Super God

Chapter 750: Beat him up, okay?


Lan Shoufeng rushed into the mansion of Kuangzong's mansion and shouted with a loud voice: "Four younger brothers and Ding Jia are going to duel on Kuangrentai!"

This shouted.

Make Beiyuan Luo Mu and others all heard.

They rushed out and thought, the guy was really restless, and caused trouble when he went out.

If Yun Feiyang knows what they think, he will scream out injustice. After all, it is not himself who initiated the challenge!

"Lying trough!"

Dou Bi came out first and said, "Ding disturbing that guy, are you looking for death!"

Yesterday, the four younger brothers had just tested their strength, and their strength was nine times heavy, and the top ten crazy stars were only eightfold.

As a result, it goes without saying!

"Hey, this is the first time the four younger brothers have been on the lunatic stage. As brothers, they must go to the past." Xiang Yuan stepped out of the mad sect first.

"Let's take a look too."

Luo Mu, Yunli and others immediately caught up.


There are no rules in Madman's Valley, and whoever is unhappy can do anything if he doesn't agree.

But the premise is that you must go to the Bidouchang in the central area of ​​the city, where there is the madman platform.

A warrior who has entered the valley of the madman, if he has not been on the madman's platform, to speak up is simply a shame.

At this moment.

Yun Feiyang and Ding Jia were already on the stage, and tens of thousands of martial arts gathered there.

Someone said: "I have heard that the top ten crazy stars are staring at Yun Feiyang, but I didn't expect to start it so soon."

"It was still the seventh Ding Jay ranked by the top ten crazy stars. This time, the new disciples of Kuangzong are afraid that they will be unlucky."

"A month ago, in the misty forest, this kid abused 20 plastics, and his strength cannot be underestimated." Some people were not optimistic.

"Hahaha, that group of body shaping phases is at best three-five weights, but Ding Disturbance has reached eighth weight!"


"Hey, I haven't seen the disciples of Kuangzong being abused by someone for a long time. I miss them a lot."

Everyone laughed.

Kuangzong is undoubtedly the most special existence in the Maniac Valley. It would be very happy to witness the abuse of the disciples.

"Go away!"

At this moment, Dou Bi rushed over with Luo Mu and others, and many martial arts saw it and made way for it.

The three big disciples of Kuangzong are still quite famous in Kuangren Valley.

of course.

This is built on strength.

Although Yun Feiyang and Luo Mu are also disciples of Kuangzong, in their eyes, they are only disciples.


Dou Bi stopped under the stage and pointed at Ding Disturb: "Make this guy violent, let all the warriors in the Valley of the Madman open their eyes!"


Ding Jia laughed and said: "Dou Bi, you are so funny, a guy who has just entered Little God Realm for less than two years, wants to abuse me?"

Others laughed too.

They do not deny that since Yun Feiyang was personally taken into the door by Kuang Tian, ​​it must be very good, but that is the future, not the present.

Genius needs time to grow. Could it be that this guy still has the ability to sculpt the eighth stage?


Only, they don't know.

Dou Bi and others are clear.

Therefore, in their view, no matter how arrogant Ding Jia was, he was still abused. He came here to cheer for his brother.



Yun Fei Yang said: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and start, I have to go to the library to buy books."


Ding Jing proudly said: "Boy, you can't go to the library, because, I will let you go to the hospital."


Suddenly, he waved his hands, the clothes on his upper body burst, showing strong muscles, and a faint golden light flashed on it.

"Golden lights up!"

"I didn't expect Ding to disturb this guy, it was quite serious. From the beginning, he used Huang Ti's high-quality gold defense martial arts."

Everyone talked.

"Golden defense martial arts?"

Yun Feiyang was slightly startled.

In the five-element attribute, the gold system is known for its sharpness, often attacking the felling. Unexpectedly, there are defensive martial arts.


Ding Jing's body is golden, and he proudly said: "My current defense strength has reached the point of true body, and any of your attacks are invalid."


Luo Mu disdain.

Only by using defensive martial arts can you reach the true body. What can you brag about? You have the same patience as your brother. You can achieve the true body without exerting anything!

Speaking of defense.

Luo Mu is still very confident.

"True body?"

Yun Feiyang surprised: "So powerful!"

Ding Jian put on various shapes, and suddenly Jin Cancan's muscles came out abruptly, saying: "I stand here without moving, letting you fight and defeating you."

Many warriors shook their heads one after another.

Who doesn't know that the golden light added by this guy can not only strengthen the flesh, but also form a rebound force.

"Ding Jia, you are bullying!"

"Anyway, he is also a new disciple of Kuangzong, can't he let others make people?" many warriors shouted.

Dou Bi and Lan Shou frowned.

They can hear that this is not seeing the four younger brothers in the eyes, this is deliberately making fun of the sect.

Ding Jing smiled and said to everyone: "It's interesting to be able to abuse the mad sect whose eyes are higher than the top all day!"


Taking one step, the golden light on the skin is more intense.

He shook his fist and said: "Yun Feiyang, come on, I will let you hit three punches, never dodge, never return!"

Three punches?

Everyone laughed.

With this guy's martial arts fully open, if the kid really came over, he would kill him with a punch.


Yun Feiyang responded, and shook his fist, saying: "Brother, beat him up, is it all right?"

Dou Bi laughed: "As long as you have the strength, it doesn't matter if you kill this guy."


Yun Fei raised his fist, looked at Ding Jia, raised his mouth slightly, and said evilly: "Too many three One punch is enough."


As soon as the words fell, he took a step, and the crazy mantra ran frantically in his body, and his fists condensed his madness, violently slamming into Dingjiao!


When the fist of furious erupted, it brought a burst of fist.


Many warriors were shocked when they saw this, because Yun Feiyang punched out, and the mad color condensed was actually purple!

how is this possible?

This guy who has not been in the mad sect for a long time, has actually practiced the mad scripture to the Xuan order?

"Lying Groove!?" Confident Ding Jia saw the purple frenzy and immediately widened her eyes.

After living in the Maniac Valley for two years, he naturally knew that Kuangzong’s mad meridian mentality, the higher the quality, the stronger the power!

"Bang--" At this moment, Yun Feiyang's furious fist finally slammed into Ding Fu's abdomen.

The picture seems to be frozen.


Yun Feiyang always maintained a punching posture, Ding Jing was still standing after being hit, and his face was stunned.


There was silence.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang withdrew his fist and walked off the stage wisely when he stepped outside.


Ding Li stood on the stage, rolled his eyes, foamed in his mouth, and fell to the ground like a muddy beach, his body twitched violently.

Eight-fold plastic body period.

Casting a defensive martial art of the gold system, the flesh star whose physical strength reached the real body was knocked down with a punch.

Many warriors were shocked.

"You guys."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Whoever doesn't agree, can go to Kuangzong to challenge me, I will accompany you at any time."

After that, he turned to the library, leaving everyone with a crazy and arrogant back.

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