Super Wizard

Chapter 516: Harvest season

For half an hour, no one stepped forward to ask for the price, but Fang Ming was not in a hurry. He was still sitting there in a hurry, but Qin Xue was anxious, constantly shouting and shouting.

"Uncle, look at these peaches, our family planted them, just picked them."

"Auntie, this peach is very sweet and delicious."

"Uncle, look at the peaches, fresh."


However, no matter how Qin Xue shouted, no one came to buy, because for the people in the county, 20 yuan a pound of peaches is indeed too expensive.

"Your peach is so expensive, can I try it?"

After a long time, finally a man in a suit came over and asked.

"Try it?" Fang Ming thought about it. He originally wanted to say that he could not try it, but he thought that no one had bought it now, and finally said after a moment of meditation: "Yes."

The man said nothing, picked up a peach, and was about to wipe it with his hands, only to find that the peach was very clean.

"You have washed the peaches."

Fang Ming smiled and didn't answer. In fact, he didn't wash the peach at all, what it was like when he picked it from the tree.

After taking a small bite of the peach, the expression on the man's face changed, his eyes stared, with a surprised look, and then he changed his previous way of eating, and began to eat a bite. The peach with a big fist was eaten by him. .

"This peach is the best I have ever eaten. It costs 20 yuan a catty. Although it is a little expensive, it is worth it. The boss will give me five catties."

The man directly took out his wallet and took out a hundred dollars from it. Fang Ming smiled, weighed five pounds of peaches electronically, and handed it to the man in a bag.

"Brother, I finally sold it."

Putting a hundred dollars in a small box, Qin Xue smiled very happily. She didn't expect that such an expensive peach was actually bought, and it cost five pounds.

Looking at the back of the man leaving, Fang Ming thought about it and added a new line on the wooden board: "Try to eat."

Fang Ming suddenly wanted to understand that this year the wine is still afraid of the deep alley. If he is still so arrogant, it is estimated that these two bamboo baskets of peaches are not easy to sell.

I have to say that after adding this line of words, there are more people coming to ask. Of course, most of them still haven’t tried it, because most of them are thin-skinned, and they feel embarrassed if they don’t buy it after trying it.

But fortunately, there are still a lot of people who try to eat, and after eating, everyone who buys them also buys them. The least one pound, the most ten pounds, and two baskets of peaches in less than an hour. The time is about to sell, leaving only two or three squashed peach.

"One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred..."

Qin Xue was counting the money happily there, his smiling eyes narrowed, and after counting them three times, he said sweetly, "Brother, we sold 5,360 yuan today."

"Yeah, it's closed today."

Fang Ming looked at the remaining peaches in the basket and looked at an old man not far away. This is a skinny old man sitting on the ground with a snakeskin bag in front of him. There are some green onions and green onions on it.

Obviously, these scallions were grown by the old man himself, and those who didn’t eat enough were sold to the county.

"Xiao Xue, send these peaches to this grandpa, and then we will go home."

"it is good."

Qin Xue took a few peaches and walked to the old man. The old man still had a surprised look on his face. He said something to Qin Xue, and finally accepted the peaches, smiling at Fang Ming.

"Brother, that grandpa said let me thank you."


Fang Ming didn't say anything. The old man had set up a stall for almost one morning, but Fang Ming noticed that he sold poor green onions. The green onions are different from other vegetables. Many people are just a few or two. Buy, after all, onions are just a kind of seasoning, and you can’t run out if you buy more.

"Go, let's go home and pick peaches."


The next day, Fang Ming picked peaches from three bamboo baskets this time. Unlike the last time no one paid attention to it, his tricycle just started, and a large group of people came up.

"Boss, you are so delicious."

"Yes, I bought it yesterday, and my husband didn't like peach people who ate two or three."

"My sister-in-law is in the hospital and can't eat anything, but yesterday she eats this peach with relish."

"Boss, give me three pounds."

"Five pounds for me."

"I want twenty pounds."


Looking at so many people who came to buy peaches, Fang Ming also had a smile on his face, most of them were yesterday's guests, and some were the friends of those guests, who had eaten peaches and came here.

Soon, the peaches in the three bamboo baskets were also sold in half an hour. This is because only Fang Ming was alone, otherwise the speed might be faster.

"Xiao Xue, these peaches will be delivered to the grandpa again."

There were still a few peaches left, and Fang Ming asked Qin Xue to deliver it to the old man again, and then left Xiao Xue again.

"Not much can be transported by tricycle at one time."

On the way home, Fang Ming had an idea in his mind, and when he arrived at the village, he walked directly towards the head of the village.

"Qin Yang, are you looking for my dad? My dad just went to the village committee."

The village head Li Nan's family, only the village head Li Nan's son Li Ke is at home. Li Ke's age is similar to Fang Ming. The two did not play together when they were young, and unlike Fang Ming, Li Ke was a child in the village when he was a child. Also very loyal, once Qin Yang was bullied by the children in the village next door, Li Ke took the other children in the village to beat the children who beat Qin Yang.

"Brother, I came to you this time, don't you have a truck?"

"Yeah, you want to use a truck?"

"Well, I want to borrow your truck to give me some peaches to sell to the county seat. I can give him a transportation fee of 200 yuan."

"Come on, I don't know what happened to your family, can I still collect your money? If my dad knows, it mustn't poke my backbone." Li Ke pouted.

Fang Ming didn't say anything with a smile, took Li Ke and walked towards Houshan, and this is also Li Ke came to this mountain again many years later.

"I depend!"

"I rely on!"

Looking at the fruit trees in the middle of the mountain, Li Ke made a few rough words to calm down his shock. This is too exaggerated. What season are they, peach, apple... and that plum has even turned out.

"Is this still the bayberry tree? It's bigger than the litchi."

"So many peaches on a tree, why didn't you break the branches, it's not scientific."

Li Ke is now transformed into a shocked demon, and Fang Ming is picking peaches there with a smile. After Li Ke digests it, he joins in as a helper.

"This peach sells very well. Qin Yang, how much a pound do you sell for this peach?" Li Ke picked a peach and asked while sending it to his mouth.

"Twenty dollars a catty."


Li Ke didn't hold his hand, the peaches fell directly to the ground, 20 yuan a pound of peaches, and with the weight of this peaches, two pounds of dead.

"You have almost a thousand pounds of peaches on this tree, 20 yuan a pound, that is to say, this peach tree alone has more than 20,000 yuan in income. You are robbing money."

Fang Ming did not answer, but gave Li Ke a taste.

"No matter how tasty the peaches are, they can't be sold at this price, and the taste of ginseng fruit can't be achieved."

Li Ke picked up the peaches on the ground, wiped them, put them in his mouth, and took a bite. Then, his expression became the same as those of Fang Ming who bought peaches.

"I depend on it, such a delicious peach, this water and this sweetness are just right."

After eating a peach, Li Ke spoke. He now finally knows why this peach is so expensive. Although he has never eaten ginseng fruit, in his opinion, even ginseng fruit is almost the same taste.

"And this apple, I also taste it."

After eating the peaches, Li Ke went to the apple tree again, picked one and put it in his mouth, and the apple juice flowed into the mouth of the pulp. The unique green taste made his taste buds instantly caught. .

"This... this is totally two kinds of taste with peach, but they are so delicious. Qin Yang, how much a pound of apple are you going to sell?"

"Thirty yuan." Fang Ming said without lifting his head.

Li Ke's mouth twitched, and he answered after half a ring, "This price is not expensive."


After a whole morning of frustration, Fang Ming and Li Ke finished picking two peaches of the peach tree. After picking up the truck, the entire back of the truck was full, and the two carried the truck towards the county.

However, after coming to the original place this time, Fang Ming found out that the stall that belonged to him was occupied, which was also a fruit stall, and the stall owner also sold peaches.

Fang Ming didn't say anything about this kind of booth, but Fang Ming didn't say anything, but the other party deliberately sold peaches here. Obviously it was intentional, knowing that he sold peaches here.

Facing the provocative gaze of the street vendors, Fang Ming did not say anything, but stopped the car in the corner of the inside, and then Li Ke and the two removed two baskets of peaches from the truck, and they were directly sold.

Business is still good, and there are more people coming this time than last time. Among them, a middle-aged man pulled Fang Ming aside.

"Boss, you give me an explanation. How much more does this kind of peach cost? I plan to buy it at once. Can the price be a little cheaper?"

Fang Ming looked at the middle-aged man with a non-smiling look, which made the middle-aged man whisper in his heart. To be honest, he bought the peach the day before yesterday, and was instantly conquered by the taste of the peach.

Twenty yuan per catty of this kind of peaches is definitely not expensive, but he is worried that this peaches uses some kind of pesticide, so he deliberately took the peaches to the testing agency for a test, but the final test result was scared him. Big jump.

The vitamin content of far more than the average peach contains no hormones, and it is even comparable to some supplements.

This result shocked him. If this is the case, then these peaches will be sold even if they are sold for fifty yuan per pound.

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