Super God

Chapter 772: Beast fan

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Gluttony, as one of the four evil beasts of God Realm, Yun Feiyang would like to collect it as a contract beast.


It would be extremely troublesome to make him willingly surrender.

Fortunately, both humans and beasts have shortcomings, gluttonous shortcomings, obviously, is greedy.

Yun Feiyang made good use of this point, took out the spirit stone containing energy, and continuously lured him.

Not much, give a few a day, let him taste the sweetness and have dependence.

After half a month.

Gourmets, like Chenchen, have been completely obsessed with spirit stones. It would be uncomfortable if they didn’t eat one day.

The nature contained in the spirit stone is stronger than the pure elemental force flowing outside, and if eaten, it will condense a trace of energy.

This is very important to him. After all, it takes a long time to absorb external attributes on its own and restore its success.

"The Great God of War, handsome Yun Da."

On this day, gluttonous came to Yunfeiyang again, shaking his face with a smile: "Give me a few more spirit stones."

To eat goods is to eat goods. In order to eat, I have given up the dignity of the beast and learned to flatter.

Yun Feiyang didn't have a good air: "In the past half a month, my sincerity has been full, what about your sincerity?"

Glutton said seriously: "Give me a few spirit stones first and give you an answer tomorrow!"

Yun Feiyang was speechless.

Every time this guy asked for a spirit stone, he replied this way. Tomorrow will be tomorrow, how many tomorrow! !


Yun Feiyang took out a few spirit stones and said, "For the sake of both of us from God Realm, I will give you a few more."

Gourmet took the spirit stone and left happily. On the way, afraid of being taken away by others, he deliberately covered it with both hands.

"Brother Feiyang."

Luo Mu came over and collapsed and said: "Half a month, you have given him more than 100 spirit stones, so this is not the way to go."

One hundred.

In the Lingxiao school, the number of inner disciples for ten months is definitely a luxury.

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "The bait is enough to catch the fish."

If you can surrender this mythical beast, let alone spend one hundred, even ten thousand are worth it.


A month later.

Yun Feiyang stood on the Yanwuchang, with a smile on his face, because, on the test stone next to it, the figure that appeared was two thousand!

"Fuck, the four younger brothers are too good. From the four-level breakthrough to the fifth-level, they have 2,000 yuan of pure elemental force!"

"This intensity can already be compared to the Great Consummation in the Broken Realm."

Lan Shou and Xiang Yuan were shocked.

The minimum standard for breaking through to the Great Consummation of the Broken Realm is that you must reach 2,000 yuan of pure Yuanli.

Yun Feiyang's pure physical strength, to this level, has to be said, it is very scary.

"If the four younger brothers break through to the Great Perfection in the Broken Realm, they will inevitably have 10,000 yuan of pure yuan, which can easily transform the power of the true dragon and enter the void realm!"

In the realm of martial arts, you need to perceive the world, break through the barrier, and achieve a higher level.

The broken realm of Little God Realm is completely different.

Entering this stage, there is no need to comprehend the world, the only thing to do is to keep saving the strength of pure elemental strength to make it reach more than 10,000.

Because only when it reaches 10,000 weight can the transformation of the power of the true dragon be carried out, and then it can break through to the true dragon period of the Nether Realm.

Wanzhong is only the minimum standard for transforming true dragon power. In fact, there is no upper limit.

Some people may consummate in the broken realm, condensing 20,000 or 30,000 pure elemental forces.


Powerful talents tend to consummate the card realm in the broken realm.

Condensed 20,000 weights, or even higher, and then transformed into the power of the true dragon.

Because the more power to transform a true dragon, the more powerful it is to break through to the true dragon period.

A 10,000-strong breakthrough in the real dragon period, facing a 20,000-strong breakthrough in the real dragon period.

Both sides have equal strength.

The powerful is definitely a breakthrough of 20,000.

and so.

The Broken Realm is fully consummated, and there is another alias called the Foundation Realm.

of course.

At this stage of the Great Consummation of the Broken Realm, it is not something that can be done when it comes to condensing everything, even higher.

Some people, perhaps for a lifetime, fail to meet the standards of 10,000 transformations, and finally hate Jiuquan.

Yun Feiyang is only the fifth stage of the body shaping period, and has reached the minimum standard of entering the broken circle of Great Consummation.

Lan Shou and Xiang Yuanyang are looking forward to it.

With this horrible promotion of this guy, to what extent will the pure elemental strength become stronger when the Great Realm of Broken Realm is reached.

Is it 20,000?

Is it 30,000?

Or, higher?

They couldn't guess because Yunfei Yang's evildoer cannot be inferred by common sense.

All they can do is to wait quietly, waiting for the day to shake the Little God Realm.


"Hey, Master Yun..."

"Stop, I don't have any spirit stones, don't ask me for it!"

"Ben Wang is already thinking about it. You only need to give a few more spirit stones, and I will definitely give you an answer tomorrow!" Gourmet smiled.

Yun Feiyang almost broke his mouth.


When I was a fool.


He stretched his face and said, "What do you say today..."

Before the words were finished, there was a harsh wind breaking behind him, a dark shadow, and the ghost came from the outer wall.

A closer look is obviously Jiang Shangyan!

During this time, he and his clan had taken care of the wounds, and today, he decided to rescue the king.

"Dare to come to my wild sect, and find death!" At this moment, Kuangao Tian roared and raised his fist to Jiang Shangyan!

"not good!"

Jiang Shangyan was shocked.

He was just a strong man who turned the gods into the clan period. In front of the arrogant sky that turned the gods into perfection, it was a vegetable comparison.

Under the gods.

Divided into peeping days, return to the period, Nirvana period.


The palm of can be described as powerful, and directly flies Jiang Shangyan's gorgeous blow out of Kuangzong.

Outside the mad sect.

More than a dozen people in black saw the elders being beaten and flew out, and they swarmed over, and finally caught them, and he disappeared into the dark.

The sect master is too fierce

They need to continue and discuss for a long time!



Kuangao Tian waved his sleeves and said lightly: "A group of cats and dogs dare to run into my mad sect."

Yun Feiyang raised his thumbs and patted a flattering way: "Sovereign, great!"


Kuangaotian held his chest and said, "Otherwise, how can you be the master of a case?"


The gluttonously said coldly.

A divine state of perfection, a bird egg, and even if this king recovers one-tenth, it will inevitably miserable you.

"Who is that."

Kuang Tian turned around and said, "How is the wounded?"

The gluttonously said nothing.

As a **** beast, there should be a fan of the **** beast. Every mortal, if the king loves to take care of things, if he doesn’t, he is a scum.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Sect Master, he is much better, he just needs some spirit stones to stabilize his injury."


Kuangaotian took out several spirit stones and said, "Take it and absorb it."

The arrogant glutton, when he saw the spirit stone, his eyes shined, and he smiled with a smile: "Thank you, thank you."


Say good fan beast!

If this has a tail, do you have to tilt it up and swing it from side to side!

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