Super God

Chapter 1990: Lin Zhixi's strength



   Lin Zhixi made a seal, a pattern of Tai Chi, permeating in the ethereal space.

   "Tai Chi Magic Rune?"

  Yunfei Yang was surprised.

  Lin Zhixi's martial arts, he had seen it in the Continent.


   "Still using such a low-level martial art?"

   Yun Feiyang also has martial arts that he once practiced in the Continent of the Ten Thousand Worlds, such as my chopping, as well as chaos stew.

   However, as the realm continued to improve, the lower-level martial arts obviously could not bring more strength, so it was naturally replaced by the advanced martial arts.

   Now Lin Zhixi is exhibiting the Taiji Charm, which makes Yun Feiyang a bit collapsed.

  However, when one side of the Tai Chi pattern appeared, the barbarians who came to support them changed their faces one by one.


  Yun Fei was stunned, Xiannian was released, and he was in contact with the Tai Chi pattern, and suddenly felt the majestic power inside!


   he hurriedly said: "This is not a tai chi charm!"


  This is not the Taiji Spirit Run that Lin Zhixi had practiced in Dongling Academy, but a brand-new martial art called Tai Chi Blast.

   To be precise, this is the inherited martial art of the Donghuang family. Only by awakening the bloodline can you get the formula and then you can practice.

  Five years of training in the Taiwu region, Lin Zhixi not only strives to improve the realm, but also realizes this martial art, and today is also the first time to exhibit it.


   The surface of the Tai Chi pattern emerged, which contained extremely strong power. The barbaric domain powerhouse naturally sensed it, so they stopped and dared not step forward.

  However, they thought it would be fine to stop?

   That is clearly wrong!

  Just watch Lin Zhixi's jade hand flick lightly, each side of the Tai Chi pattern locked a target, and flew away at a rapid speed.

"not good!"

   "Everyone is going back!"

   The faces of the five peak kings changed greatly, and they immediately withdrew to the vortex.

  However, their speed is still a bit slow compared to the Tai Chi pattern, but they were caught up just a moment later.


   Lin Zhixi's jade hands were intertwined and said, "Blast!"

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   All of a sudden, the Tai Chi pattern flashed dazzling light, and blasted away, the void of the space suddenly shook, and the irritability was unscrupulous.

   "So strong?"

   Yunfei Yang twitched his mouth.

   At that moment, he was able to judge that the power formed by each exploding tai chi pattern was stronger than the powerful one comparable to Xiandi!

  To tell the truth, Yun Feiyang hasn't seen Lin Zhixi shot in a long time. I saw it again today and was shocked.



   The wind blew in the void, and it stopped a long time later, and those escaping peak wild kings were all spitting blood and injured after being bombarded by Tai Chi.

   The top barren king of the barbaric domain is already strong enough to match a strong man like Huangfu Jian, so it is still difficult to kill them.

   "Can... hateful!"

   A strong man said angrily: "No... I didn't expect this girl's strength to be so strong!"

   Other powerful people are also furious.

  At this moment, they had no previous contempt and treated Lin Zhixi as an equal opponent.


   It was at this time that the hot waves broke out.

  Liang Yin condensed a huge fire fist and directly blasted the strong man trapped in the sea of ​​fire.


   in a boxing, strong.


   The barbaric domain power eroded by the heart fire was hit hard, and his blood spurted out, and the pain of being steamed and roasted by the flames became more intense.



  Liang Yin rises in the sky, his fists are constantly waving, and a fist of enthusiasm swept in.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   The strong man was hit hard again, and the man flew out of the sea of ​​fire, and then fell to the vortex, the chest was sunken, and the whole body was extremely dark.

   "It's really weak."

  Liang Yin withdrew his heart fire and long whip, and raised his eyebrows, his eyes flickering with disdain.

   She has this proud qualification, because the savage domain strongman who was eroded by the heart and hit hard, has fallen into a coma and completely lost her fighting power!


   Mu Ying surprised: "Sister Liang is so good!"

   All women cast envious eyes.

   Even Liu Rou, who does not like to practice martial arts, secretly thought, if he is as strong as Liang Yin, he can help Yun Feiyang.

   "You guys."

   A strong man in the barbaric domain said in a deep voice: "The strength of these two girls is not simple, I will wait to get them together."

"it is good!"

   everyone agrees.



  The five peak wild kings Qi Qi broke out, condensed various martial arts, and blasted to the nearest Lin Zhixi.


   From the power of the five peak kings, the momentum of the pressure alone is very terrifying.

  Yun Feiyang saw this and secretly said, "Do you want to help?"


  Thinking, Lin Zhixi waved his jade hand, and the streamer quickly diffused in front of him, forming a seemingly illusory defense barrier.

   Yun Feiyang didn't feel the existence of Taoism, so he immediately denied that the defensive barrier is the Tao Realm.



   comes from the power of the five pinnacle kings, blasted on the defensive barrier, and suddenly came a loud noise that broke the eardrum!

  However, despite the incomparable strength of the other party, the defensive barrier existing in front of Lin Zhixi was still and immobile, without even the slightest distortion!

"how is this possible!"

   Five savage domain powerhouses were overwhelmed.

  The big guys work together, and the power formed can't shake the defense barrier, which is really unimaginable!

  Yun Fei raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said: "The defense formed by Zhixi is so strong, is it the inheritance of the martial art of the Donghuang family?"

   on the occasion of guessing.

   Lin Zhixi flew away on the Xuan Miao body method, and there was a graceful afterimage wherever he passed.

   They seemed to be true and false, dreamlike, and surrounded the five peak kings, and jade hands made strange handprints one after another.

   "Boo! Boo! Boo!"

  In an instant, a series of Tai Chi patterns condensed in the void, and the number was more than three hundred.


   Yun Feiyang laughed.

   Previously, several Tai Chi patterns blew up the five people, and now there are more than will definitely make it even cooler.


  The savage domain powerhouse realizes that it is not good and will retreat immediately.

  However, would Lin Zhixi give them a chance, and the jade hands would fit together lightly.

   "Boo! Boo!"

  More than three hundred tai chi patterns approached the five pinnacle kings, and finally trapped them in a narrow range.


   Lin Zhixi said coldly.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  In the ethereal space, a series of explosions suddenly occurred, and huge energy fluctuations spread like crazy like ripples.


  Yun Fei's thoughts moved, the powerful Taoism permeated, and the defensive Dao realm was condensed among the female bodies, blocking the incoming waves.


   Everything is calm.

   Five of the top peak kings were shattered and stood in the bombing area. The blood was dripping, which was terrible.


   Yunfei Yang said: "It's so pitiful."



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