Super God

Chapter 734: I want to go beyond 1 cut

Calm Little God Realm has a new topic during this time, that is, a year ago, a splendid cloud flying on the Dragon Gate was expelled by the Lingxiao faction.

"Isn't it? The Lingxiao School is so capricious?"

"I heard that Yun Feiyang was taken away by Kuang Aotian and should join Kuangzong."

"Yes, when the Dragon Gate was tested, the kid was crazy, and he was still suitable for the unrestrained mad sect."

"It seems that not long afterwards, Little God Realm will have another mad sect disciple who will die everywhere." Many warriors discussed.

Crazy case.

This sect.

The reputation in Little God Realm is notorious.

If you count from the establishment of the faction to the present day, the offending gates and forces will definitely exceed 80%!

Enter Kuangzong.

This means that the enemy is everywhere.


There are also benefits.

There is an advantage to the mad sect from top to bottom, that is, to protect the calves extremely, if any disciples are bullied, the whole sect is decisively dispatched.

According to records.

Since the establishment of Kuangzong, there have been at least more than 80 incidents in which the whole sect dispatched revenge for the disciples!

It's terrible to put it aside.


Counting the patriarch, there are only five people, so the deterrent force of the entire patriarch is equivalent to nothing.

For the sake of too few disciples, unless they take the initiative to provoke others, almost no sect can provoke mad sect.

There is a saying that the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse.

Despite the decline of the Kuangzong, but the inside is still there, the Sect Master Kuangaotian's breakthrough to the completeness of the God Realm is the best proof.


In the very south of Little God Realm, there used to be a deep valley with flying beasts and beasts all over it, which was terrifyingly abnormal, and was called Death Valley.


A generation of madmen, fighting boldly, come here alone.

With his strong strength, he beheaded the powerful beasts in the valley, built a city, named the Valley of the Madman, and established a mountain.

"Bold fighting is the first lord of the sect of madness, and the city of the madman valley is our base camp." Outside the cave, Kuangaotian explained the history of madness for Luo Mu and others.

This is a very serious matter.

But after knowing the person of "Bold Fighting", Luo Mu and Yunli rolled on the ground with a smile.

A generation of madmen, fighting boldly.

This name is inexplicably full of joy, who is it, so humorous, gave him such a name for the elderly.


Kuang Tian two punches down.

Luo Mu and the Lunar Calendar have fallen to the ground, with big bags on their heads. "Although Kuangzong is unruly, he should also bear in mind that he should respect the teacher, understand?"

"Ming... I see!"

Luo Mu and Yunli were in line.


Inside the cave.

Yun Fei sat cross-legged, running against the sky tactics, rearing his body injured by Zhang Qinghai, and only a few hours later opened his eyes.


He exhaled a sigh of breath and praised: "The pill medicine given by the mad patriarch is really magical. Such a serious injury only healed in a few hours."

Speak, stand up.

Lin Zhixi was always in the cave. When she saw Yun Fei rising, she cared: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang moved some muscles, and then turned to look at the woman, with a straight face: "You shouldn't appear."

He was talking about things before the elder Taizhang bombarded himself and Lin Zhixi was standing in front of him.

"I know."

Lin Zhixi said calmly: "But I can't do it."

Very simple answer.

But she also said her heart.

Yun Feiyang's life and death, Lin Zhixi didn't even think about it, rushed over, there was only one thought.

He can die, he cannot die.

This is her way to appear in front of him in the fastest time.

If you change to Liang Yin and Ling Sha Luo, if you have this ability, you will definitely rush over and block Yun Feiyang.

There is no complaint about falling in love with someone and willing to die to protect him.

"This is the second time." Yun Feiyang looked at Lin Zhixi with seriousness in his eyes.

the second time?

Lin Zhixi was at a loss.

In the land of trial, the Earth Demon Rock Beast suddenly appeared. She pushed Yun Feiyang away to protect herself by sacrificing herself.

Lin Zhixi forgot.

Yun Feiyang remembered it deeply.

This time there was an arrogant sky present. Without him, he could only watch his woman being killed.

Not allowed.

Can no longer appear!

Yun Feiyang shook his fist and whispered: "I want to become stronger, and only then can I protect you."

Wushen Jiuzhong is just the beginning.

Divine state?

It's not the end.

I want to be strong enough to be a cheap master, even stronger than him. I want to make the plane of Zhenwu God Realm tremble. I want to transcend everything.

Lin Zhixi looked at him.

that moment.

She saw the unprecedented seriousness in the man's eyes, and a smile appeared on the cold face.


She came over and took the fiancé's hand seldom, saying, "With your talent, you can definitely become stronger, and I will watch you grow step by step."


Yun Feiyang was suddenly paralyzed in Lin Zhixi's arms, his teeth grinned: "I'm a little weak, hurry and help me."

Lin Zhixi was speechless.

This guy rarely gets serious, and as a result, he immediately reveals himself as a shameless man.


Yun Feiyang came out of the cave, arrogantly seeing it, and said with a smile: "Boy, is the injury better?"


Yun Feiyang nodded.

For this suzerain, he is very grateful,

If it is not his timely rescue, Lin Zhixi will fall.


After leaving the Lingxiao School, he took his brother and woman together to join the Kuangzong in return.

Kuang Tiantian said: "The Valley of the Madman is at least half a year away from this place. Let's set off."

"Half a year?"

Luo Mu and Yun Li's eyes widened.

Kuangtiantian smiled and said: "What's so surprising, the Little God Realm is so big, from the extreme south to the extreme north, with your strength, you must walk at least three to five years."


Everyone suddenly collapsed.

"of course."

Kuang Tiantian said: "We can spend the spirit stone and go to the Dachengchi to ride the teleportation array. This will be very fast. Unfortunately, our Kuangzong has been blacklisted and cannot enter the city."

Yun Feiyang and others twitched the corners of their mouths.

To what extent does this sect stink to prevent entry into the city?


How stinky is Kuangzong, Yunfeiyang and others don’t But after a day away, they deeply understand that this zongmen is crazy!

Through two cities.

Kuangaotian threw them aside, and then rushed into the city, directly clamoring for several big families and powers in the city, and then blooded him up.

Even more outrageous.

After returning, he also carried thousands of spirit stones, apparently looting the spirit stone libraries of several large families.

"I bother."

After an inventory of Kuangtiantian, he said with a disgusted face: "Anyway, it is also five or six third-rate forces, and the combined spirit stones are actually more than five thousand!"

Only five thousand?

Yun Feiyang immediately judged from this sentence that the Sect Sect Master went to rob the family's spirit stones in the city more than once or twice!


Is this a mad sect or a robber sect!

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