Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1105: Hell vortex

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"The seed that the demon has left in me?"

Ning Xiaochuan stood up with a brush, and the power of Qiqiaoshen's demon heart swept through his body instantly, but he found nothing.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan has been very careful since he encountered the demon, in order to prevent himself from being secretly calculated by the demon.

But he didn't expect that the demon finally left him behind silently.

The means of the gods indeed far exceeded Ning Xiaochuan's expectations.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind became even more frightened by these deities, including the ancestor Yan Quan who was sitting in front of him like a close friend at this moment.

These gods are old guys who don't know how many years they have lived. Not only are they strong, they are all scheming, and they will fall into their trap if they are not careful.

"When you come to me, you will never tell me that I have the seeds left by the demon?"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the ancestor Yan Quan in front of him and did not continue to discuss the seeds left by the demon.

Although Ning Xiaochuan is definitely a big trouble for Ning Xiaochuan, now Ning Xiaochuan already knows its existence, and Ning Xiaochuan will sooner or later expel it.

The biggest threat to Ning Xiaochuan now is the ancestor Yan Quan.

Until now, Ning Xiaochuan had no idea what Yan Quan's ancestors were looking for.

"Of course not. The demon demon wants to do something, and I can probably think of what I want to do, and his purpose is different." Yan Quan ancestor shook his head and looked up at Ning Xiaochuan, word by word. Continued: "I want you to help me destroy the world."

"Extinction?" Ning Xiaochuan's brow frowned suddenly.

The ancestor of Yan Quan also stood up arrogantly at this moment, took two steps at will, and then re-established himself: "Yes, it is extinction, I want to exterminate this time, and you are the heir to the extinction, and extinction is exactly the same. The way you are going, so the two of us can be united together. "

Ning Xiaochuan said invariably: "There are many kinds of extinction. Extinguishing the creatures in **** can be regarded as extinct. Exterminating everything in Da Yan World can also be regarded as extinct. Because whether it is Hell or Da Yan World, If a small world destroys it, it will naturally be considered to be a world destruction. The world destruction in your mouth should not mean the destruction of **** or the world. "

Ning Xiaochuan's words made Yan Quan's ancestors smile a little, and stood next to the bonfire. The light of the bonfire made Yan Quan's ancestor's face flicker.

After a long time, the ancestor of Yan Quan said again: "I want to destroy the Shenhe civilization."

Staring at Yan Quan's ancestors, Ning Xiaochuan's face was so sure.

Ning Xiaochuan had long guessed that the goal of Yan Quan's ancestors was the Shenhe civilization, because no matter whether it was Hell or Dayan World, the structure was too small for a **** like him.

Only the Shenhe civilization and even higher worlds are eligible to become the target of this **** of the ancestor Yan Quan.

But at the moment Ning Xiaochuan was still thinking that the ancestor of Yan Quan was a little crazy.

Yan Quan's ancestors and the Devil are now just prisoners, and it's not even sure when their own strength will return to its peak. In this state, it is a joke to mention what destroys the Shenhe civilization.

With almost no hesitation, Ning Xiaochuan shook his head directly to the ancestor of Yan Quan: "It's still unrealistic because we want to destroy the Shenhe civilization."

Yan Quan's ancestor looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a stunned look, and seemed to be quite shocked at Ning Xiaochuan's answer.

A moment later, he shook his head.

"You are very different from the preacher I have seen before. Even the preacher I have seen, even if it is just a mortal, but I am filled with ambition to destroy everything, but I do not seem to find it in you Ambition. "

Ning Xiaochuan also shook his head indifferently: "My master also said that I am actually not suitable for practicing the World Extinction, but because of coincidence, I became the preacher of the World Extinction."

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan didn't agree with the thought of extinction.

According to his philosophy, what he has to do is to be a holy and external king, with a kind heart, but also a force to destroy the world. If he is dissatisfied with the world, use his own power to change it, not to destroy it completely.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan did not have the arrogance and murderous intention of destroying all the blood and blood of Shentai.

"I didn't expect that there would be a preacher like you in the world, but since you practice the preacher, then sooner or later you still have to follow the path of deprecation. The predecessor of the predecessor in order to cultivate the preacher has even destroyed it. Half of the Shenhe civilization, if you want to achieve more than the previous generation of annihilation, you will certainly go down this path. "

Yan Quan's ancestor looked up and down at Ning Xiaochuan several times, and finally calmed down.

He dismissed Ning Xiaochuan's words at this moment.

If you want to cultivate to the top, the way to destroy the world is the way to go.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's idea of ​​annihilation is not so strong, Yan Quan's ancestors firmly believe that after Ning Xiaochuan cultivates the demise of the world to a high level, he will sooner or later die.

"As long as your purpose is to destroy the Shenhe civilization, then we have a common goal, naturally we can unite together, Ning Xiaochan, don't resist, I will take you to a place."

Yan Quan's ancestor spoke to Ning Xiaochuan, and with a wave of his arm, the bonfire disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Xiaochuan felt as if he was surrounded by an invisible force. His figure quickly left the ground and moved towards the distance.

This intangible force is not too powerful, as long as Ning Xiaochuan thinks, he can break it open.

From this, Ning Xiaochuan felt that Yan Quan's ancestors did not seem to be malicious at this moment.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan left Yan Quan's ancestors to use his means to take him away in the distance.

After moving for more than half a day, Ning Xiaochuan's figure fell into one place. Immediately afterwards, the figure of Yan Quan's ancestor appeared in front of him.

The kind of long-distance shift just now seems to consume a lot for Yan Quan's ancestors. At this moment, Yan Quan's ancestors' body's breath has actually weakened by more than half.

If Ning Xiaochuan had been afraid of this ancestor of Yan Quan's ancestors before, this avatar had no threat to Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

"Look over there."

After waiting for Ning Xiaochuan to speak, Yan Quan's ancestor waved a light again, and then pointed to the road ahead.

With the light from Yan Quan's ancestors, Ning Xiaochuan immediately saw a scene that made him startled.

At this moment beside him, there was a huge and super whirlpool.

This vortex has a diameter of at least hundreds of miles. Ning Xiaochuan was also able to see the existence of this large vortex because he was standing very high at this moment.

The great vortex was slowly rotating with a strong pressure. Ning Xiaochuan didn't feel the suction carried by the great vortex, but he felt that his own blood and even vitality were slowly being swallowed by the great vortex.

Even the light from Yan Quan's ancestors, this great vortex is devouring.

Elsewhere in Hell, Yan Quan's ancestors could easily create a bonfire.

But beside this great vortex, even Yan Quan's ancestors had difficulty maintaining the light in his hands.

However, after a while of effort, the light from the old ancestor Yan Quan completely disappeared, and the breath of the old ancestor Yan Quan seemed to weaken for a bit.

Ning Xiaochuan was still a little skeptical, why Yan Quan's ancestors spent so much energy to bring themselves to this place. However, after watching this great vortex, Ning Xiaochuan became more curious about this great vortex.

In the memories of Han Jin and Skull Dragon he absorbed before, there is no information about this great vortex at all.

After the light in Yan Quan's ancestors disappeared, Ning Xiaochuan's side became dark again.

Ning Xiaochuan tried to sense the big vortex in front of him using the magical heart of Qiqiao God, but just before touching the edge of this big swirl, Ning Xiaochuan's magical power of Qiqiao God was immediately swallowed up.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan didn't dare to detect this large whirlpool at will.

Although he could not see or sense the existence of this large vortex ahead, Ning Xiaochuan knew clearly that there was such a thing in front of him.

Looking at the darkness in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan asked curiously, "Where is this place?"

"Here is the center of hell." Yan Quan's ancestor's voice was a little low, it seemed to be resisting the devour of the great vortex: "You should feel that the underground of **** actually contains a huge array of formations. Is the core of the formation. "

The core of a formation method can be so surging.

At the moment, Ning Xiaochuan can only admire that supreme power that created hell.

This method is already called against the sky, even the gods such as Yan Quan's ancestors and the devil can never do such things.

"You brought me here, wouldn't you want me to enter this vortex? Don't you have something in it, so I need to help you get it out."

Ning Xiaochuan looked in the direction of Yan Quan's ancestor, and then asked.

Ning Xiaochuan knew very well that Yan Quan's ancestors had sent themselves here for a large price, and they would certainly not have brought themselves here to appreciate this great vortex.

"You do n’t have to think about it. The purpose of bringing you here is very simple. I just want to improve your strength. The environment of **** is not suitable for cultivation, but you are different. You cultivate the world of destruction, only in The place where you have the power of great destruction, the faster your world of destruction will enter, and the big vortex in front of you is the most destructive place in the whole hell. If you enter it, it will definitely be great for you to cultivate the world of destruction. the benefits of."

In the dark, Yan Quan's voice came.

"Do you want to practice in this big whirlpool?" Ning Xiaochuan looked at the direction of the whirlpool in surprise.

This big vortex is really a huge challenge for Ning Xiaochuan.

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