Super God

Chapter 1855: Killing


The powerful little fairy king was cut off by Yun Feiyang with a sword and screamed in pain in the air.

The pain of a broken arm can be tolerated.

But the pain caused by powerful forces tearing muscles can't bear it.

The warriors present were deeply shocked.

They were shocked that Yun Fei Yang had just cut off with a sword, no energy fluctuation at all!

What does this mean?

It means that when the opponent is slashing with a sword, he does not use the sword gas or the martial arts, but the purest physical strength.

"how is this possible!"

Song Yubao was shocked.

Cutting off the arm of a small fairy king warrior is not difficult for him like a big fairy king.

But relying on pure physical strength is very difficult.

Not to mention, the other party just lifted the axe to attack, the strength is condensed between the arms.

The reason why the strong are strong, strong in the fairy core, strong in the mind, and strong in the martial arts, if there is no blessing of the three, the outbreak of power will inevitably drop significantly.

Yun Feiyang relied on the sharpness of the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, combined with the power of the flesh, to easily abolish the right arm of a small fairy king, which is undoubtedly very scary.

The warrior present did not dare to think, if this person mobilizes the fairy core and then exerts his martial arts, to what extent will the power burst?

Don't think about it.

Because, next they will witness with their own eyes, to what extent Yun Fei's pure physical strength, supplemented with fairy nuclear energy, and martial arts!


The Hunyuan Qiankun sword shimmers and shines.

"call out!"

A streamer flashed and flew directly across the neck of the screaming brave warrior.


The heads were separated and blood was sprayed.

In an instant, a small fairy king fell in front of him, and Yunfei Yang killed it as easily as chopping vegetables and melons.


The headless body fell to the ground.

The presence of the warrior's heart jumped sharply, looking into Yunfeiyang's eyes, and a deep dread appeared.

This is scared.

I also realized that the news sent back from Beiyu was not fake. Yun Fei's strength was really terrifying!

The little fairy kings, who were almost as strong as the strong warriors, had plans to retreat, but driven by greed, they were still standing in mid-air.


They admit that Yun Feiyang is very strong.

But with more than three hundred people on the scene, there are dozens of top little fairy kings, and there are five big fairy kings sitting there.

to be frank.

So many people are a bit tricky.

But Yun Feiyang rushed over with a sword after extinguishing a small fairy king, his eyes flashing with strong killing intent.

"I have given you the opportunity to leave. Since I am determined to stay here, let's all go to hell!"


As soon as the words fell, the dense sword gas burst out.

Today this guy wants to use his own power to slash all 300 warriors under the sword!


Song Yubao sneered: "Extreme arrogance."


With a wave of his hands, his strength exploded in full, and he quickly appeared in front of Yun Feiyang, raising his fists.

This man is a big fairy king in a stable period. With one punch, his power is really terrifying.

However, Yun Feiyang did not fight it hard, stepping on the mysterious body method to escape, and rushed into the crowd.

"not good!"

Many warriors were shocked.

The next moment is to step in and avoid.


Yun Feiyang snorted.

"Brush! Brush!"

The sword that came with him turned into a stream of light, strangling mercilessly and frantically in the crowd.

"Poop! Poop!"

The sword shadow flickered and blood swayed.

Heads, heads and broken legs flying in a mess in mid-air.

In a moment.

More than a dozen warriors failed to escape, and died tragically under the sword spirit of Wulian Wushuang.

If someone witnessed it, it would be scared away, after all, all the warriors in different places are all small fairy kings!

This level of warrior, although not the top strongman in the domain, but placed in any city, placed in any family and immortal, is definitely the mainstay.

Now in front of Yun Feiyang, he is easily wiped out like a weak chicken.

What a dare to think, what a horror!

"too frightening!"

The warriors were chilling one by one.

At this moment, reason finally defeated greed, so that they had a complete plan to escape.

However, it is too late.

Because Yun Feiyang just said very clearly, those who insist on staying here must go to hell!



The Hunyuan Qiankun sword waved in the void, and the swift sword-like qi condensed, interweaving the heavenly net.


Everyone fled in panic.

However, their speed was obviously slower by half a beat under Yunfei's sword spirit, and the result was that they could not avoid it and each one had their heads in different places.


The warriors who were far away shouted in grief.

But the warrior named Boss failed to touch the fish in muddy water, but died under the violent sword spirit.

In the domain, there are many people who pick up leaks, and there are many people who die like this. The real lucky ones are very few.


A big fairy king couldn't sit still, the momentum burst out and rushed down, angrily said: "Hugh will be rampant!"


The aura of terror turned into a big hand, and the sun was overwhelming.


Yun Feiyang drank coldly, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword was suddenly chopped off, forming a matchless sword qi, and directly cut the big hand in half!


The face of the big fairy changed with shock.

At the same time, I felt my own strength, and it was totally worthless in front of the other party!


Yun Feiyang wanted to break the big hand, and he might need to use the three cards such as the God of War soul body change, but now the power of the flesh reaches the extreme, but it can be easily broken by relying on the Hunyuan Qiankun sword.


At this time Song Yubao behind his hands made a seal, a lion and beast mixed with reality and screamed out of the cracked space.

This is the Royal Lion formula.

A martial art that reaches the level of a big fairy king is also one of Song Yubao's cards.

It's so bright that it is clear that Yun Feiyang, who is only a little fairy king, is very powerful.

"A little lion, want to scare me too?"

Yun Feiyang waved his hand and shouted, "Yun, please swallow me!"


In the shattered space, the huge raccoon stepped out and opened his mouth suddenly, swallowing the lion and beast condensed by martial arts on the spot.

"Oh my God!"

"This is... immortal beast!"

The fleeing warriors were so scared that their faces were green.

The five big fairy kings present were also ugly, because they knew that this rare fairy beast was not weaker than himself!


Yun Feiyang coldly said: "Kill all these people to me, one will not stay."

"Observe, master."

Raccoon roared, then raised her forelegs, trampled towards the little fairy king who had fled.

"Do not……"

Everyone exclaimed in despair.

However, just after speaking, he was trampled on by the force of terror, and the flesh shattered on the spot, turning into a blood mist.



Song Yubao and the other four fairy kings were very understanding of circumventing the raven, and each released their martial arts, and flew to Yunfei.


It was at this time that a baby-like strange cry came from the void, a dragon head, four feet, wings, and a golden behemoth appeared in the field of vision!

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