb up the mountain.

This mountain is completely composed of huge stones. The steps between a stone and a stone form steps, but these steps are huge, and each step is ten meters wide and ten meters high.

In such a place, anyone must become an ordinary person. To climb this mountain, they can only climb on their own physical strength.

With Ning Xiaochuan's physical strength, it is certainly not a problem to want to climb this hill.

With a slight leap, Ning Xiaochuan appeared on the first step, and then the next step.

Beside Ning Xiaochuan, the mysterious young man was also climbing the steps. His figure was light, as if walking on a normal-sized step, he could reach a step with his legs raised.

After climbing at least 10,000 steps in succession, Ning Xiaochuan only appeared in front of a vague mountain top.

Seeing the end of the road, Ning Xiaochuan's speed soared several times. Almost immediately after that, he stood firmly on the top of the hill.

The top of the hill is a huge plane, and the ground is also composed of stones.

However, it is empty here, nothing exists.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned, glanced around for a long time, but found nothing. But he was not anxious, but stood on the edge of the platform and waited.

After a moment, the figure of the young man he followed all the way appeared at the foot of the hill again. Following these huge steps, the young man's figure reached the top of the hill and came to Ning Xiaochuan.

Then, under Ning Xiaochuan's gaze, he started walking towards the center of the platform.

Ning Xiaochuan can clearly see that at this moment his look has become extremely dignified, and every step takes a pause, as his figure gets closer to the center of the platform, his pace is getting slower and slower.

Finally, when he was more than ten meters away from the center of the platform, he stopped.

At this stop, he paused for a full day, and then he took another step forward.

However, before the foot on which he stepped out had fallen to the ground, his figure suddenly shook. Starting from the foot on which he stepped out, his body began to shatter a little, and eventually disappeared completely.

The whole body was fragmented, and the spirit was flying away. This is the final end of this young man who Ning Xiaochuan followed all the way.

A peerless powerhouse died so silently.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned and stood on the side.

Although he had seen the young man's final outcome, Ning Xiaochuan became more and more confused.

Because the young man's experience has nothing to do with the Dan furnace pattern he left behind.

"It's been many years, and someone came here again. I've waited too long."

As Ning Xiaochuan carefully looked around, a sigh sounded suddenly in his ear.

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