Super God

Chapter 2157: Ranch Valley Experience

After all, the strength of Yunhang is only at the level of immortals. Suddenly, an emperor-level fierce beast rushed over.


Yun Feiyang stepped forward, and the handprints of great compassion were instantly displayed, and the dense palm prints appeared, forming a heavenly net.

Judging from the power carried by the palm print, it is obviously much stronger than before. If Yun Qing, who is healing, sees it, he may be directly hit to death.

"Boom! Boom!"

Yun Hang, who was hiding behind Yun Feiyang, only saw the palm prints falling down, and the imperial level beast that rushed into it instantly turned into blood mist and was killed by a living spike!


He swallowed a spit and shivered, "My God, Yun... Uncle Yun is so powerful!"

"call out--"

It was at this time that a streamer flew out of the blood mist and merged into the waist tag worn by Yun Feiyang, forming a spot of rice grain size.

The waist card was condensed by himself during the transmission, not only representing the identity of the contestants, but also the score counter.

As long as you kill any fierce beast in Chaos Beast Valley, you will get a light spot. After the end, Yun's senior will determine the ranking of this experience according to the number of light spots.


Yun Feiyang puzzled: "Why doesn't this beast have a nucleus? Isn't it an entity, but evolved in a certain formation?"

Thinking about this, Xiannian was filled, and it was indeed peeping out that this valley contained a profound scent of formation.


Yun Feiyang shook his head helplessly.

This time he participated in the training, he not only wanted to get Zu Xue Dan, but also wanted to get more high-quality crystal nuclei. Now, it seems that the latter can't do what he wants.

Despite this, Yun Feiyang still quite boldly said: "Let's kill."


Yun Hang's mouth twitched violently.

My Uncle Yun, you are strong, you can open a killing ring, I am so weak, here I can only pray not to be swallowed by one bite.

"Boom! Boom!"

It was at this moment that the sound of an energy explosion came from a distance.

Obviously, other participants have fought fiercely against the fierce beast formed by the formation.

Their strength is far from Yun Feiyang, so in the face of an emperor-level beast, it takes a lot of effort to kill it.


"I finally killed a beast!"

A strong man who has just entered the emperor class, looking at the light spot condensed on the waist card, his face appeared excited.

Why are you so excited? Because according to the regulations of the experience, the contestants who enter the chaotic beast valley and kill a fierce beast will receive corresponding rewards.

That is, as long as you participate in the experience, as long as you kill a beast, no matter what happens in the future, you can get a reward and will not return empty-handed.

Some prostitutes know that they are a few pounds or so, so they do not desire to reach a high ranking, but only hope that they will not enter the Valley of Chaos Beast in vain.


Ten thousand participants were scattered in the vast valley.

Some of them acted alone, some in twos and threes, and they killed the high-level beasts.

Yun Feiyang and Yun Hang walked all the way in the area where weeds were growing. When a fierce beast leaned over, it was a proper spike.

In just a quarter of an hour, more than twenty spots of light condensed on his waist card.

During this period, Yun Hang gradually adapted, especially seeing Yun Feiyang killing emperor-level fierce beasts as easily as chopping vegetables and cutting melons, and his courage became bigger.

"Uncle Yun..."

No, after walking for a while, he said, "Let me try it?"


Yun Feiyang pointed to the fierce beast drinking at the stream in front of him: "It will be given to you."

"it is good."

Yunhang said excitedly.

But did not rush over, eagerly watching Yun Feiyang.

"Look at me?"

Yun Feiyang pointed at the fierce beast and said, "Go ahead and kill."

Yun Hang's mouth twitched: "Uncle Yun, if you don't help me fix it, how can I kill it?"

This guy is brave.

But knowing to kill an emperor-level beast with his own strength is to die!

The best way is, as before, Yun Feiyang relies on coercion to restrain Yunli and others, and let himself be ravaged in the past.

"Do not talk nonsense."

Yun Feiyang kicked him over and said, "Hurry up and kill it."


The fierce beast drinking water heard the movement, turned his huge body, and his dark eyes instantly locked on Yun Hang who was kicked out.


The big guy rushed over, and the violent momentum swept over first, making Yun Hang's face pale instantly.

Finished, finished!

To die, to die!

Yunhang was so frightened that he didn't even dare to move, and could only stand on the spot, waiting quietly for the beast to rush.


However, at the moment when the big guy was about to strike, it suddenly stopped.

Yun Hang, who was pale, tried to open his eyes and found that the gloomy big palm was only an inch away from his head!


He swallowed a spit, his calves tremble violently, and the man was almost scared to pee.

"Do it!"

Yun Feiyang said in a deep voice.

After hearing the voice, the fearful Yun Hang suddenly showed a powerful force, and then shook hands with the long sword, stab at the fierce beast.


The sword pierced the chest of the fierce beast, and the hot blood spewed out, splashing on him and splashing on his was very hot.

"I...I...I killed an emperor-level beast..."

Yun Hang held the sword handle, ignoring the stench, ignoring the hot blood, whispering silly.


He laughed loudly: "I killed an emperor-level beast, I killed an emperor-level beast!"

Although Yun Feiyang helped kill an emperor-level beast, Yun Hang was very excited. After all, the realm was only a fairy level!

This experience gave him unprecedented confidence. Until later, he achieved a stronger level and became the elder of Yunyu. He was still grateful to Yun Feiyang for his help.


The fierce beast is illusory. Although it is very real, the smelly blood on Yun Hang's face also disappeared after being wiped out.

His waist card thus condensed a spot of light, which means that he already has the qualification to receive rewards.

Yunhang said excitedly: "Uncle Yun, as far as I know, as long as you kill a fierce beast, you can get ten spirit stones guaranteed!"

The spirit stone is the same as the immortal stone in the real martial arts realm, which contains pure heaven and earth attributes in the cloud realm, and is the most important resource for the cultivation of the Yun clan.

After he was born, the ancient Wumai had already fallen.

So I have never heard of it, but I have never seen it or absorbed it.

Yunhang planned: "When the spirit stone is exchanged, I will keep one, and the rest will be given to each of Baoer and Xiaorui."


Yun Feiyang slapped him on the shoulder and smiled: "How much is enough? If you want to divide it, you must give them thousands of pieces."

Yunhang was a little embarrassed.

But when he saw the man's smile, he clenched his fists and said heartily: "Okay, give them thousands!"


Yun Fei said: "I will take you to earn the spirit stone."


Yunhang focused on his head, and then followed him, moving closer to the deeper valley.

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