Super God

Chapter 1888: Do you need help?

A big king city, even forbidding others to enter, really made Yun Feiyang very puzzled.

The city goalkeeper realized that he had no intention of leaving, so he said coldly, "Boy, why didn't you roll?"


Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "I've always walked, never rolled away, would you like to demonstrate it?"


The city gate general heard the words and immediately looked at the soldier behind him, grinning: "Is this boy looking for death?"

"General, he is looking for death!"

One man cooperated.

The general said: "You said, how should the general resolve this to find the dead?"

"I feel like I'm going to dump eight."

"It's too easy to kill, it should be tortured."

The soldiers scrambled to discuss.

Especially looking into Yun Feiyang's eyes, it seems to be looking at a four person.

Uncle Da Yun didn't have the mood to care about how these people let themselves die, but released Xiannian into the Wangcheng.

However, just after infiltrating into it, he was blocked by a certain force, so he frowned and said, "Is there a barrier?"

The soldiers blocked the city gate, and the city had a method to isolate everything. This made Yun Feiyang realize that there must be something in it.


The city gate general coldly said: "Boy, say, how are you going to die?"

Yun Feiyang didn't say a word, strengthened Xiannian, and infiltrated into the isolation formation. It was very easy to break open.

With his immortal-level soul power, few isolation formations can't be broken.

After breaking the formation, Yunfei Yangxiannian continued to spread, but the next scene was shocked.

The scale of this royal city is similar to that of embroidering from the royal city, but it is full of ruins and potholes. It seems that the situation has gone through a terrible war.

Even more cruel.

A corpse was listed in the collapsed ruins, the blood flowing out converged into a river, and the choking **** smell and the breath of death were condensed in the air.

Yun Feiyang continued to investigate and found that all corners of the Wangcheng were corpses, so he secretly said: "Who is so cruel, even a blood-washed Wangcheng!"

Xiannian continued to spread.

Soon, he discovered that the only intact building in the city was the central area, the magnificent palace.

At this moment, a large number of soldiers were besieging the city's main palace, and even a fly was difficult to enter.

Yun Feiyang continued to mobilize the Xiannian, and without knowing the ghost, he drifted into the city's main palace, and saw five big fairy kings standing in that empty inner courtyard.

One of the middle-aged men had messy hair, a pale complexion, and bruises all over his body, while the other four strong men stood opposite him with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Lan Ling fairy king."

One person said lightly: "Let's hand over the remnant, at least have a chance to survive."

The strongest injury is the Lanling fairy king, and also the owner of this Lanling city, and the four strongmen are the owners of the other four kings in the Western Region.

Lanling Immortal King crushed the injury and said coldly: "I waited to attack my Lanling King City and washed it with blood. Even if I have a remnant of the Immortal King, I can give it!"

Yun Feiyang, which Xiannian had just merged into, suddenly understood.

It turned out that the city was defeated by four big fairy kings. They were just like themselves for the remains of the fairy king.

"Just grab it."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "Why blood wash a king city?"

As soon as he spoke, the general and many soldiers responsible for blocking the city suddenly changed their faces.

He and others clearly blocked the city, how could he know that the city was washed by blood?

"General, this guy is weird!"

A soldier said solemnly.

The general also realized it and waved quickly: "Kill him!"


The soldiers lit up their weapons.

However, before he shot, he felt an aura of terror.

"Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, dozens of soldiers and the general exploded to death, turning into a blood mist.


Let's talk about the main palace.

Several strong men saw Lan Ling fairy king very uncooperative, and his eyes gradually gloomy.

However, at this time no one dared to rush in. After all, no one can be sure, and the guy still has no moves.


Suddenly, a sigh came.

The five strong men present were stunned and turned their heads to look.

At the gate of the main palace, a handsome young man walked in with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

The four big fairy kings immediately frowned.

The city was blocked, and a large army was stationed outside the main palace. How did this strange young man come in?

During their thinking, they released Xiannian and found that the tens of thousands of troops outside the city's main palace seemed to be controlled by some kind of force, standing still one by one.


The four big fairy kings were shocked.

They have realized that there is a wave of souls far stronger than their own!


Yun Feiyang stopped, looked up at the extremely injured Lanling fairy king, and said with a smile: "Do you need help, this friend?"

After all, Lanling Immortal King is a strong old-timer, and he instantly judged that this son was not a gang with the other four immortal kings.

Those soldiers who have been frozen must have done it!

"How can you help me?"

Lanling fairy king asked.

"It's simple."

Yun Feiyang looked at the other four fairy kings and smiled: "Kill them all."

The Lanling fairy king was slightly This young man appeared suddenly and controlled the army with extremely strong soul power. It is a little mysterious, but can he kill the four big fairy kings?

"of course."

Yun Feiyang added: "As the price of help, you have to give me the remnant of the fairy king."


The four big fairy kings laughed.

Feelings, this guy who appeared suddenly also came for the fairy remnant.


Lanling fairy king sighed.

After getting the remnant of the fairy king, he knew that he would suffer because of it.

I just didn't expect that it came so fast that I didn't have time to crack the secret on the remnant.

Yun Fei said: "Did you think about it?"

The eyes of Lanling Immortal King flickered continuously, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Well, as long as you can kill the four murderers who washed my blood to the Lanling King City, the Immortal King Remnant Volume will surely serve!

By now, he knew that he could not keep the remnants of the fairy king. If he could pull the four fairy kings into the water, it would be better.

of course.

Lanling Immortal King also did not quite believe that this young man who appeared suddenly could kill four immortal kings by himself.

"I like to deal with such a cheerful person." Yun Feiyang grinned, and then turned to look at the four big fairy kings.


The space trembles slightly, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword emerges from the void. He holds the sword handle with one hand and says: "I made an agreement with the Lanling fairy king, so you must die here today."


A strong man sneered: "What a crazy little guy!"


The voice just fell, a cold sword gas burst out, the speed is fast, it can be described as electric flint!

"not good!"

The sneering strong man's complexion changed, and he would evade in a hurry, but before he had acted, Jian Qi came.

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