Super Wizard

Chapter 555: Wizard's Pearl's initiative (two in one)

Stepping out, Fang Ming's figure disappeared again in place, and John's fist had reached Fang Ming's front. When he saw Fang Ming disappearing, his eye pupils enlarged, a little at a loss.

It's like a person punching hard at the object in front of him, ready to explode the object, but when his fist is swung out, he finds that the object in front of him disappears. Should he close or continue to punch?

It takes a second or two to make this judgment, and so does John. However, this two seconds is enough for Fang Ming.

The wizard step that Fang Ming now masters can't be accurately positioned on the moving object, but John's body shape gives Fang Ming a chance. Fang Ming's figure appears on the side of John. It fell on John's arm.


The sound of crumbling bones passed into the ears of everyone present, and John's face became cruel because of pain, but even so, John just grunted, and the whole person turned to the side Go away, want to avoid Fang Ming's next attack.

It has to be said that John was able to make such a reaction between electro-optical flint, but it is a pity that this time he encountered Fang Ming.

At the moment when his body rolled, Fang Ming's figure appeared behind him. At the next moment, a tear in his thigh came, and finally he could no longer bear the pain and cried out.


The two elders of the Scorpion's face changed drastically, and they were about to shoot. However, at the moment when their voices roared out, a powerful coercion fell, and they were unable to move them under pressure.

Gamma and others shot.

Just kidding, with their ten archbishops, if the elders of the Scorpion clan were allowed to fight against the Son of God, then they could serve themselves.

Fang Ming grabbed John's right leg with one hand, and grabbed John's arm with one hand, tearing John's thigh to life, exposing the bones of Sensen, fearing that he would break his thigh completely.


John, who had just passed out, was awakened again. He wanted to resist, but he could not resist at all. The whole person was caught like a puppet.

"Son Son, my young patriarch has already conceded defeat!"

The two elders of the Scorpion Clan were unable to take action, so they shouted loudly, if the young patriarch was abolished, then they would not be able to go back and explain to the patriarch.

"Joke, since you dare to challenge me, then you have to be prepared to beheaded by me. Besides, he didn't even admit defeat, what are you in a hurry."

Fang Ming sneered, and his words made the crowd's expressions look weird. John didn't want to admit defeat, but he couldn't admit defeat at all. When he was sober, he fainted again because of the pain, and then woke up and hurt. Fainted.

"His Royal Highness, this time we confess, what conditions does His Royal Highness have, as long as we can do what we promise."

The elders of the Scorpion tribe also understood that if they could not be given a satisfactory condition, the other party would really kill the young patriarch, and the young patriarch was killed because of the challenge, even if they wanted revenge, there was no excuse.

Not to mention, the strength of the church is already above them. If they really dare to retaliate, then they may face the thunder blow of the church, and no other forces will stand on their side.

To the church, they can only stand up by occupying morality, but now there is no moral advantage, and they only have to bow their heads and lose in the face of the church.

Hearing the words of the elders of the Scorpion clan, Fang Ming had a brilliant look in his eyes. To tell the truth, he really just wanted to kill John, so as to deter other forces and let them know that not everyone he could be provoked.

But now that the elders of the Scorpion clan are willing to pay compensation, he has gotten his will. To be honest, he hasn't put John in his eyes from beginning to end. It doesn't matter if such a person kills or not.

"Oh, what conditions can you give?"

Fang Ming looked at the two elders of the Scorpion family, but his movements did not stop. This means telling the two elders that you don’t have much time. If you don’t give me a satisfactory condition at once, even if I let it last After John, he is also a waste.

"His Highness the Divine Son, our scorpion family has two conditions. The first is to be willing to pay a holy scorpion as compensation, and the second condition is that my scorpion owes a promise to His Highness in the future. My scorpion's own interests will definitely go all out to complete."

Hearing the words of the elders of the Scorpion clan, the people around him took a breath of breath, but Fang Ming was pouting, he is the Son of God, has the powerful resources of the church, and needs to borrow the power of the Scorpion clan?

If their needs cannot be fulfilled by the church, the Scorpion family will be even more unable to do so.

As for the scorpion...

When Fang Ming wanted to refuse, Gamma's voice came from his ear.

"His Royal Highness may wish to agree that the second condition of the Scorpion family is nothing, but the holy scorpion is a rare good thing. This holy scorpion is a sacred thing of the scorpion family and was encountered by the ancestors of the scorpion family. The descendants of the scorpion are rumored to be endlessly useful."

Hearing the words of Gamma, Fang Ming understood in his heart that this holy scorpion should be a good thing, otherwise he would not let a primate speak to himself.

"Forget it, my divine son is compassionate. Generally, adults don't remember the villains, so I let him go this time."

Fang Ming's words began, and the onlookers looked at him with a kind of look when you were an idiot, and they were also compassionate. If the elders of the scorpion clan did not make the conditions, then you just had this posture, and you must tear John alive. , Is the word "compassion" not related to you at all?


Fang Ming directly dumped John towards the two elders of the Scorpion clan. The two elders also caught up in a hurry, but just saw John's miserable situation at the moment, and the two people's face shook a few times. He does not work well, and he needs a lot of healing resources. As the resources in his family are not enough, it is estimated that he has to exchange with other forces.

In short, this time their scorpion family really lost their wives and collapsed their soldiers. It was heartbreaking to think of handing over a holy scorpion. The holy scorpion is too few in their clan, so far it is only so Ten, and each one was cultivated with a lot of effort.

"Oh, when will the Scorpion deliver it?"

Fang Ming looked at the elders of the Scorpion clan. Although he didn't worry about the scorpion's disappointment, who knew whether the Scorpion clan would delay the time and move some small hands on the holy scorpion.

"If I remember correctly, the young chief of the Scorpion tribe must have followed the scorpion."

Gamma is also looking at the two elders of the Scorpion family with meaningful eyes. His eyes make the expressions of these two elders difficult to see, because they really moved their thoughts on the small scorpion.

But now, Gamma's words directly dispel their minds, because they do have a holy scorpion on their body, and this holy scorpion belongs to the young patriarch.

"Please Scorpio."

The two elders glanced at each other, and at the same time the two hands began to move, and the spells and runes appeared in front of everyone in a vacuum, and finally formed a six-pointed star array.

The six-pointed star array landed on John's body for about a few seconds. The top of John's head suddenly bulged. At the spiritual cover that day, a touch of white appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

This is the foot of a white scorpion!

The expressions of the two elders of the scorpion tribe with excitement and helplessness, watching a white scorpion just crawled out of John's head, this is the holy scorpion. It takes only ten years of hard work to cultivate one.

"What is the magical use of this scorpion's holy scorpion."

"Yes, look at the two elders of the scorpion family very reluctantly."

Many of the onlookers have heard of Saint Scorpion, but they have no idea what the role of Saint Scorpion is, and the Scorpion clan is also confidential to the outside world, and even few people have ever seen Saint Scorpion.

Only Archbishops such as Gamma saw this holy scorpion after they came out, they have a glimmer of eyes. As the first major force in the West, they are aware of some secrets of the entire Western power, and this scorpion's holy scorpion has always been what they want. of.

According to the news they found, the scorpion family can be as good as it is today. In addition to the talents of the ancestors of the scorpion family, it is also very important that the original scorpion is also extraordinary. There are rumors that this scorpion does not belong to the world. The thing, but the sky-falling meteorite, this scorpion is in the meteorite.

According to the church's speculation, all the spells of the scorpion family come from this scorpion. It is said that the scorpion itself has some spells, and these spells are different from the original spells of this world.

It is precisely because of this that both the church and the dark council have tried the idea of ​​the scorpion scorpion, but they have not succeeded in the end, because the strength of the scorpion is not weak, plus the two sides are afraid of each other, no one wants to be opponents The Scorpion Clan was swallowed, which caused the Scorpion Clan to grow slowly. It is no longer so easy for the Church and the Dark Council to destroy.

The holy scorpion climbed out, and a special breath began to permeate the audience. This breath made Fang Ming frown, because the wizard's pearl in his body began to turn, and he broke out to suppress the holy scorpion. impulse.

The holy scorpion is only an inch long, but many people below the ground level tremble when facing the holy scorpion, and the scorpion tail of the holy scorpion is raised high, with a glance in the eyes of the audience.

"This is the holy scorpion of the Scorpion family. It looks scary."

"Well, I don't know why I also have a feeling of palpitations, which is stronger than those who face the dark council."

The onlookers whispered, and Gamma was about to catch the holy scorpion, but the holy scorpion seemed to sense the danger, and suddenly made a sharp cry, and the rear body turned into a white light, which was to escape towards the sky. go with.

Seeing the holy scorpion flying away, the two elders of the scorpion family did not stop them. Although they had the secret method of summoning the holy scorpion, they could not wait for the holy scorpion to escape. Anyway, we have handed over the holy scorpion according to the conditions. If the people in your church can't catch it, it won't matter to us.

"Little bugs also want to escape!"

A bishop of the church snorted coldly, and also learned the thoughts of the two elders of the scorpion family. He directly stretched out his hand and probed into the sky, preparing to shoot down the holy scorpion.

However, what is unexpected is that the big hand transformed by the Archbishop of the Church has not been able to stop the escape of the Scorpion. The Scorpion directly pierced the big hand and continued to go towards the sky.

The missed move made the Archbishop's expression a bit ugly. In front of so many people, he couldn't subdue a worm. This made him unable to hold his face. He had to shoot again, but this time someone was a step faster than him.

Fang Ming shot, and the moment the holy scorpion flew away, the wizard's pearl in Fang Ming's body could no longer be suppressed. It turned out automatically, driving Fang Ming's body toward the holy scorpion.

That's right, this time it wasn't Fang Ming's initiative, but under the control of the Wizard's Pearl. Of course, Fang Ming himself can clearly feel the trajectory of the Wizard's Pearl as a party.

In the past, the power of Fang Ming to run wizards relied on the rotation of the wizard's pearls in Dantian. However, this time, these wizards' pearls continued to rotate, and there were movements. The five wizards' pearls continued to move and transpose, forming a series of Track running circuit.

So Fang Ming can also clearly feel that when these five wizard beads move, the power of the wizard in his body seems to have a certain degree of variation, at least in his own feelings.

The holy scorpion flew quickly, and even Fang Ming could not catch up with the wizard's steps, but now under the control of the wizard's pearl, Fang Ming stepped out and found that he was close to the holy scorpion.


Saint Scorpion also felt the presence of the inscription on his body, and made a sharper call than before. This sound fell into the ears of others, but it fell into the ears of the two elders of the Scorpion family, but it made them wonder. Endlessly.

The holy scorpion is the root of their scorpion family, so they know very well about holy scorpion, holy scorpion's life cry with fear, that is to say, what makes holy scorpion's fear appear.

Only the **** son of the church can chase down the holy scorpion. The power of this **** child does not make the holy scorpion scare at all.

As a pursuer, Fang Ming was shocked at the moment. The closer he was to the holy scorpion, the more he could not control the wizard’s pearl, as if the wizard’s pearl and the holy scorpion were enemies of life and death. Go out to kill the scorpion.


Suddenly, Fang Ming's body trembled, because a horrible image appeared directly in his mind. It was a huge white scorpion, exuding apathy, but for a moment it seemed to freeze him The whole mind.

Sea attack?

Fang Ming was horrified. If he changed to himself, it was estimated that he had fallen to the ground at the moment.

However, at the moment this image appeared, the five wizard's pearls in his Dantian suddenly arranged into a square matrix, and a star array appeared. This star array also appeared directly in Fang Ming's mind, toward the huge White scorpion suppressed.


The huge tail of the white scorpion flicked towards the star array. Obviously, it was unwilling to be restrained by the star array. However, the giant tail fell on the star array, but only let the star array shake a few times and failed to penetrate the star. Formation.


The huge star array finally fell on the body of the giant scorpion. The size of the entire giant scorpion continued to decrease under the comfort of the star array. Although the giant scorpion was still fighting, it was still unable to break free of the shackles in less than a few seconds. Time, turned into a white light spot, fell on the star array.

After half a ring, the star array disappeared, and Fang Ming regained control of his body. Seeing the stupid holy scorpion flying in front, Fang Ming's right hand stretched directly to hold the holy scorpion in the palm of his hand, and then Fell back to the ground.


At a height of tens of meters, even Fang Ming's legs had a bone cracking sound at this moment. This impact is not yet his current physical quality can resist.

"It's a dad, since you control my body, why don't you get me to the ground and give me back control."

Fang Ming fang Yao, a scorn in his heart, but he first observed the change of the wizard's pearl in Dan Tian, ​​but found that the surface of the five wizard's pearls appeared a little white light spot.

"His Royal Highness, all right."

Gamma and others hurried forward. From their point of view, the holy scorpion fled, and Ming Ming flew up to grab the holy scorpion in his hand.

"I'm fine."

There were outsiders, Fang Ming had to put the change of the Wizard's Pearl in his heart first, shook his head, and limped towards the castle. The things here were gone, and he happened to be hurt by his leg. Study the time of the room healing and study why this change of the wizard's pearl.

Just after the Wizard Pearl controlled his body, Fang Ming was almost sure that his strength had grown a terrible. I am afraid that even a bishop like Gamma would have a battle.

When seeing Fang Ming walking towards the castle, Gamma and others would naturally not stop. After the eyes of several archbishops looked at each other, finally Gamma looked at the scene and Shen Sheng said: "You guys, this time the matter ends here, leave each other Go."

The battle is over, and there is really no excitement to see. Although the result of this battle made everyone shocked, but they did not lose this trip. At least they knew that the strength of the church’s **** child is not like the outside world. It’s so weak, and the opposite is terrible. Even the top three of the younger generation dare not say that they can win.

In short, Fang Ming was famous for this battle, at least no one dared to despise Fang Ming.

And these, Fang Ming didn't care about it at the moment, and returned to his room, indicating that no one should disturb. After Fang Ming put the holy scorpion that was half dead and seemed to have lost his soul, he began to study. The situation of Dan Tian in his own body.

"The change of the Sorcerer's Pearl must have something to do with this scorpion, but what is the difference between this scorpion and can cause the Sorcerer's initiative to attack? And is this white light spot good or bad for myself? "

While Fang Ming was contemplating, the cocoon on the closet in the room suddenly changed, a mouth appeared, and then a small hairy head came out of it.

The face of this little head is confused, but when its small eyes see the Saint Scorpion on the table, the eyes are shining, and the head is constantly turning, making this mouth bigger and bigger, finally The whole body crawled out.

However, the body of ten centimeters is obviously one black and one white hair color, the entire back is white hair, and the other places are black hair.

After getting out of the cocoon, the little guy jumped directly out of the closet, but perhaps overestimated his bouncing power. The little guy did not jump to the table, but fell directly to the ground and fell on four feet.

PS; Two-in-one chapter, guess what was hatched this time, friendly reminder, a very powerful existence, the crossword head.

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