Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1009: Extermination

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The sickle in the dark hand issued a huge arc-shaped knife wave, flying towards Ning Xiaochuan's brain.

Ning Xiaochuan transferred the fifty figurative magical swords in his body out of the body, and quickly arranged a defensive formation to try to block the obscure attack.

However, the attack from the dim death scythe belongs to the power of the mind and cannot be blocked by the substance.

Unless all of the fifty figurative magic swords are dedicated to defending the power of the mind, the power of the mind will only go straight through and will not be affected in any way, just like the last time Ning Xiaochuan met the demon blood red whale.

The mental power attack by the Death Scythe is much stronger than the magic power of the Demon Blood Red Whale. Even Ning Xiaochuan can't compete with the Supreme Emperor alone.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes flashed, he immediately cast the dragon's speed, and began to retreat quickly. The speed reached the extreme.

Even the dimness higher than Ning Xiaochuan could not see his figure clearly. I have to say that Ning Xiaochuan was too fast.

"Do you think you can get rid of the death scythe mind attack? Stupid!"

There was a murmur of murmur, and a large amount of supreme air was poured into the sickle of death. The mental power of the arc-shaped knife wave that was constantly chasing Ning Xiaochuan increased by 10%, and the speed became faster, even faintly. Beyond the meaning of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's speed was almost as fast as possible. There were Ning Xiaochuan's figure everywhere in the range of several miles, as if thousands of Ning Xiaochuan appeared at the same time in the dark.

Despite this, he still couldn't escape the death scythe's pursuit, and the following mental attacks still chased him closely.

Secretly looking at the helpless Ning Xiaochuan, he laughed even more recklessly.

"How powerful are you? Power is nowhere, no matter how powerful it is, it is useless."

Obscure can't keep up with Ning Xiaochuan's speed, so he can only control the death scythe to deal with Ning Xiaochuan.

Fortunately, the speed of Ning Xiaochuan can't be kept secretly, otherwise, the power of death sickle will be greater. I'm afraid Ning Xiaochuan has already been hit by the mental power of the Death Scythe at this time and has been hit hard!

Ning Xiaochuan was calmly thinking of a way while avoiding the death scythe's pursuit. Suddenly, he turned his eyes and flew in the direction of darkness.

Although the dim can't see the figure of Ning Xiaochuan clearly, he can detect the movement of Ning Xiaochuan through the sickle of death.

When he detected that Ning Xiaochuan was flying towards him, a sneer flashed in the corner of his mouth, and the death sickle in his hand emitted a black light, and immediately attacked Ning Xiaochuan.

In order to increase strength, Ning Xiaochuan held the Giant Spirit Warhammer in both hands and poured all his supreme energy into it. The quality of the Giant Spirit Warhammer also increased, and in a split second, it reached 1.52 billion jin. Let Dening Xiaochuan's arms sink slightly.

Ning Xiaochuan used the third form of the Giant Hammer Method-Shattering the Void!

Ning Xiaochuan's entire body seemed to become unreal, as if he was not a substantial existence.

Secretly seeing, the space around Ning Xiaochuan began to collapse and became a large number of space loopholes. There was a strong attractiveness inside, and all the gravel on the ground was recognized. among them.

It wasn't that Ning Xiaochuan was able to shatter the void, which was nothing but a piece of cake for his eternal warrior.

What really scared him was that the broken void of Ning Xiaochuan even had a powerful destructive force. As long as it was sucked in, it would be smashed into pieces by space debris. This kind of power could never be a vanguard of eternity. can do.

This is the effect brought by the Giant Spirit Warhammer. As a supreme imperial weapon, the Giant Spirit Warhammer was once a sub-God warrior, naturally very powerful.

The powerful space storm centered on Ning Xiaochuan and swept out around.

The sickle of death in the dark hands was also affected, and even white marks appeared.

"That warhammer ..."

Obscurely marveled at the destructive power of Ning Xiaochuan, which could cause a space storm, which is simply not something that can be achieved by warriors in ancient times.

However, Dim suddenly realized that something was wrong and felt that Ning Xiaochuan's tricks were similar to one of the legendary gods in the **** world.

It is said that there was a sub-god in the **** world. He is not a giant, but he still has a huge body of 10,000 meters high, holding two huge warhammers and dominating one side.

If he hits it with a hammer, the entire planet will be destroyed. One of the biggest features is that the space will be broken a lot, and the planet he hit will collapse into a black hole directly.

Later, the sub-god became a **** king, and his warhammer was left behind, and has been kept by the Celestials to this day.

"You know too much." After hearing Ning Xiaochuan's words, the killing in his eyes was stronger, and he must not let the word go out, or he would surely be hunted down by the Tianxi people.

This is a super-weapon class soldier, it is worth them to do so!

Ning Xiaochuan's arms had already been bulged with blue bars, and the very heavy giant warhammer waved in his hands. Every time he hit the dim body, he would cause him considerable damage through the Shadow King Armor. .

The faintness was getting worse and worse, unable to continue to provide supreme vitality to the sickle of death. The glory of the death sickle surface converged into the blade body, and that heart attack power also disappeared, losing the threat to Ning Xiaochuan.

"It's over!"


Ning Xiaochuan looked at the obscurity on the opposite side, and used his whole body strength to hit the dim head with a fierce hammer. The powerful force directly blasted the dim head through the Shadow King armor, brain Gushing out directly, can't die anymore.

Ning Xiaochuan put away the giant spirit warhammer, walked over, and directly collected the Shadow King Armor and Death Scythe on the dark body. Later, he left the area to find Xiaohong.

Obscurity is just one of the more talented creatures in the Shenhe civilization who invaded the Dayan world. Killing him will not change the overall situation, so Ning Xiaochuan did not chop the joy of the enemy. Worry is more serious.

"Divine creatures hunt and kill DaYan World Warriors in large numbers, is it really just to capture all the opportunities to become gods? Wouldn't DaYan World Warriors become their slaves?" Ning Xiaochuan asked with some doubt.

But no one came to help resolve this doubt.

Ning Xiaochuan sensed Xiao Hong, who was fighting with other gods, through her mental strength, and hurried towards her.

Soon Ning Xiaochuan found Xiaohong, and found that she was fighting with two eighth-world gods of the ancient world.

The other two warriors are also the Shadow Demon family, one called Bloodfang and one called Bloodsha, but two twin warriors.

Xiao Hong fell into the downwind and was soon defeated by Bloodfang and Xuesha.

Their entire bodies were wrapped in armor, and their bodies were a black gas, making it impossible for them to see them.

Xiao Hong spit out a large mouth of the god-extinguishing dragon fire, covering both Bloodfang and Bloodsha, and burning strongly.

Although the temperature of Xiaohong's god-extinguishing dragon fire is very hot, even the Supreme Device can be burned, but it cannot penetrate the Shadow King armor of Bloodfang and Bloodshade.

"Thunder Dragon is here!"

Xiaohong's body flashed a faint blue lightning, and then, a huge lightning Shenlong flew directly from Xiaohong's body, sending a strong electric current attack on the **** teeth and blood evil.


At this time, Ning Xiaochuan also rushed over holding the giant warhammer. If his body was almost flowing, the two of Xuesha had not responded yet, but they saw a figure suddenly appeared, and the two of them flew out instantly. .

Facing this sudden change, Xuesha and Bloodfang hurriedly flew up again and stared at Ning Xiaochuan tightly, with a surprise in his heart. The sudden appearance of this man turned out to be so powerful that he has always been known for his strength The Demon Clan was blown out by him.

In the last blow, the two did not take it seriously, thinking that Ning Xiaochuan was just a sneak attack and did not feel that there was anything wrong. Shen said: "Boy, good strength, but unfortunately met us!"

Xuesha and Bloodfang yelled at Ning Xiaochuan, then attacked.

The powerful power of the two bloodshakes made the ground tremble, and soon came to Ning Xiaochuan's face, a quick blow to Ning Xiaochuan.

However, what surprised them was that Ning Xiaochuan was faster than them. At the same time as their attack fell, Ning Xiaochuan had disappeared.

Then they were blown out by a powerful force,

This time, the power was even stronger, and the two of them were seriously injured, and the meridians were twisted.

"Why do you want to kill a large number of souls in the world of Da Yan? What is the purpose of coming to Shenyan Continent?" Ning Xiaochuan asked coldly.

"Do you think we will tell you?"

Bloodfang and Bloodsha hummed coldly, and stood up again from the ground, and said angrily to Ning Xiaochuan.

"Don't say? Then I'll punch you into the cracks in the space, and let your spirits be destroyed!" Ning Xiaochuan's lips flashed a coldness, and then he began to wave the giant warhammer.

"Crack in space? Haha, who are you teasing? The most ancient warriors in shuttle travel through the space. Even if the space is broken, it can only kill the heavens and humans. It is impossible to destroy the souls of the ancient world." Xuesha heard Ning Xiaochuan said Then he laughed and said.


Facing the shaking of the giant warhammer, the surrounding space began to collapse in large areas, forming space cracks one by one, sucking countless stones into it, and even swallowing mountains.

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