Super God

Chapter 2131: High-profile

There are two types of cloud domain assessments. One is the examination of the heirs. The difficulty is relatively low. Can it be regarded as taking care of locals?

The other is the sideline assessment, which is much more difficult.

Yun Feiyang's identity is a sideline, so entering the evaluation team, the experience of the evaluation is much more difficult than the lineage.

As soon as the front foot walked in, the back foot fell into a special environment, suffered countless negative emotional attacks, and the whole person suddenly looked dull.

This is the test of the first level of will.

If the Yun clan cannot recover from the negative emotions, they will sink forever until they are eliminated.

At least 80% of the collaterals who come to the assessment will be eliminated at the first level, losing the opportunity to verify the bloodline.

When Yun Dache's eyes stood dull in the illusory environment, the Yun family members laughed and even thought he might be eliminated.

However, when gloating and gloating, Yun Fei's eyes not only restored his brilliance, but moved forward.


The Yun's descendants were dumbfounded and opened their mouths one by one.


Suddenly, a thick voice sounded: "The side of the cloud is flying, the first pass assessment is passed successfully, and the time spent is five breaths!"

"Five...Five Breaths..."

"My God, how is it possible!"

Hearing the time calculation from the assessment team, the eyes of the Yun family members almost glared out of their eyes!

However, the sound is not only transmitted in the lower Youcheng, but also in other cities in Yunyu. It can be said that the entire Yun clan has heard it!

"How can a lowest-level sideline pass the assessment of the first level in such a short time!"

"Is it because the assessment has been in disrepair for years, and the error is reported?"

The Yun family of many cities was deeply shocked by the sound and the time it took.

Throughout the ages, the people who passed the first level of the assessment, even the best lineage, only recorded half an hour of the fastest customs clearance time.

Yun Feiyang entered the assessment for the first time, and successfully passed through five breaths, so fast that he could not imagine it.



The controllers of the various cities have used their magical powers to link up with the evaluation of the lower city and form a projection light curtain in an instant.

Five interest time to pass the first level, the speed is too fast, they must see who is in the assessment!

As the projection light curtains converged from the major cities and towns, more and more people of the Yun clan saw Yun Feiyang, who was placed in the examination array.

In a large city.

A Yun's heir came out of the courtyard and pointed at the light curtain and said: "Brother Qing! Look, that kid!"

Yun Qing came out.

When he saw the clouds flying on the light curtain, his eyes suddenly froze.

"You are a trash."

"Yun Qing, right?"

"When Lao Tzu goes to Yunyu, the first torture is you!"

In Solo World, he has vividly remembered every sentence and every arrogant action about Yun Feiyang.

"Brother Qing, this kid is amazing."

"It took only five breaths to pass the first level of will assessment!"

The sister-in-law was shocked.

Yun Qing said lightly: "It is nothing more than a preliminary assessment. Even if the speed is faster, after the blood is certified, it is still a minimum garbage."

"Not bad."

The sister-in-law agreed.

After all, the assessment is the assessment, what really determines everything is the purity of blood.

Even if the customs clearance takes the fastest time, the certification bloodline is only ten thousandths and one thousandth, and it will be regarded as garbage.

Yun Qing didn't want to see Yun Feiyang, so he didn't care about the five-interest customs clearance. Many senior members of the Yun family were quite surprised and followed him.

Blood purity can determine everything, but it is absolutely terrifying to cross the first level in five breaths!

"How strong is this child's willpower in order to be able to escape from the five breaths?" a senior Yun Yun said solemnly.

"The assessment of the experience of this side is ten times the coefficient of the heir. It is incredible to be able to pass customs so quickly."

The Yun family executives highly praised Yunfei's five-interest clearance, but only the evaluation.

Because this is just the beginning, there are still many levels waiting. If only the first level is amazing, and the second level will be eliminated, it is just a flash in the pan.


Yun Fei, who had returned to God, stepped into the void space, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

As a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, there is no difficulty in the so-called test of will just now.


However, just a few steps away, the violent amount of violent pressure suddenly dropped, making him struggle.

"Boo! Boo!"

At the same time, the number of words "One Thousand Weights" appeared in the space.

"I go!"

"It's a great deal of coercion when it comes up. Can this guy bear it?"

Many heirs exclaimed.

The second level of the assessment is the gravity pressure, and the figure that emerges represents the gravity value presented in the space.

Under normal circumstances, no matter whether it is a lineage or a sideline, after entering the second level, the initial gravity value is between ten and one hundred, and then gradually increase.

Yun Feiyang triggers the second level and directly bears thousands of weights, which is absolutely very tough.

"Brother Qing."

The sister-in-law in the courtyard grinned: "This kid is going to be unlucky."

Yun Qing said lightly: "Although the five-interest customs clearance is strong, it also makes the difficulty of the subsequent checkpoints overall increase. He wants to pass the assessment, and it is definitely as difficult as going to the sky."



The powerful force of condenses in the void space, making the clouds flying here and his face dignified.

If it is just a fixed value, it can be tolerated, but the number jumps non-stop and quickly reaches two thousand weight.

"Doubled than before, this guy is afraid he can't move."

Looking at the climbing value, a smile appeared on the corners of many mouths.

A sideline came to the assessment and passed with a time of terror and five breaths, which shocked and discomforted them, so they wished to be eliminated immediately.


During the assessment, Yun Feiyang's face was ugly, and the gravity value in the space had been increased from two thousand to four thousand.

"This guy's legs began to tremble, and it certainly wouldn't be able to support for long."

"Thousands of gravity, even if the bloodline reaches a few tenths of the heirs, it may not be able to sustain it."

Everyone had been staring at Yun Feiyang when they were discussing, trying to witness how the other party was overwhelmed.


What is crashing is.

Yun Fei, who apparently seemed to be crumbling, always supported hard until half an hour, one hour, two hours...

"The gravity value is over ten thousand, why hasn't he fallen yet?"

Yun's sisters twitched at the corners of their mouths.

Yun's high-level executives also watched Yun Feiyang, his eyes glowing with consternation.

The coercion continued to rise, and the sideline of the initial assessment was able to support it, and the shock to them was too strong.

"Brother Qing... this kid is too scary..." In the courtyard, the Yun's sister-in-law was frightened and frightened.

Yun Qing didn't say a word, his face was ugly to the extreme. At that time, he took part in the assessment for the first time. Although the support lasted to the end, the pressure value he suffered was only 5,000.

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