Super God

Chapter 1858: To die, 1 to die!

Tengu controls the body of the big fairy king, pulls the Dantian fairy core, and his fists suddenly sway in the void, suddenly forming a powerful force.

But because of the first time he controlled the high-level powerhouse, the attack intensity did not reach the extreme, which made the four big fairy kings easily escape.

"Qi Xinghai!" Song Yubao stabilized his body and said angrily: "What are you doing!"

A big fairy king said solemnly: "His eyes are not right, is there any force to control the soul?"

guessed wrong.

Qi Xinghai is not controlled by the soul, but is already dead.

Tengu is in charge of the body. If it escapes, it will leave a dead body without a soul.


It was at this time that Zheqiu and Qianshu attacked again, and the power of the two beasts was still as strong as ever.


Tengu manipulated the body of Qi Xinghai, communicated with the fairy core again, and attacked from the other side.

Although the four big fairy kings were angry, they could only fight against it.

"Boom! Boom!"

The battle that shook the world started again.

Tengu has more perfect control of the body in the attack again and again.

Even after a while, Qi Xinghai's martial arts were exhibited from the devoured soul.

Hundred Ghosts Nightwalking is not a simple control after occupying the body of the warrior, they will also ingest the memory of the original master during the process of devouring the soul to inherit various martial arts and treasures.

"Vientiane is dead!"

Tengu yelled, his hands holding the sky suddenly fell, and the condensed giant energy burst suddenly erupted towards Song Yubao.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang watched the battle with a big smile on his face.

Tengu is in control of the body of the big fairy king, and can also display strong military skills of the other party, which is undoubtedly very cool.


A powerful group of energy exploded in mid-air.

Although Song Yubao escaped, he was also extremely embarrassed by the air current.

What's more tragic is that before his body is stabilized, the horrible horseshoe of Yun Yun is pressed down hard.

"not good!"

Song Yubao's complexion changed greatly, and he adjusted his body to avoid it as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the reaction was very fast, and the horseshoe moved away when it was pressed down, but was also flew out by the seeping air bomb.


Song Yubao slammed into the space boundary, the blood boiled violently in the body, and finally could not restrain it from spraying out.

Suddenly, a strong breath of death came to my mind.


The sound of weapons piercing the flesh came.

Song Yubao's eyes contracted, and then he lowered his head slowly, and saw a sword emerge from his chest, blood condensing on the tip of the sword.

Yun Feiyang stood behind him and said, "If you give me the source of your soul, you will be saved from death."


Song Yubao just started, a domineering soul power poured into the body, and instantly broke his own sea of ​​knowledge.


The screams kept coming.

"call out!"

It was at this time that a streamer flew out of the Soul Eater again and instantly integrated into Song Yubao's sea of ​​knowledge.

It didn't take long.

Song Yubao's soul was devoured, and his body was occupied by the night ghosts.

As Yun Feiyang said, if he chose to surrender his soul just now, although he will become a controlled servant, he will still be alive and still have his own consciousness.

What now?

The soul was swallowed up by the night ghosts and completely wiped out the world.

If time can go back and know that Song Yubao, who knows that he will end up like this, may really hand over his soul.

No, he even dismissed the idea of ​​grabbing Yunfei to raise the light of Immortal Emperor and would not appear here.

Time cannot go backwards.

Song Yubao was still dead, and provided a large body of fairy king level for the night ghosts.


Just a short time.

The two big fairy kings were controlled and became living dead.

The remaining three big fairy kings can't even contend with 粰貐 and 蓐收, so their destiny is already doomed.


A big fairy king shouted: "I am willing to surrender my soul!"

Qi Xinghai and Song Yubao's eyes were loose and strange, and they must have lost their minds under the control of a certain force.

It's hard to contend with it, and actively offer the soul source, there is no way out of it.

Yun Feiyang sneered: "It's too late. The ending of the three of you will be the same as the two of them."


With a furious anger, Yun Qi trampled over again with the power of terror.

After hiding from the big fairy king, he said angrily: "Yun Feiyang, don't deceive people too much!"

A strong man who is higher than the realm of the little fairy king actually said that he shouldn't deceive people too much, which is a bit funny.


Yun Feiyang said lightly: "Do you think that in front of my two contract beasts, will you still have the ability to fight back?"

"Boo! Boo!"

Suddenly folded his wings and waved, a cold golden streamer burst out.

Although the three great kings tried their best to avoid them, they were still scratched all over due to lack of physical strength.

The defeat is set!

As long as Rao and Hao receive the offensive, they will surely kill all three.


At this moment, Yun Feiyang suddenly appeared in front of a strong man with serious injuries, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword stabbed decisively.

If this guy plays with a sneak attack, it is definitely more troublesome than the Lunar Calendar, and it is also unpredictable.


The Hunyuan Qiankun sword pierced the chest of the big fairy king, and the knowledge of the sea was eroded by the soul of terror.

Not surprisingly, Bai Gui Ye Xing once again occupied the body of a strong man.

Since Yun Qi and Qian Shou did not attack, the other two big fairy kings witnessed the whole process.

"The eerie breath just now is a ghost!"

"Doesn't Song Yubao, the three of them, have been devoured by their souls and become living dead people driven by ghosts?"

The two were horrified.


Yun Feiyang withdrew his sword and smiled, "You guessed it, the three of them are already dead, and their bodies are occupied by ghosts."


A big fairy king said angrily: "If you use such malicious means to kill the big fairy king, aren't you afraid of Heaven's punishment!"


Yun Fei Yang said: "Wait in order to get the light of Immortal Emperor, and want to kill me, I just passively counterattack, why do Heavenly Dao punish me!"

The two fairy kings were speechless.


One person said with a bitter face: "My two are willing to surrender the source of the soul. Wouldn't it be good to hear from you?"

Knowing that ghosts occupy Song Yubao and others, they are more willing to offer their souls. After all, they can still live.


Yun Feiyang said calmly: "I said, your ending will be the same."

This guy's temper is stubborn.


Yun and Hesheng roared again and attacked again.

Facing the two fairy beasts, the two big fairy kings were unable to parry them, but they were abused for only a moment.


"To die, die together!"

The two immortal kings roared angrily, and their whole body shone a little starlight.

This is for the soul to explode!

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang's complexion changed greatly.


Within the sealed space boundary, the dazzling light first flashed, and immediately rang, the space in the area near 100 miles collapsed, and the turbulent weather wave roared out!

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